After Rebeca and Germaine made it to the festival the pair separated; it had been a strange time and an even stranger conversation, despite the fact that he was close at one or two points to actually start lashing out in anger, he had learned a lot, especially in some lessons that he sorely needed. Kirlia seemed to be enjoying spectacle that laid before her eyes, Germaine was impressed as well at how colourful and well displayed the entire event was, a pallette of colours; vibrant and bright, cosplayers depicting various legendary pokemon as far as the eye could see. The cosplayers were dressed incredibly well, it put to shame all of the others he had seen as well as this the floats depicting each legendary he was currently looking at the one for Rayquaza, noting the lack of its occupant. [color=red][i]”Hmm, at least he can’t screw anything up today.”[/i][/color] Germaine made his way down the awaiting floats until he came to his, it was magnificently crafted and oddly enough it didn’t look overly intimidating or scary - if anything it looked cool. Something that Germaine was quite pleased about, it was tough for him in his real form because he looked like a creature from the darkest nightmares, oddly enough Darkrai; the Pokémon responsible for nightmares was less intimidating than himself. After giving an exasperated sigh Germaine stood by his float whereupon a group of cosplayers, all dressed in a form of himself, it was the form that he took upon in this world - in essence most people in this world had no idea what his real forme looked like, so it only made sense. Still, they were well crafted, something that was a familiar theme in this event, everything was done with precision and care - no doubt the events organiser was the responsible party to that effect. The cosplayers at first looked slightly confused when he approached them with Kirlia in tow, however; before he could even open his mouth to state who he was they worked out that he was the avatar of Germaine - their sudden bout of clairvoyance followed with a burst of emotion almost made Germaine jump in surprise. Clearly they were all fans of his legend and upon speaking with them for while they were all from Sinnoh, odd that his name over there was fairly well known now, at least in the region that he surfaced in. It wasn’t long before Germaine took his place on the float and the festival really took off, the entirety of it was really quite amazing the music, the cheering, the display of fireworks that proceeded to occur somewhere behind him. Kirlia was enjoying herself, and for once, in the past couple of days, today seemed to be going very well. That. Quickly changed. The procession quickly fell into chaos, the cause was down to a group who seemingly appeared out of the crowd and released several Pokémon, what happened next truly took Germaine by surprise - they in essence declared war on the Legendary Pokémon, which caused him to laugh at first - they probably were some pissed trainers who thought they couldn't catch Legendaries anymore, to think that any human contraption could catch a Pokémon of legend within of itself was absurd. Germaine was about to turn his head from them before something truly unanticipated occurred, a Koffing was flung into the woman named Justine; whom had stepped up to call them out on their bull, upon which blew up using Self-destruct. A sudden surge of heat blistered the area and the air was seemingly sucked out of the area before being blasted outwards, but this time superheated; it sent people in the vicinity off their feet; knocking down several cosplayers and rocking the float he was upon violently. Germaine was shocked - his ears pounded and his eyes watered from the sudden burst of heat- one thing was for certain - these people meant business, and Germaine would not allow them to claim any further lives. As it stood he couldn’t go into the entire group head first - not unless he wanted to end his life in a short span of time. After collecting himself and grabbing a somewhat distressed Kirlia by the waist, he jumped off the float and stood behind it; the cosplayers had either scattered or followed his example - much to his dismay, now he had collateral to protect. [color=red]”You guys just stay out of trouble okay? I’m going to try and deal with these lunatics, and I don’t want any of you to do anything stupid - these people mean business and they will kill anyone who gets in their way.[/color] [color=red]Got it!?[/color] After a short pause a few of them gave a small nod of the head to show their understanding, clearly they were traumatised, but not to the point where they couldn’t think rationally. Kirlia gave a tug on Germaine’s sleeve and as he looked at her she gave a determined nod, her face almost calm and expressionless - she was ready to do what she needed to in order to save lives and fight those who would aim to take them. Looks can be deceiving - but this little Pokémon had the heart and resolve of steel, fearsome in her own right. Things were deteriorating faster now - chaos reigned in this once joyous festival as the other avatars started attacking the various aggressors, Tantalus effectively demolished the float of Yvetal in a move that removed one of the Golems from the fight- based on the warped piece of wood that was lodged in the Pokémons cracked carapace it’s fair to say that it was dead - fitting that the Pokemon of life chooses when it comes to an end. Alain and Vuduin were both performing moves in order to subdue and incapacitate more Pokémon - it was then, just as Germaine made his way further down the float procession, close to the float that belonged to Xerneas closer to the majority of the avatars that he seen Seras and Charity fighting a Gourgeist, the odds seemed to be in their favour for the moment - it was simply trying to find the right moment to strike against the enemy, he could appear behind them thanks to Kirlia’s teleport, but it would potentially be very dangerous if he didn’t have any back up. Germaine gave his head a shake - now was not the time to be constantly analysing the situation, for once this was a time to act; not just watch. At that moment when Germaine stood and prepared to aid his fellow avatars he seen a discouraging sight, Charity was hit hard by an attack from the enemy Gourgeist, she was out for the count by the looks of it - hopefully nothing too serious. Germaine looked down to Kirlia and gave a nod as she began to channel her psychic energy and teleported the pair next the injured Charity. Thankfully Charity was only wounded - it looked pretty bad, but nothing potentially life threatening, assuming that nothing else bad happened to her. [color=red]”Kirlia, keep an eye on Charity and protect her from any further harm.”[/color] Kirlia looked solemn but nevertheless gave a determined nod as her reply. Germaine jumped down from the float and stood beside Seras, whom had several clumps of rock floating around her hand, he stance was battle ready and with a taxed voice she told him that this Pokémon that was their foe could materialise from thin air. [color=red]”From thin air you say? That will make the fight much more difficult, but, there will be a pattern to its attacks, if we can discover that we can preempt it before it lands a crippling blow again.”[/color] A foe that could disappear and reappear all the while landing a critical blow against an opponent… it’s very reminiscent of a move his real forme is known to have. But how could such a odd looking Pokémon have something that is of Legendary proportions - the foes that they faced were no ordinary ones, that's for sure. Germaine wasn’t overly knowledgable on the Pokémon Gourgeist- he knew its typing and that was roughly it -however he wasn’t in the position to wait around and watch its moves and patterns- this situation could deteriorate very fast and time is of the essence. The reappearance of the Gourgeist served only to reaffirm the need for action - the grinning Pokémon had returned a bit closer to its respective owner - opposite Germaine and Seras. [color=red]”Well - time to do the job we were here for in the first place.”[/color] The Gourgeist gave a malicious smile before emitting an eerie cry, clearly it was anticipating its next “fight”, giving his signal to Kirlia which was the the preparation of his Dragon claw, she channeled her energy once again and teleported Germaine in a suitable position to strike at his foe. The Gourgeist hadn’t anticipated a direct assault and its face contorted into one of both disgust and surprise when Germaine materialised next to it, following with a strike filled with raw power of a dragon. It was, as to be expected a heavy blow against the enemy, the Gourgeist took a short amount of time to recover from the surprise and its immediate injury before vanishing in a plume of dark smoke. This must be the move that seriously hurt Charity. Trying to focus on an unseen threat as the chaos continued to unfold around him was an incredibly taxing process, beyond that something had caused a blistering heat to envelope the city - things were simply going to get worse the longer this battle went on. Germaine was brought out of his thoughts once again as he sensed something appear behind him - too late to act upon it the attack that followed was incredibly powerful, knocking and lifting him off his feet, sending Germaine through the air, his body giving a few rolls before coming to a stop behind the float to Xerneas- no amount of healing would come from this thing, that's for sure. Kirlia gave a worried look and teleported him back near the relative safety of Seras and herself. “Kirlia, could you heal Charity for us?” she asked. “Either she’ll be able to help or we’ll force Gourgeist to fight on our terms.” Germaine picked himself up after grunting in pain [color=red]”I’m surprised Charity isn’t a worse state after that move…[/color] Seras, appeared to be using a move as he looked towards her, she had done something with the sea of gemstones scattered around the area, focusing them into the area around them, together they clumped in masses of pointy shards and their colour and glow changed to a deep amber, they looked deadly. And, both their purpose and threat became evident as the enemy re-materialised and one of the nearby crystals gave a threatening glow, turning from amber to a deep crimson before shattering in with explosive force, sending a hail of red-hot crystalline shards in an arc towards the Gourgeist - the Pokémon gave a distressed cry and its face contorted with anger, it itself began to give an ominous glowing before screaming towards the four of them, it was flying straight towards them all, and clearly it’s intent was that of mutual destruction, it was using Self-destruct like the Weezing did earlier, all of these Pokémon had been wired into tools of destruction.... it was clear that overall their intent was to kill as many who were against them as possible. Germaine had to do something -in theory Kirlia could teleport them all away from the blast radius, but that wouldn’t resolve the fact that it would kill many nearby… Some further rule breaking would be called for, much to Germaine's dismay, it would also unveil his real forme to any who watched. Standing up and running head first towards the threat before him he channeled his energy into the Distortion world and opened a pitch black portal beneath his feet and underneath his intended target, the Gourgeist slowed momentarily at the creation beneath it, but did little to deters it malicious intent. In this moment Germaine wrapped himself around the Pokémon and allowed his body and his captive to sink into the portal, his shape and body distorting in the process. The pitch blackness of the portal had disappeared and one could see the other side with surprising clarity. Giratina's prison, the Distortion world, a world opposite to the real one where physics and the laws of nature applied all the wrong rules and invented new ones on whims. Giratina had resumed his normal forme, a massive colossal being that was snake like in nature, with the exception to the six tentacle like tendrils that came through his upper back; it was the Gourgeist that was gripped in these tendrils, held close to his chest as if the Pokémon was a treasured item The pokémon was unsure what had just happened but it continued its last act of desperation none the less, desperate to take at least one being with it. A powerful shockwave rippled through the Distortion world and transmitted with a lesser effect into the real world, inside one could watch as a plume of fire spread in almost every direction, as if in slow motion before a brief distortion in time allowed it to resume at full pace and the full effect took place as it had done in once before, through the smoke a completely unaffected Giratina remained, the move had done nothing to his body and in a brief lapse of judgement at his happiness of vanquishing the foe without so much as a scratch in his forme he let loose a triumphant cry - the noise was reminiscent of his introduction in the event, a harrowing scream pierced into the real world and echoed through the chaos. Giratina gave a look back into the real world and his pupils contracted at the sight of Seras gazing silently into the portal towards him; no doubt she was not the only person who could see his terrifying forme.