After the mysterious assailants disappeared in a flash of light, Fluke ran towards the one remaining. He could quickly feel a the small current of a beating heart, and thought of sending a small shock through the stranger - until he felt the blood beneath one of his paws. He shouted with excitement, hoping to communicate that the man he was standing by was still alive. Then he started walking towards Wells' hotel, as he wanted to inform him about the chaos that erupted. He was supposed to wake him up briefly before the tournament, but decided to inform him that it would almost certainly be delayed instead. A pair of police officers patrolling took a quick look at Fluke, before finishing their rounds. Fluke quickly ran up the stairs to Wells' room. He knocked on the door, although he heard no response. He awkwardly jumped up to the doorbell, and heard the sound of someone falling to the floor. Wells rushed to the door, surprised to see Fluke. "Did they move the time forward?" Fluke shook his head. "Then it must have been cancelled." After Wells said that, Fluke started running back towards the floats. Wells followed him, knowing Fluke's intent. It didn't take long before he reached the scene of carnage, being particularly surprised at the traces of what had to be Porytech's float. He could also a stranger dressed in white, which Helioptile quickly pointed at. He would point at someone important I didn't know about... someone responsible! There was no crowd to adore him, which was why Wells casually walked towards the floats of the avatars he recognized. Although he could see how exhausted everyone happened to be, his sense of humor possessed him again. "Looks like someone was a bit too inspired by me. They should probably have toned down their entrance." Wells managed to suppress a tasteless smile, as he commanded Fluke to watch the man dressed in white as he surveyed the scene.