Yellow eyes open to an orange sky. The teen- almost adult- stayed silent on the ground, not giving thought to why she had been sleeping on the ground, or why she didnt remember how she got there. She instead focused on the memories in her mind, or lack thereof. She remembered that she was Aya Whistler, that she went to a high school, that she had been apart of an extracurricular activity, and that she had a pet. What she didn't remember is who gave that name to her, which school she went to, what kind of activity she had, and the name and kind of pet she had. Every thing except her name were all general concepts, no specifics. While that worried her in a big way, her biggest worry at that single moment was- 'What kind of sun is red?' Aya asks herself incredulously. She sits up and rubs her dandelion eyes, making sure she wasnt seeing things. But sure enough, there was a red sun in the sky, and the ground she was laying upon was grey, along with being riddled with gravestones and a few peculiar objects that usually wouldn't be there. Not letting the panic of waking up in an unknown graveyard set in, she instead focused her attention on the white elephant in this situation: A giant battle-axe that was impaled into the ground. The handle was a dark crimson, the decal of a laughing fox with 3 tails ran along the sides of the weapon, one tail of each blade, and the final tail settled on a spike that was buried in the ground. The blades of the weapon were a midnight black, and while the entire thing was completely opposite to anything she liked, it had a familiar presence, like she had used it before hundreds of times. Picking up her velveteen hat from the ground and fitting it snugly on her head, Aya walks up to the Axe, and braces herself for hard tug to pull the half buried weapon from the ground. To her surprise, it unearthed itself easily, and her excess strength sent her to the ground, the Axe falling ontop of her, light as a feather. Wide eyed and bewildered, Aya picks herself up from the ground for the second time and holds the Axe with ease in both of her hands, the familiarity from before becoming even stronger as she held it. Marveling over the weapon, she drops it in the throes of her wonder. It fell to the ground faster than she could react, digging itself yet another hole in the ground. Aya sighed, pushing away her fears and questions to the back of her mind as she picks up the weapon once more. Almost absentmindedly, she picks up both the knapsack and the flip phone from the ground as well, placing said phone into the bag as she left the graveyard, looking for the town or city it would be near to, and hoping someone could give her answers before she could start thinking more practical, but despair-riddled thoughts. (Waaaaay too long, but whatever.)