[color=blue]2.Teacher/Student-[/color] Zack loved teaching. He loved helping young people. He loved knowing that he was making a difference in the lives around him. He considered himself the kind of teacher that students felt comfortable approaching. He had an open door policy. Hoping to encourage students that were struggling to come to him. He didn't care if the struggles were school related or person. He told his students that they could come to him anytime about anything. Zack did his best to help his students anyway he could. At the beginning of each school day Zack stood outside and watched the children arrive. He had his long black hair tied back today to keep the wind from blowing it in his face. He did this to help the students to feel safe, being well over six foot tall had its benefits, and so he could see the students off school grounds. Many students behave different out of school then the do in school. Zack believed the more he knew about his students more he could help them. Zack scanned the students as they arrived. His blue eyes taking in every detail for future use.