Name: Malnuniaa:cphiiekneavosze:ia (Mal-noo-nya-chvee-ah-nyia-fo-zha-ya, "Noon"; means "Born in Earth's Orbit", a common girl's name; Colons are full stops while speaking, and separate the words - Malnuniaa means Orbit, ia means Born, cphiiekneavosze is the word for Earth (the meaning is derogatory, and Noon is one of a growing community of her people who wants to change it to "Earth" in their language)) Playbook: The Outsider Look: [url=]Shifting[/url] - [url=]Human Body[/url] - [url=]No Costume[/url] {Sorry about all the pictures, but those should be the only three looks. Only she doesn't look so angry in any of them} Abilities: Radical Shapeshifting, Alien Weaponry [b]Labels[/b] Freak -2 -1 0 [u]+1[/u] +2 +3 Danger -2 [u]-1[/u] 0 +1 +2 +3 Savior -2 -1 [u]0[/u] +1 +2 +3 Superior -2 -1 0 +1 [u]+2[/u] +3 Mundane -2 -1 0 [u]+1[/u] +2 +3 {+1 to Mundane; only reason she isn't like humans is because of her people's scientific advancement since the original scouting parties left their planet to live on Earth} Moves: Belong in Two Worlds; Not so different after all; Alien Tech [b]Team Moves[/b] [b]When you share a triumphant celebration with someone,[/b] take Influence over them if you show them meaningful affection, physical or emotional. They decide if it's meaningful. [b]When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone,[/b] they tell you what you should do to fit in more. Take +1 forward to do it, and mark Potential if you do. [b]Relationships[/b] You've been learning about Earth by spending time with Memory. You have a crush on Psyche but you keep it under wraps. [b]Influence[/b] Choose your demeanor: haughty or [b]cheerful[/b]. If you're cheerful, then you're thrilled to be here. Give everyone influence over you. [hider=Background]Noon was, as her name suggests, born in Earth's orbit. However, she was born much farther away, in the Epsilon Boötis star system. She maintains that Homo Sapiens is just an evolution of their first scouting parties of the planet. She herself is part of a new group of scouts, though unlike previous ones, she will not be seen as a god now that supers are around. While she's here to do her mission - determining whether or not humans are advanced enough to be uplifted, and more importantly, whether her people can stay here safely permanently, with their planet soon to be lost to the twin suns - she stays because she cares more about their personal lives than her job requires. Her people have no real interest in her coming home to their planet, but they do have a "lunar fleet" on the other side of the moon that serves as a near-Earth base. They also have a satellite that's been orbiting the planet for 13,000 years which has occasionally served as a temporary home for a small number at a time. They know that they'll have to either live on Earth itself or on a space station orbiting the planet; they can't stay on their own, after all. Noon's people look like humans, but with bigger eyes, and move much more freely, since their planet has a thicker atmosphere, and are frequently cold, since earth is cooler. Their eyes glow media, since they have genetic nanofabrication abilities (hence the shapeshifting) and it seems a convenient thing to have. Noon still thinks the descendents of the original Epsilonian scouting party (humans) are equals, despite thousands of years of propaganda saying they've become savages, and respects them as such. She sees the team as equals, and worthy allies to her people.[/hider]