[center][hr][hr][color=9966cc][h1]Tobi Valade[/h1][/color] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/da4b3234e994b7da6acde8d3aef851ec/tumblr_ns3qodUtE81tjr19yo1_500.jpg[/img] [color=9966cc]"Defeat is a state of mind, no one is defeated until defeat is accepted as a reality." -Bruce Lee[/color][/center] [hr][hr] As Tobi expected, not many people were interested in, well, fucking surviving. Most of them probably didn't give a rat's ass about anything Charlie and himself had said. It was irritating to say the least, at least they were [b]trying[/b] to get everyone to work together. One especially disgruntled girl shouted out to them. He regarded her warily as she snapped at both of them with an attitude that could kill. [b][color=plum]"I'm sorry – who exactly put you in charge? Because I must have missed it. What, was I passed out during the election you held while we were plummeting to the ground?"[/color][/b] Valade smirked, she was a feisty one, eh? A spark of annoyance flashed in his eyes. [b][color=9966cc]Wait a minute, weren't your parents Inquisitors? That's how you got those fancy legs right? Well, I never said we were in charge, we were just saying that it would be a smart fucking idea to get stuff out of the ship so we can, ya know, survive. If you don't want to join us feel free to go fuck yourself on your own. But no, we aren't in charge, but I know for sure we won't have an Inquisitor's daughter fucking commanding us around."[/color][/b] Tobi then turned away from her and sauntered to the ship. [b][color=9966cc]"If any of you feel like getting some supplies so you can make it through the night come with me. We're gonna pick this ship dry. You guys know the rule of three right? Three minutes without oxygen and you die, three days without water and you die, and three weeks without food and you die. We don't even know if the water here is drinkable so unless your content with sitting on your asses until your inevitable death I suggest you give us a hand."[/color][/b] He noticed a girl that came out of the ship had some supplies with her, she spoke up. [b][color=8dc73f]"Just—just something I found, but—in the lining of the pods there's a little bit of food? And some tools. So, um. Nobody panic just yet,"[/color] [/b] Tobi stopped and walked over to her. He hoped none of the greedier of the teens would try to forcefully take her supplies. [b][color=9966cc]"Hey you,"[/color][/b] he said, [b][color=9966cc]"can you show us where you got that stuff? we're gonna salvage everything from the ship before we head North. Would you mind helping?"[/color][/b] The young man hoped it wouldn't have to come down to having to fight in order to ration the supplies. He had a feeling these people were going to give him a run for his money. How could one even begin to try and lead or even help people who all hate authority? It was even worse that they were violent. Maybe he could scare them straight with his freakish strength? He wasn't going to hurt anyone of course, that would create anarchy. He would only do that if he had to defend himself of course. Ugh, teenagers. [@hoppiholla391][@c3p-0h]