[b]Real Name:[/b] Red Falcon (Max Hunter) [b]Playbook:[/b] The Legacy [b]Legacy Name:[/b] Captain Eagle [hider=Look][img]http://i1040.photobucket.com/albums/b407/DoctorSim/Red%20Falcon_zpsfnnpw5jk.png[/img][/hider] Man, White, comfortable clothing, traditional costume [b]-Abilities-[/b] Starting out: Sonic Shout, Flight (via Raptor Suit), and Martial Arts Full suite: Sonic Shout, Flight, Martial Arts, Holmesian Deduction, and Fearsome Reputation. [b]-Labels-[/b] (added +1 to Danger) Freak: -2 -1 [u][b]0[/b][/u] +1 +2 +3 Danger: -2 -1 [u][b]0[/b][/u] +1 +2 +3 Savior: -2 -1 0 +1 [u][b]+2[/b][/u] +3 Superior: -2 -1 [u][b]0[/b][/u] +1 +2 +3 Mundane: -2 -1 0 [u][b]+1[/b][/u] +2 +3 [b]-Moves-[/b] I know what I am Never give up, never surrender [b]-Relationships-[/b] You once got caught breaking your legacy's rules with _[u]Kiante[/u]_. You trust _[u]Noon[/u]_ and told them an important secret of your legacy. [b]-Influence-[/b] You're a part of this team, for better or worse, and you care what they think. Give influence to all your teammates. [b]-Legacy-[/b] Captain Eagle (Rex Hunter) was the first in the line, going all the way back to World War II. Silver Hawk (Joel Hunter) was the second in line, and is now enjoying his retirement. Black Condor (Jay Hunter) was the third to inherit the mantle, and is still on active duty. The Headhunter was their greatest foe... and he's still at large. [hider=Background]It started with Rex Hunter, better known as Captain Eagle. During World War II, Rex was among the first generation of heroes that took up the fight against the Nazis. Armed only with his guns, wits, and trademark sonic shout, Captain Eagle often found himself at the center of the front lines, barking orders to the soldiers or even to his fellow superheroes about how best to efficiently to achieve their missions. When he wasn't doing that, he was fighting the Nazis himself, combining his military training, sharp cunning, and his one natural superpower to knock those German assholes down a few pegs. He was hero, a damned good one, often considered one of the best. Of course, those honors are all posthumous, as Captain Eagle heroically gave his life in order for the Allies to successfully invade Berlin and end the war in Europe. Rex's legacy didn't end in Europe, however. In fact, it was only just the beginning. Before America's involvement in the war, Rex had recently married his high school sweetheart, Martha Crawford. They, er... "celebrated" their newlywed status before he shipped off to Europe. Nine months later, a baby was born, a boy named Joel. Having grown up with the stories of his father's endless heroics and daring-do in the war, Joel spent his youth idolizing the father he never had a chance to meet, honestly believing him to be a paragon of what a hero should be: Selfless, strong, and a leader of men. When he discovered he had inherited the sonic shout his father was famous for, Joel was all too eager to join the good fight. But he was not as much a soldier as his father. In fact, Joel pursued science and engineering, believing that to be the future of how good was to fight against evil... and he wasn't entirely wrong. Joel invented a set of winged armor he called the Raptor Suit. With it, he could soar through the sky like many of his super heroic peers. The armor could help protect him as well, so that was also a plus. Donned in his silvery armor, Joel called himself Silver Hawk and took to the skies to fight for truth, justice, and the American way. Sometime during his career, Joel too married and, like his father before him, had a son... Jay. Jay was pretty much groomed from the start to inherit the mantle from his father, but unlike him, Jay was resistant to the idea. Joel had already forged a strong reputation with his heroics and iconic superhero image. In fact, Silver Hawk was arguably one of the most marketed super heroes of the Silver Generation, even getting his own action figure and line of Comic Books. In his off time, Joel served as a sort of superhero ambassador, often asked to act as the face of the superhero community when dealing with the government at large. What was there left for Jay to do? Like many of his generation, Jay began to see the older heroes for what they truly were... well-intentioned but also naive and misguided. He decided to focus on restoring law and order to the dark slums of the city. He built a Raptor Suit for himself, able to use more advanced tech to refine the design and give it a more stealthy and covert functionality, even adding an amplifier that increased the power of his shouts. Afterwords, he took upon himself the name Black Condor, and used this darker persona to pursue the truly twisted forms of evil. Criminal sociopaths and psychotic terrorists among others. It was Jay who first encountered Headhunter, a notorious assassin known for collecting the masks of the superheroes he kills as trophies. Headhunter was Condor's first true challenge, so much so that the recently retired Joel had to put on his suit one more time to help Jay take the assassin down. After this encounter, Black Condor began creating connections and ties to various branches of law enforcement, police, FBI, you name it. So determined to escape Silver Hawk's shadow was he, that Jay left barely enough time for his own family, having becoming married to the job as it were. And then there's Max, Jay's son. With such a rich family history, one would think a kid like Max would have it easy. They'd be wrong. Max's mother passed away of breast cancer only a couple years after he was born. And his father? Well, maybe his wife's death had something to do with it, but Jay became even more absorbed in his work, becoming so married to the job that he hardly had time to raise his own son. As such, Max has probably spent more time with his grandpa than he has his own dad. Of course, being so frustratingly optimistic as he is, Joel insists that things aren't easy for Jay either and yadda yadda yadda. After a while, it started feeling like Grandpa Joel was just making excuses for the bastard. Still, Silver Hawk has proven to be a rather awesome grandpa to have, ever since one time when Max turned sixteen, Joel let him try out his old raptor suit, even teaching Max how properly fly with it. Now that, Max will always admit, was really freaking cool.[/hider]