[center]Collab between [@Vulkan], [@MiddleearthRoze], and [@Thundercrash][/center] Rebeca had been about to charge down the trainer when she felt something. It was hard to describe, little more than an odd feeling that she couldn’t quite put her finger on, that something was different, something had changed. Then one of the many skylights that dotted the ceiling shattered, and a figure dropped through the hole. She saw the sky, once bright and clear, rapidly cloud over, then rain began to pelt against the glass, painting a circular puddle on the ground. [i][color=crimson]Ookay. That’s something.[/color][/i] Based on the fancy white clothing he was wearing (impractical for fighting as it was), she had to guess it was the same guy from the previous night; the one she had gut-punched after he had broken a door and nearly ruined her meal. Seeing him didn’t do much to improve her mood, but at the moment she had bigger concerns. He and that Kaze kid (which was rather surprising, she didn’t think the kid had it in him) dispatched their Pokemon with relative ease, and had turned their attention to the trainer. She wanted a crack at him as well. Several feet away, the Gourgeist picked itself up and shook its head, slightly stunned from the hit. It had thought that its leaves would do more damage than they had, but the Groudon woman had proved to be tougher than expected. As it looked around, it spied a newcomer; a red-haired male. Before its astonished eyes, great wings unfurled from its back, and dark energy began collecting in his hand. Another one of the Avatars, the death flyer if the wings were any indication. A wicked smile formed on the Gourgeist’s face, and it began collecting a Shadow Ball between its hands. Its mission had just become that much easier. Rushing forward, it launched the roiling mass forward, the orb rocketing towards the Avatar’s hands. With the Pineco dealt with quite swiftly by both herself and Scarlet - whether it was dead or not, she wasn't sure. Either way, it hadn't gotten back up from the double fire-type attack it had been hit with - and Mia's attention was brought to one of her allies. A brown-haired girl, who looked younger than herself... and clearly a fellow Avatar. From the heat emanating from the girl, it was obvious she was the host body of a fire-type Legendary, like herself. But which one? [i][color=indianred]"Hmm... I like this one, Mia. She get's things done."[/color][/i] Scarlet chuckled as the pair watched on - a great eruption of steam coming from the ground. [color=turquoise]"Well, if you like her, perhaps we should lend a hand? Two lots of fire can never hurt-"[/color] Mia's sentence faltered as a small drop of rain landed on the tip of her nose. And it was swiftly followed by more - much to the ire of herself and her Ninetales. Now, Mia enjoyed the rain. It was pleasant to listen to it, or even enjoy it's refreshing feel every now and then. But in a battle, where one was dependent on fire-type moves? Rain was hardly doing much to aid her in that. Pouting at the sky - and the Avatar who had obviously opened the heavens on them all - Mia momentarily forgot herself until Scarlet hit her in the face with her many tails; alerting her back to the fight, where two Pokemon still lay in wait to be attacked... and one of them just had. Although too late to stop the Gourgeist from letting loose it's Shadow Ball at another Avatar, who was radiating so much darkness that it was obvious it was at least one of his types, Mia did have the chance to intercept it. [color=turquoise]"Scarlet! Use Feint Attack, then Fire Spin!"[/color] Mia gave the order, and as her dearest Ninetales watched on incredulously, Mia flew right at the Shadow Ball, allowing it to hit herself rather than the other Avatar head on. [color=indianred][i]"Oh, Mia, you bloody fool."[/i][/color] Scarlet sighed before turning her eyes to the Gourgeist, letting loose with her first attack, and then rounding off again to perform her second. Of course, she knew the reasoning behind it - Mia was quite up to date on her types of Pokemon and moves; after recieving Scarlet at the age of 14, she'd pored for hours over books, researching the different effectiveness of moves and whatnot. Entirely pointless, at the time, as battling was banned in the hospital for good reason. But, it appeared in the heat of the battle, Mia had briefly forgotten her knowledge, having obviously mixed up her Dark and Ghost types. The Avatar before her was obviously been a Dark type, and the Shadow Ball was a ghost type move - obviously, Mia was under the impression it would have been Super-Effective, when in reality, it wouldn't have done all that much to him. It had, in fact, hurt her more. [i][color=indianred]"Fool..."[/color][/i] Scarlet sighed again. After firing his shot, Alain whirled around, watching a Avatar intercept a shadow ball aimed straight for him. He didnt know this one. Crouching to the ground, he eyeballed the shooter. A Gourgeist. A small one, but that would just make it harder to hit. Even so, at least that speed came with a trade off of less power... He looked down at the Avatar who had taken the shot for him. She didn't look like she had taken it very well. He couldn't tell what avatar she was, but hazarded a guess at a psychic one, by her appearance and white wings. He couldn't remember which legendary had those, and with the state he was in, didnt really care. He crouched next to her, looking up at the Gourgeist. "Er....um....p.....please....don't do that....again." He stuttered, going straight back to his normal personality as he spoke. "Y...ou should stay...down. I...wi...will finish this one." As he said this, he got up, and unfurled his wings to their maximum span. "I...like your wings, by the way. T...thanks for taking that for me. Please be careful." Holding his hands out, they began to glow as he chopped through the air with them both, sending a blade of air at the Gourgeist. Gourgeist hissed in annoyance when a Ninetales slammed into its side, purple energy crackling slightly over its creamy fur. The attack had hurt, and now it had another enemy to deal with. Its hissed turned to pain as the Fox Pokemon released a stream of flames that curled around its body. It tried to see if its attack had landed, and became perplexed to see another winged Avatar lying on the ground, a sizable black burn visible on her side through her torn dress. Another target had made itself available? Fate truly was shining on it this day. Unfortunately, it didn’t have time to celebrate. The black-winged Avatar released a shining blade of air from its hands, something that clipped the Gourgeist in its feet as it tried to evade, hampered by the ring of flames. Turning, it hissed towards the Ninetales. “(Do not interfere, Ninetales. This must be done!)” A cracking sound split the air, and a barrage of rocks slammed into the Gourgeist from behind. Hissing again, it whirled itself about, only to come face to face with the Groudon girl from before, scowling darkly as silver claws extended from her fingers. “[color=crimson]You really are annoying, aren’t you.[/color]” The light from her markings had dimmed, but her eyes still glowed with a fierce light as she advanced. Another foe? Four were certainly much to handle, but it had its orders. Glowering at its new target, it faded into purple smoke that dispersed in the heat waves of the Fire Spin. [color=turquoise][i]"Ow. Ow. Ow. I fucked up."[/i][/color] Mia thought to herself as the Shadow Ball hit her; at which point, she had correctly remembered her stats on Pokemon. Dark and Ghost mixed up [i]she did that literally all the damn time[/i]. [color=indianred][i]"First of all, watch your language! Secondly, I know. Serves you right for playing the Hero!"[/i][/color] Scarlet snapped, outraged that her second attack hadn't worked due to the cowardly Gourgeist fading away. Mia - who was currently curled in on herself, wincing at the black burn on her side - stuck out her tongue at her Pokemon. [i][color=turquoise]"I'm an Avatar! Of course I'm playing a Hero!"[/color][/i] She retorted in a somewhat sulky tone - although her eyes darted straight to the Avatar who she'd (Incorrectly) saved from the Shadow Ball as he spoke. His tone was strangely... different to his appearance. Stuttering, almost as if he were nervous? Anyhow, he thanked her - seemed pretty anxious to make sure she wasn't going to get hurt again. Heck, the guy even complimented her wings, at which she offered up a somewhat pained grin. [color=turquoise]"Stupid Pokemon ruined my dress..."[/color] She muttered, considering the dress a better thing to focus on rather than pain. However, her focus was swiftly directed back to the fire-type Legendary... as she changed into something absolutely Godlike. Her eyes were glowing, alongside markings on her skin and wickedly sharp talons sprouting from her fingernails. The markings looked similar, but she couldn't exactly recall from what Legendary... [i][color=turquoise]"Scar - when he becomes visible, use Feint Attack again..."[/color][/i] Mia directed towards her Pokemon, who was still looking rather aggressively at the place where the Gourgeist had disappeared from. [color=indianred]"Oh, hush. Keep low, or I'll be forced to knock you out myself."[/color] She growled in a stern, almost motherly tone, her hackles raised. A few feet above the trio, a shadowy shape emerged in the air, vaguely shaped like the Gourgeist. Smiling wickedly, it spread its arms as Ghost energy crackled around its fists and dove. Spying the descending shape, Rebeca roared "[color=crimson]Move! Now![/color]" Alain watched carefully as the gourgeist dodged his attack by scarce inches, and proceeded to disappear in the fire spin. For half a second, Alain wondered if the fire had finished it off, before dashing those thoughts. It was a ghost type. He wouldn't relax his guard until he had drained it almost dry. "[color=crimson]Move! Now![/color]" He saw a shadowy wisp in the corner of his eye, whirling around to meet it. It appeared in the air, and dropped straight towards the white avatar. Alain launched himself foward, his wings turning from feathers into flexible steel, Crouching over the white avatar, he placed a steel wing to shield her, before aiming carefully and firing another dark pulse straight towards the descending gourgeist. Hissing in irritation, the Gourgeist swerved, dodging the Dark Pulse before slamming its fists into the glowing wing, then swooping away to put some distance between itself and its attackers. A rumbling sound made it look down, and the ground exploded in a fountain of magma, forcing it to move yet again. Rebeca growled harshly as she ran over to the trio. "[color=crimson]Slippery little fucker, isn't it.[/color]" Scarlet let rip a growl as she saw Gourgeist hovering over her Mia; fear spiking in both the Ninetales and Mia herself. However, Mia was both pleased - and relieved - to see the Avatar she had protected, had now returned the favour by shielding her. Scarlet, seeing Mia safely, now launched herself at the Gourgeist, using Feint Attack once again... although this one definitely had more fury behind it. [color=indianred][i]"You will [b]pay[/b] for harming her![/i][/color] She snarled at the ghost-type before her. Meanwhile Mia, managing to sit up, gave Alain a grateful smile. [color=turquoise]"Thanks! And cool wings, by the way."[/color] Echoing his words from earlier with a mischevious smile, glancing at the other Avatar who had made her way to them. [color=turquoise]"I doubt it'll last much longer with the four of us."[/color] She said, then paused, glancing at her wound. [color=turquoise]"Well... three of us, and your perky injured cheerleader."[/color] She added with a grin in afterthought. The Gourgeist raised its arms, sending a flurry of razor sharp leaves flying towards the group. "(Your threats do not intimidate me,)" it hissed, bringing its hands together and firing a trio of small Shadow Balls in their direction. Its frustration mounted as the Ninetales disappeared, and it twisted, but still felt sharp fangs tear at its side. Reaching out, it seized the Ninetales by the scruff of its neck, and crackling purple energy sparked between the two. Rebeca snorted as she thrust out her hand, and another column of magma broke through the pavement, incinerating the leaves. "[color=crimson]Just don't be stupid and get hit, kid. These things mean business.[/color]" Her eyes widened as the Shadow Balls broke through, and she twisted about, covering the girl and snarling as two of the balls struck her back. "[color=crimson]Or at least leave the "taking hits" part to those of us who can actually take them.[/color]" "T...thanks!" Alain answered, pulling his wing back and returning it to its normal feathered state, blushing a little as he did so. He watched the Gourgeist carefully, not attacking again, simply observing its movements. He moved to the side, disappearing from the view of the others for a moment, before leaping up and launching himself towards the Gourgeist, hardening his wings again to slash at it. Hissing in displeasure, the Gourgeist vanished, reappearing above the black-winged Avatar and slamming its fists into his back. He thought that he was being clever. It would not be so easily fooled. Rebeca growled, crouching low as pressure built up in the ground beneath her. "[color=crimson]Keep close to your furry friend, alright? Hopefully I can catch this thing.[/color]" Silver light rippled in a circle around her feet, and the ground exploded, launching her on a small platform of rock. The Gourgeist struck Alain squarely in the back...and passed clean through him. For the split second that the Gourgeist was disorientated, Alain jumped back up onto the float, clapped his hands together, and took a deep breath. "OBLIVION WIIIIIIIING!!!" Mia pursed her lips somewhat at Rebeca's words - "kid"? She was probably older than the other Avatar! And as for keeping herself to herself... well. Some fight remained in her still, and she raised her palms, directly at the offending Pokemon. Fire manifested and built up in her hands, before releasing in one steady stream of white hot flames directly towards the Gourgeist. If the other Avatar was singed slightly, she doubted she'd mind - from what Mia had gathered, the fellow fire-type wouldn't mind a bit of heat. As for Scarlet, she appeared slightly hurt, but not too much. Still angry at the actions of the Gourgeist, she remained by Mia for now, growling and ready to defend her wounded trainer. Hissing in surprise, the Gourgeist twisted around in an attempt to face its true foe. He was cleverer than it had thought. Summoning another Shadow Ball, it flung it upwards, but the crimson beam that the Avatar had released shattered it, sending the Pumpkin Pokemon plowing into the ground. It hurt. When it opened its eyes, it saw the Groudon girl flying towards it, electricity crackling around her fists, surrounded by a halo of flames. Flames that had come from the weaker Avatar. With that, it vanished again. Rebeca slammed into the ground, snarling. [i][color=crimson]Damn it![/color][/i] She scrambled to her feet, casting her eyes about. [i][color=crimson]Where the hell did it go?[/color][/i] Alain took a deep breath as the energy from his opponent flowed into him. It wasn't as effective as a direct drain, but it would do. Looking at the Gourgeist, he witnessed it vanish, again. Keeping his eyes open, he watched, waiting for the slightest flicker of movement that would betray his opponent's location. The Gourgeist's shadowy shape formed behind Mia, and it wrapped its arms around her, shocking her with Ghost energy. Alain charged another dark pulse, and raised his arm to throw...then slowly lowered his arm. With the other avatar in its grip, it was too risky to shoot. He was confident he could hit the Gourgeist, but there were those arms to think about...and the shocking. He lowered his arm slightly. At that point, Exo exploded out of a nearby window, launching itself at the Gourgeist with his blades slicing through the air. Despite Mia's pain, anger ripped through the barrier of her agony, and her eyes began glowing a bright blue once again. With the Gourgeist's arms still wrapped around her, her body erupted into flames, swallowing both herself and the Gourgeist for a moment; she was attempting to focus the flames moreso on the Pokemon, and not so much herself. Still, her dress was being singed to Hell - there was no way she'd get it fixed now. So focused, she didn't even hear the sound of broken glass, nor notice the Scyther heading straight towards them. When the white-winged Avatar burst into flames, the Gourgeist hissed in pain and threw her aside. Of course she would do that, very little about this battle was going the way it had wanted. Things only got worse when a blade pierced its side, attached to a Scyther who had apparently been lying in wait. Furious, the Gourgeist formed a Shadow Ball in its hand and smashed it into the Scyther’s face, then vanished. It needed another angle of attack. It found that angle by emerging beside the black-winged Avatar, striking him directly across the face, then vanished again and reappeared behind the Groudon girl, shocking her as well. Rebeca growled when she felt the Gourgeist's arms wrap around hers. "[color=crimson]Oh, you do NOT get to try that same trick twice,[/color]" she snarled. The markings across her body began glowing again, and bright shafts of sunlight pierced through the cloud cover in the sky. The Gourgeist flinched backwards slightly as her body temperature suddenly spiked, and Rebeca twisted about in its grasp, electricity crackling around her hands as she grabbed its head. "[color=crimson]Hey, Death Boy! Hit me![/color]" Exo twisted in the air, managing to avoid the shadow ball, but sacrificing his ability to steer in the air, something he noticed as he planted straight into one of the floats. Alain threw his dark pulse, but was worried about hitting the white avatar and completely missed. He turned, and saw the gourgeist attack the groudon avatar, who began to give off electricity in her hands. Realizing what she was about to do, Alain began to spin around, flapping his wings to aid in his speed. After a few seconds, he launched the hurricane he created straight at the avatar and the Gourgeist. The windstorm enveloped the pair, obscuring them in a wall of dust. Then a red glow could faintly be seen within, and suddenly the entire storm burst into a whirlwind of flames, intense heat radiating off as the pavement started to bubble and char. The storm didn't last too long, and when it dispersed Rebeca could be seen still holding the Gourgeist's head in her hands, her feet enveloped in stone as she stood in a glowing circle. A faint silver light shone across her body, and all that garbed her were flecks of ash; what remained of her clothing. She swayed slightly, releasing the Pumpkin Pokemon and stumbling backwards, gasping for breath, coughing as she fell to her knees. The Gourgeist itself simply fell to the ground, twitching as electricity coursed through its brain, shattering any semblance of concentration. After a couple moments, it slowly rose up, struggling to keep control over its body as a Shadow Ball formed in one hand. The firestorm had taken much out of it, it didn't have the strength to fulfill its orders. But at least it could finish this one. Alain watched with an impressed gesture as the groudon avatar turned his hurricane into a fiery whirlwind of...burning things. The heat was so intense, he held a wing up to protect his face from it. As the heat died down, Alain spotted the gourgeist and the avatar, both looking the worse for wear from the hurricane. He opened his mouth to ask her if she was alright, only to see the Gourgeist form a shadow ball in one hand. "Oh..." Alain barely even thought about it, but by the time the shadow ball had fully formed, he moved, forming his own attack in his hand. He aimed carefully, and fired the most powerful dark pulse he could muster. If he missed... Rebeca shuddered as she took massive breaths. It had been a long time since she had done something that stupid. She looked up, seeing the Gourgeist rise again, a Shadow Ball forming in its hand. [i][color=crimson]Dammit, what the hell is it going to take to kill this thing?[/color][/i] Abruptly, a stream of purple energy slammed into the Pumpkin Pokemon's head, knocking it over and launching it several feet. This time, it did not rise again. Rebeca blinked, coughed, and glanced about, her eyes falling on Alain. She smiled weakly, managing to rise to one knee. "[color=crimson]Not bad *cough*, not bad at all kid.[/color]" Mia blinked in surprise to see the Gourgeist finally hit the deck - it didn't fade, nor did it move. Was it dead? Huh. She'd never seen a dead thing before. Mia felt thoroughly tempted to poke it with a stick, but instead, she looked back at the other two Avatars, smiling cheerily. Scarlet was sat beside her, her huge tails laid around Mia's shoulders protectively. [color=turquoise]"About time we finished him off."[/color] She said with a grin. [color=turquoise]"My name's Mia Vantas, by the way. Avatar of Reshiram."[/color] She added, finally introducing herself. Alain was breathing heavily as he slowly lowered his hand. His attacks had taken a lot out of him, thanks to his life orb. He probably should have risked an oblivion wing, rather than a dark pulse... Oh well. His opponent was gone. And no one was dead, as far as he could tell. Now, where was... He stopped, and remembered. He was fighting alongside two...girls. They might want to talk. People like that often did want to talk. But what about? Why did so many people want to talk to him? He never had anything interesting to say... He turned, and completely failed to hide his shock when he realized that the two other avatars had taken quite a lot of clothing damage. As in, a lot lot. He opened his mouth to speak, and then closed it. He proceeded to close his eyes and tried to turn, but only succeeded in overbalancing over the side of the float, causing him to hit the pavement with a dull thud. "Umm...erm..." he rubbed the top of his head, and tried not to look at either of them as he spoke. As if on cue, Exo walked up to him, and threw Alain's jacket back at him. It was that this point, Alain realized he wasn't wearing much either, and covered himself with his wings almost instantly. "Erm...y...you can both...er....i only have one jacket...i could cover the other with my wings...No, wait! Ignore that last bit! T...that would be...weird!" The stuttering was amusing to Mia, up until she realized what he was talking about as she looked at Rebeca properly. And wow... girl was naked. A bubble of laughter built up in Mia's throat, but she kept her mouth shut for now - only just. [color=indianred][i]"Really Mia? You're hardly one to laugh, with that dress reduced to naught but rags."[/i][/color] Scarlet snapped at her trainer, still obviously annoyed at her mistaken actions earlier. True - her dress was pretty much falling to pieces. Her underwear underneath were pretty much intact, barring one burnt away bra strap, but most of her was covered. Especially with Scarlet's tails in the way. [color=turquoise]"Eheehee... Scarlet, maybe you should help our... [i]pfft[/i] clothe-less friend out?"[/color] Mia suggested aloud, sniggering ever so slightly. Her wings would cover up what Scarlet's tails were doing for her anyway. Watching the poor kid trip over himself caused Rebeca to chuckle, shaking her head. She stood up, brushing off the flecks of ash from her skin. "[color=crimson]Don't know what you're getting so worked up about, it's just me.[/color]" Teasing him was just too hard to resist, and she chuckled again. It took a moment to realize that not all the laughter in her head was hers. Frowning, she glanced around, her eyes settling on the Golem embedded in the ground not far away. It had been observing the entire time, and now its fangs were bared, a deep rumbling sound growing louder. A scowl emerged on Rebeca's face, and she started to approach it. "[color=crimson]Alright, what's so funny?[/color]" Alain slowly moved closer to the golem in the ground, whom he had barely noticed until that point. Covering his face with his hand, he managed to get close to the golem without falling over again, or seeing anything he shouldn't see. Somehow. Watching on curiously as Rebeca's attention was diverted, Mia struggled to her feet - glad to see that her legs were pretty much unharmed. Looking over, it appeared that there was still another Pokemon to deal with... although it was quite comically stuck in the ground, stubby legs sticking out. [color=turquoise]"What's it saying?"[/color] She asked Rebeca as she followed, assuming the girl could converse with the Pokemon as she was talking to it. Scarlet remained in front on Mia; displeased that she was walking towards the foe, but still relieved that the girl could at least walk without much bother. [i]Heh heh heh heh.[/i] The Golem glared up at Rebeca, its arms reaching for the pavement but not quite managing to reach. [i]Ya think this is a win for ya? Ya think we're beaten?[/i] It gave a toothy snarl. [i]This ain't nothin'. We ain't even close to beaten, we're just gettin' started.[/i] Rebeca narrowed her eyes, and she bent over slightly. [i][color=crimson]Is that right. Well then, how about you tell me what it is you really are up to, and maybe I'll take back that boiling comment I made earlier.[/color][/i] The Golem simply chuckled in response. [i]Sure, I could do that.[/i] It snarled, and its body began to glow with a faint white light. [i]But you ain't gonna live to see it![/i] Rebeca's eyes widened, and she acted on the first thought that came to her mind. Straightening, she seized Mia by what was left of her shirt and Alain by one wing, spun around, and slung them with as much strength as she could muster. She would apologize later; a few bruises were better than being blown up, especially after the fight they had just been in. "[color=crimson]Cover her! NOW![/color]" she roared, then turned around again. She had managed to send them several dozen feet, but if her gut was right, that wasn't going to be enough. [i][color=crimson]Very funny, big guy. But not while I'm around.[/color][/i] She concentrated, and the faint silver light around her body glowed slightly brighter. A cracking and grinding sound could be heard, and then the Golem abruptly dropped farther into the ground, almost out of sight from where Mia and Alain had landed. As the Golem became obscured by its glow, Rebeca brought her arms up to cover her face. [i][color=crimson]Sorry bro.[/color][/i] When the Explosion went off, it shook the ground for almost half the length of the parade, and left a sizable crater in the ground. Rebeca crashed into the ground a short distance away from where Mia and Alain lay, plowing a small crater of her own in the pavement, burns covering her legs, stomach and forearms. [i][color=turquoise]Oh, I just [b]had[/b] to go and look at that damn Golem.[/color][/i] Was Mia's first thought as she realized what was happening - thankfully, with Rebeca's quick thinking, both herself and Alain were cleared from the blast. Scarlet followed swiftly behind - skidding to a stop right beside an even more bruised up Mia as the blast rocked the surrounding area. Once the dust cleared, it was eerily quiet, barring various alarms going off from the cars, which had been knocked onto their roof's and sides in the impact of Rebeca's move. [color=turquoise]"Well... that killed it."[/color] Mia eventually said, just to break the silence. A bit of overkill, considering it was going to blow anyway, but she couldn't really complain - all of them were alive. Well... possibly. Rebeca had just landed like a meteor right in front of them, carving out a furrow in the concrete as she went. She looked even more injured than Mia, with those burns. [i][color=turquoise]"Ouchie."[/color][/i] She thought to herself, wincing on Rebeca's behalf. [color=turquoise]"Um... are you alive?"[/color] She questioned from where she was sat, one hand somewhat nervously petting Scarlet's creamy fur... which was looking slightly singed. For the third time that day, Alain pulled his face from the floor, feeling it to make sure he hadn't broken his nose. He hadn't, surprisingly. At least that was something to take out of this day. Slowly, he pulled himself up, working out a pain in his back that had resulted from all the falling over, getting thrown and such. "Um...are you alive?" He turned around, remembering to put his hand over his eyes just in time. He ran over to where the voice was coming from, keeping his hand over his eyes and desperately hoping that he wouldn't fall off anything again. "Erm...we should...er...find some help or something! C...can i help at all? I hope its not too bad..." For a moment, Rebeca laid limp. The her face twitched, and she groaned, her eyes cracking open as she coughed. "[color=crimson]Ugh... you... guys alright?[/color]" [color=turquoise]"I feel better than that Golem, that's for sure."[/color] Mia replied with a grin, earning a somewhat steely look from Scarlet. [color=indianred][i]"Perhaps wait until we've found medical attention, before we begin celebrating."[/i][/color] She sighed dryly. Alain nodded, still with his hand over his eyes. "How h...hurt are yo...you? Can y...y...ou walk? I....if you...can't...e...either of you..." He turned bright red. "I guess...I could carry one of you." He turned redder, tightening his wings around himself. "Smooth." Said Exo, who had just reached them. Rebeca let her head drop, a small smile crossing her lips. "[color=crimson]That's good.[/color]" She winced. "[color=crimson]Do me... a favour. Don't... tell my brother I did that. Don't really need him pissed at me right now.[/color]" Her eyes closed as she coughed hoarsely, her body convulsing as flecks of blood painted her teeth and lips. "[color=crimson]Stupid idea, wasn't it. Think I'm gonna... sleep for a bit. Wake me up... when it stops hurting.[/color]"