[center][img]http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t486/isthistaken1/Napoli-6.png[/img][/center] [b]Kickoff[/b] A duelist is always watching. Always studying his opponent to be ready for the precise moment before the strike. For a duelist must always strive for the upperhand, and surprises are the quickest way for a duelist to lose their ground. It is after all, the duelist's job to focus on surprises as they take advantage of openings, to lose this skill is the same as losing the duel. Thus the flying dagger was swiftly blocked by an even quicker parry as Napoli brought forth [i]Arsene[/i] from behind his back. He had after all been strengthening his grip with each word spoken by the old man in front of him. His parry was quickly followed up by two quick steps indicative of a duelist that rapidly put him behind the elder man, with [i]Mercutio[/i] ready in a guard stance. Of course there was one small problem, made readily apparent. "[color=FADA5E][i]Beryl[/i].[/color]" The tone was far harsher than Napoli's generally jests, a hiss akin to the tone he had used when telling Gratia to be silent. "[color=FADA5E]Killing is off limits. He dies, and they'll have another reason to kill [i]her[/i]. I don't want that blood on our hands, do I make myself [i]clear[/i]?[/color]" The air of finality once more persisted with Napoli's words, but at all times his eyes remained glued to the elder man currently focused on Beryl. And while he wouldn't admit it, even without the justification he'd given Beryl, killing anyone just didn't sit right with him. He didn't become a hunter after all to hunt other humans and faunus, he became one to protect a few. Killing just seemed unnecessary, despite the anger that was currently bottling up within the young Mistralian. Yet his mind, ever sharp, was already focusing on the next step, namely as soon as Beryl gave her confirmation, he trusted that he could leave the rest in the hands of his two teammates. That would grant him the opportunity to proceed with the original plan of infiltrating the warehouse from the rear. After all, having a separate stream of intel about the building remained a major boon.