Eli arose from the pod with a muted gasp, like she had to care for inhaling dust. She ached all over, her head was sore, and her left hand shook like a leaf while her same-sided foot was on pins and needles. Like a corpse revived, she pulled herself up and shambled out of the pod, almost stumbling onto her knees. Given her record, one might have expected the angry denial, or cold dismissal of the simulation as "faulty". But Eli didn't look upset, in fact in the brief moment her head was up at all to survey her surroundings, she just looked blank. Vaguely she recalled Lofgren's remarks as she disconnected from the simulation, but when she approached the doctor she had nothing to say about them. She just stared for a moment, glanced down at the readings before deciding she wouldn't know what to do with the information even is she understood it, then looked to the clock. [color=6ecff6]"Can I go."[/color] she rasped, and the words sounded strange. Their informality was out of place, both in the situation as well as the girl's vocabulary. Eli was used to blunt statements, but not lax ones. Then, as if the question had already been answered, she turned and began shuffling out of the room. [color=6ecff6]"Contact me if anything else comes up."[/color]