[center][h1][color=00aeef]Ian Stryder[/color][/h1] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/vampirediaries/images/2/27/5x22-Swan-Song-HD-Adam-as-Michael-adam-milligan-12279281-1280-720.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120120003528[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Ian's cheering stopped for a moment as another prisoner stood up and questioned his choice to burn his shirt. He paused looking at the kid. Then looked down to the burning shirt. Back again to the kid and then back once again to the shirt. Several times his head moved back and forth between the two before he asked, [color=00aeef]"So... does anyone have an extra shirt. It is getting a little bit windy now..."[/color] Although his words sounded a bit remorseful of burning his shirt a tiny smile couldn't be kept off his face. Inside he was laughing at the crazy predicament they were all in. It made burning a shirt seem a little bit less drastic, at least in the current situation. Moving towards the opening of the ship, Ian quickly searched around for something that he could throw over his bare muscled chest. A few people had the same idea, or maybe they were just to scared of the big new world. He wouldn't know why they would be. So many opportunities. So many new things. It was like getting an entire world for christmas. Finally finding a locker in the back, Ian ripped open the door to find a grey long sleeve shirt. Throwing it over his head he looked down at himself. It was a little tight, but it would keep him warm. And at least he wasn't branded as an Inquisitor prisoner anymore. Looking through the locker for anything else that could help, he pulled out a knife about the size of his hand. Perfect. Just what he needed to start building doors. Or you know other important stuff like hunting... Eh. Walking back out of the ship, Ian saw the same kid from earlier along with another kid with fluffy white hair standing on a rock. [color=00aeef]"Atta boy snowball." [/color]Moving through the crowd to the far side he stared off at the woods. "I'll keep it short. Now you all heard what J said. We need to head north." Turning around he faced the rock. Talking out loud though more to himself than anyone around him, [color=00aeef]"I think he said south. Yep definetly south. We should go south. I remember it clearly. Mind like a steel trap and all."[/color] He tapped his head knowingly. Glancing back towards the woods, Ian could see a girl running away from the ship. She was already far away but it seemed as if she was geared up. And in a hurry, like she didn't want to be seen. [color=00aeef]"Look. She is going south too."[/color] He pointed, completely blowing her escape and also pointing in the northern direction. Looking back at them as if he was completely right, [color=00aeef]"Looks like I was right."[/color] With a shrug and a wink in their direction he sprinted off towards the girl running into the woods.