Masks Character Sheet Playbook: The Nova Real Name: Kiante Moore (Hunter) Mask Name: The Crimson Jackal Abilities: Sorcery Look: [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] -Man -Black -Fashionable Clothes -No Costume -Labels- +1 to Superior Freak: -2 -1 0 +1 [u]+2[/u] +3 Danger: -2 -1 0 [u]+1[/u] +2 +3 Savior: -2 -1 [u]0[/u] +1 +2 +3 Superior: -2 -1 0 [u]+1[/u] +2 +3 Mundane: -2 [u]-1[/u] 0 +1 +2 +3 Burn: When you charge up your powers, roll + conditions you currently have marked. On a hit, hold 3 Burn. On a 7-9, mark a condition. On a miss, hold 2 Burn, and mark 3 conditions. Flares Reality Storm: You channel a destructive burst with your powers. Spend 1 Burn to directly engage a threat using your powers, rolling + Freak instead of + Danger. If you do, you will cause unwanted collateral damage unless you spend another Burn. Constructs: Spend up to 3 Burn to create a construct that will obey your orders. Each Burn you spend gives the construct an additional condition it can mark, choose: Broken, Stunned, Confused, Fragile, Weakened. The construct is only good for physical actions. When the construct would trigger a move, roll + the Burn spent in its creation (max +3) instead of the normal Label. At the end of any scene, the construct dissipates. Juggling: Spend 1 Burn to rearrange the location of up to three unanchored people or important objects (not yourself) in the area, each one up to the size of a normal human being. Spend 1 more Burn (total of 2 Burn) to rearrange objects up to the size of a car. Spend a total of 3 Burn to rearrange objects up to the size of a truck. Worship: You put out a tremendous display of your might. Spend 1 Burn to awe an audience into silence, respect, and attention when you unleash your powers. [hider=My Hider] Apophsis is an infamously twisted and dangerous super-villain, with abilities that can be very overwhelming to all but the greatest of heroes. While originally a hero of sorts during the Silver Age who went by the name of Osiris, a paragon of the city that was loved and respected by all other heroes. However, while he was praised for his accomplishments, it wasn't enough for the man formerly known as Richard Otis Moore. He began to slowly fall into obsession with gaining more and more power, to further his own magical knowledge in order to better protect the city from crime. He poured himself over many tomes of ancient history, traveled to distant worlds and dimensions well steeped in the ways of magic. His powers kept growing and growing, but it was never enough. Other heroes were worried for him, as he began to seclude himself from the world whenever he was off duty, and the few times people saw him, he looked disheveled and slightly maddened, whispering to himself and muttering about how close he was to the truth. Another problem for him was the inevitable, as he felt his body and mind weaken with the onset of age. Looking down at his body as it began to decay, he felt great fear that he'd leave this world before he ever had the chance to find the truth. in this moment of weakness, he found himself besieged in his dreams by spirits and specters of darker forces, whispering into his mind that they had the answer. He tried his best to resist their temptations, but in the end, his mind shrouded by fear and under the influence of darker, stronger forces, he gave in. He faked his own death when fighting a powerful foe sent by these darkened forces, killing the man as part of the ritual as he began to commit many atrocities in his search for power and immortality, all the while convinced that it would all be worth it in the end. For 10 years after his death, the world mourned and consider the man a hero while he killed and terrorized people in secret, one step ahead of the heroes cause he knew how they woke, and losing his humanity and original reasoning for doing these things. And then, he revealed himself. It was at the birthday party of a small boy, put together by his superhero father as the family was a Legacy, having been going on since the beginnings of the Golden Age. The affair was one of merriment and wonder, especially when the entertainment arrived, a magician who awed the party-goers with his amazing stunts and feats of wondrous impossibilities. For his final trick, the mysterious magician asked for two volunteer, the birthday boy and his beautiful mother. He presented them on the stage a smile on his face as he clapped his hands together. A circle of red hieroglyphs would appear around the two, and the two volunteers would only have enough time to scream out in terror as they fell into some sort of portal, which was soon closed afterwards. And then, a multitude of portals began to open up, and from them came hordes of monsters of pure chaos and shadow, tearing apart the normal guest, and providing a fair challenge for the heroes their, who were enraged by what had happened. They struggled as one to get to the man responsible, but he simple waved his hands in front of him when they reached the stage. A wave of magical energy would wash over the heroes, twisting their forms into horrific amalgamations of flesh and bone, barely describable as human. He came out to the world stage, lifting the veil he'd cast on himself to show the world the hero they had come all loved, looking like he was at his prime as he stood over the desecrated bodies of an entire family of heroes. Clapping his hands again, he brought up the bodies of the birthday boy and his mother, the mother near death and the boy crying over her. With barely a thought, they were both ended with a quick blast of chaotic energy, turning them into dust before they could even beg for their lives. The hero formerly known as Osiris renamed himself then as Apophsis and proclaimed to the world at large that his plans were simple: to rule the world with the powers he had been given as was his right as given by the forces above, and to destroy anyone who got in his way. And from that moment onward, Apophsis has been seeking to do just that, except when he gets bored. It seems that whatever forces that gave the man his new found power, also made him quite mentally unstable. He goes into mood swings, tends to things at random, and has little sense of morality anymore. Heś quick to get bored with something and never truly commits to anything. It´s truly a wonder that he consistently focuses on his ambition at all. Despite these failings, however, he has a truly powerful force of presence, and type of charisma that draws others to him, even if it´s likely to get them killed. His powers and presence make some people worship him like a dark god, a being of such divinity that you´re blessed to be held worthy of his attention. It was this magnetic personality that allowed for Kiante to be born, as Apophis grew an interest in one of his cultist followers, and she was soon found to be pregnant. The thought of Father hod brought a change to his madness, as he seemed to take the responsibility of the position to heart. His plans became more solid, his demeanor less chaotic and mad. As he spent time with the child, and even began to care a bit for the mother, it almost was like the Richard was coming back to the surface. And then Kiante was taken from him, in a raid on his lair after one of his faithful was captured by a vigilante and interrogated for the information. Their were casualties on both sides, more on Apophis´ side than the heroes. He was forced to leave before he could retrieve his son, gravely wounded as he left with the remainder of his flock. This caused him to fully embrace his ambition, as he recovered from his injuries, as well as to take back what´s his. He began to actively recruit others to his cause, villains and mercenaries of great power, but not to great to avoid being sidelined by a coup. Soon, he´ll rise again to swallow the shining sun that is the world's heroes and rule it from his darkened throne. After being separated from his father, a young Kiante was held in a sort of containment center. He had already made a showing of his potential power by nearly crushing an unsuspecting Protege with a huge mound of sand. Many felt that he was to dangerous, a few Bronze age heroes even considering of either nipping the potential threat in the bid or imprisoning the kid for the rest of his life. However, before such measures could be taken, Joel Hunter, The Silver Eagle, swooped down to take the child under his wing. There were some problems and arguments, of course, but in the end, Kiante would leave with the Silver Age hero and join the Hunter family. To say that there were complications at first in the family would be an understatement, as the teachings of the Lord of Chaos were hard to erase. However, as the boy grew up in this family that was so opposite in beliefs to his own, he felt a sort of . . . kinship with them. He never let them know it or see it, but he did care for these people, at least a little bit. The next 9 years would show a slow, but noticeable, change in demeanor. While he still treats everyone as beneath him, he no longer actively tries to put them down, has developed some sense of self-control in using his abilities, and even wants to help people, having been infected by the old man's altruism. But his other, less heroic habits have remained, including a lack of care for the consequences of his actions, a lack in care in how he accomplishes what he needs to accomplish, and trouble working with others. He's definitely still toeing the line, and is always ready to fight off people who try to tell him what to do, but he's getting closer. [/hider] - When did you first use your powers? The first time Kiante used his abilities was around when he was held by heroes after the assault on his father's lair. - Who was the first person you accidentally hurt with your powers? That would be the protege that he kind of crushed, as he didn't meant to do it, though he wasn't sorry about it afterwards. The guy had been spewing a bunch of mean words and he'd gotten upset. - Who, outside the team, can help you control your powers? Directly, his father, but indirectly, I could say that maybe Joel. Not sure. - Why do you continue to use your powers? Kiante uses his powers because he feels he has a right to use them, and it's mainly because of Joel that he uses them to help others more often than he does to help himself. - Why do you care about the team? He may give off the appearance that he doesn't care for his team, but he does care for at least two of them, and that's why he works with the others, who he may just barely tolerate(Argon). - We destroyed our surroundings in the fight. Where was it? What did we destroy? If we're going with the super villain prison or whatever, than Kiante may have been the main factor for the break out, One of the villains pissed him off, and he decided to return the favor by hitting him with a massive heat spell. Unfortunately, that also caused the equipment keeping the other villains contained to malfunction, thus leading to their escape. If it's the mayor saving thing, than it was the mayor's house or, at the very least, a significant portion of it. Relationships: You hang out all the time with Max to blow off steam. You once hurt I think ? when you lost control of your powers. Influence Max has influence over him, as they have spent the last 8-9 years around each other.