[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/84qpE9x.png[/img][/center] Our plucky young token minority, currently segregated from the rest of her team and toiling in the kitchen, was having much more fun than many of her Beacon classmates would jest while reading that statement out of context. The first place she had made a beeline for upon reaching the cafeteria were the large bread ovens. They would be impossible to drag over to the freezing survivors (at least, they would be if Lauren wanted them to work) but firing them up to 350 degrees and leaving aprons, gloves, and hairnets in front of the cracked ovens to get 'em nice and toasty. While the stove and clothes were heating up, Lauren began running around and checking faucets. There was no hot water left in the facility, but Lauren found two working microwaves that she could use to heat up a pitcher of water. She didn't find any glasses [color=8882be](capitalism is built on a foundation of milk cartons!)[/color] but she managed to find some bottled water - which was promptly dumped out so that the plastic bottles could be rinsed and filled with the microwave water. [b][i]DING![/i][/b] Which was done! Lauren came scurrying back from behind the buffet line with much less sex appeal than she'd had when she leapt over a minute prior. She was holding a pitcher and a bottle in each hand, working not to spill a drop of the warm water. Muffled commands of [i][color=8882be]"hut one hut two hut one hut two"[/color][/i] rang out through teeth that were clenched around a box of warm, dry clothes. She slowed herself to a halt and unlocked her jaw, dropping the box of clothes on the ground between Sangue and Amy. She set the water down after the provisions and stood-- [color=8882be][i]OH DEAR LORD[/i] "S-Sangue!" [i]SHE IS PURE![/i] ... "Good initiative, Sangue. Take an apron if you need one." [i]Ben...Luke...I'll never judge again.[/i][/color] Sparing just a second when the girls were distracted to jab at her eyes with two fingers, and then stab at Ben's threateningly, Lauren crouched down and began wriggling hairnets over the two men, ensuring no more heat could escape through their heads. Afterwards, she began expertly filling the bottles with water, feeling the plastic grow pliable and soft with heat. At this point, she thought it would be safe to ask some questions. [color=8882be]"Can you hear me, guys? Do you mind telling me if you know anything about the Grimm?"[/color]