[center][h3][color=steelblue]Bonny Mako[/color][/h3][/center] [@Mr Allen J] [@BCTheEntity] [hr] Bonny made a face as she saw the pasty-lookin' bloke walking towards them with his shoulders hunched in that "I'll kill you bitches!" pose. She turned to whisper to Olivia. "Ah shit, I think he mighta heard us, Liv," she said, completely missing the point. Bonny steeled herself, fully prepared to apologize if that's what it took to stop a fight. A Faunus like her didn't need that on her record, especially not on her first day. Then she caught a whiff of his breath. She covered her nose with her sleeve. "Shiver me timbers, what the bloody hell didya eat?! Yer breath smells like someone stuck a candle up yer ass and lit it! Makes me want to dance the hempen jig, cripes!" Bonny knew full well this wasn't helping her case. Then again, maybe she didn't. But [i]god[/i] almighty, that smell was awful! It's like he brushed his teeth and bathed himself every day or something! And it was right up in her face! Her eyes started to water. Gently, she pinched her nose shut and took a deep breath.