[@Banana] "[color=f7941a]I have no idea. I can't remember if she said anything about that.[/color]" Claire and Yuki focused on the portal. Yuki, worried for the race she had created, had the portal shift to several places across Asia. In most places she checked, it seemed as if the Mirifakino tribes were still safe, and were simply finding places to take shelter. This brought her relief. They were playing smart and finding shelter from the tear in the sky. However, she adopted a shocked expression when she switched to another tribe's location. Yes, it was one of the more violent ones, but she still wished for their safety. The scene was...gruesome. The warriors were fending off one of their own, and all around the village were corpses of all ages, either burning, or in pieces, or simply dead. The non-fighters could be seen running off into the distance. Claire, quickly took control of the portal and switched to her Duskicians, in an attempt to keep Yuki from witnessing more. She was overprotective of her, and did not want her to break. Unfortunately, Claire too was shocked when the portal showed the race she had created. Almost everyone was standing in place, ready to attack or cast a spell at any time. Scattered around them were what looked to be others of their kind, as still as the grave. Nearby, there was a barrier of sorts, holding several unconscious Duskicians. Clearly whatever the portal had done sent their races into dangerous situations. Yuki looked to Xoxi with a worried look. "[Color=fdc68a]Xoxi, Should we check on your myceling friend?[/color]"