[centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/vbnnTUq.png[/img] [color=ec008c]Might: 8 Free Point: 0 [h3]"The tower of dreams"[/h3] [/color] [hider=Summary] ♦ Meimu is like "you are kinda silly Reathos" and stuff ♦ ♦ Ilunabar finally goes do the tower thing ♦ ♦ To do the tower thing Ilunabar makes everyone stop dreaming for a while ♦ ♦ She does the tower thing, Arpeggio (-8 might) ♦ ♦ Everybody goes back to having dreams, except now they are even better and cooler and all that jazz ♦ [/hider][/centre] Meimu tilted her head and shrugged [color=7ea7d8]“But if I cut out the uglier flowers being pretty will be integral to their survival”[/color] She saw the odd tree he formed, not the prettiest, but it was poisonous, she would have to tell it to her master once she was back... ========= The terror the aura of the god of death brought to her was a mystery. Ilunabar wondered for a long time about the situation but there was something illogical about it, she was able to talk normally to her brother yet odd visions would bring her fear and pain. [color=ec008c]“Perhaps I was dreaming?”[/color] And slowly a realization formed on the muse’s minds, she could dream. A myriad of possibilities crossed her mind, she had been ignoring it for so long, but the answer was there, the answer was obvious. On her first try she just drifted along the flow of dreams, but that was not her purpose, The Muse was meant to lead the way, many creatures could dream, but only one being in all of the cosmos could analyse, categorize and improve them. Once into the Raka, Ilunabar noticed how more wild things had became while she was away, intelligent minds had started to sprout among creatures, and the clash between reality and their desires was generating far more dreams than all of the simple creatures together. Ilunabar played a lullaby to herself. She needed to dive deeper into her plane, she needed to become part of everything around her, like her brother Vowzra did by becoming part of the fabric of existence, except Ilunabar wanted all of the fabric of dreams and she wanted to wear it like a dress. Raka as a whole stopped, at first standing still, but slowly all the energy started to move to Ilunabar, slowly being absorbed by the sleeping goddess, for years no creature would be able to dream, but Ilunabar believed it was worth it, became dreams would bloom beautifully once she was back. Finally, the goddess once again lost her shape, becoming a stream of energy which started to solitarily flow through the empty plane. ========= [b]The unused potential[/b] Once upon a time Ilunabar was in a place not unlike this one, raw potential with no shape, like a sea of molding clay, but that place was foreigner, ruled by things created by beings above her. This disarray however belonged to her, no matter how stubborn it was, her hands would mold it. Despite the lack of any sense of space, she took a step forward. ========= [b]The absurd dream[/b] Things took shape, any shape actually. Ilunabar found herself in an odd world of flashing colors, where most things simply didn’t follow any set of rules. Despite all the bizarreness however, this was by no means similar to the original state, while pretty chaotic this was still a mirror of her spirit. A broken and distorted mirror which played the oddest tricks to the mind, but still one nevertheless. “[color=ec008c]O ludicrous dream, who bends all feelings like a kaleidoscope, where up can be down, right can be down too and left can be a fish. Your wild insanity will give form to all impossibilities. And for that I give you a note. Dotty”[/color] She played the first string of her harp and took a step forward. ========= [b]The hidden dream[/b] The stairs. The abyss. The echo of each step. She knew it, she feared it. No matter how she tried to escape, the dream would always adapt itself to bring her back. When she tried to think about better things however another dream formed, in this she could bring Life to barren lands, shape the world with Change, bring Chaos to order, bring Order to chaos, the Stars up above moved and the strings of the dreamweaver were the very fibers of existence and Fate, there were no siblings, there was only her. The last dream played with all emotions equally, this one however knew the value of each memory and feeling. [color=ec008c]“O invasive dream, who raids hidden desires and fears, where there is no choice but to face the abyss of our minds. Your harsh truth will bring terror and pleasure with a hidden challenge that leads to realization. For that I give you a note. Reave”[/color] She played the second string of her harp and took a step forward. ========= [b]The illusory dream[/b] At first it looked pretty normal, at least in comparison to what she had witnessed before. A simple desert with a few oddities like giant half-buried statues or still spinning clogs here and there. Eventually she stopped in an oasis and decided to drink a bit of the water, immediately spitting it out as it tasted and felt like sand. As she stepped away from the oasis she heard a splash sound, and immediately sank into the sand as if it was a real sea. At first it felt like she was floating underwater, but soon after she started to fall freely as if she was in the sky, and indeed, she could now see the wholeness of the desert and its many oddities. Enough was enough, she couldn’t spend all of her time on the illusions of this dream. She stopped mid air and refused to comply with the shifting rules of this treacherous reality. [color=ec008c]“O tricky dream, who plays games with our memories, where our stale views are challenged by scorching ice and frigid flames. You are a reminder that we should never be too comfortable with our perceptions. For that I give you a note. Mirage.”[/color] She played the third string of her harp and took a step forward. ========== The fulfilling dream It was obvious that this was the midpoint in her future scale, everything was harmonical, the dream didn’t want to challenge reality but it didn’t want to be real either. It was a place where the narratives would bloom freely, as the whole world would bend to it and only to it. Knowing that harsher times were beyond this point Ilunabar decided to rest a bit. Days of idyllic joy followed, beautiful fruits were born at each tree and they were delicious to eat, shadows took the shapes of interesting stories for her to watch, the sky alternated between twinkling stars and a gorgeous aurora. This was a comfortable dream, perhaps too comfortable, unless she wished it to not be comfortable, then it would be whatever she wanted. [color=ec008c]“O obedient dream, who gives the mind the chance to shape the world, where the repressed ideas take shape in their amazing and alluring glory. Your realm of free possibilities are the purest of dreams. For that I give you a note. Fantasy”[/color] She played the fourth string and took a step forward. ======== The illusive dream [color=9e0039]“Luna-chan, hurry up or you are going to be late!”[/color] said Jane Vanchev. [color=ec008c]“Geez, why the rush?”[/color] answered her friend. It was the start of another high school year in Garubaru town and for our heroine Luna. She might look like a normal schoolgirl but in truth she is a magical girl! Lyrical Musa-chan! [color=ec008c]“Ok no, this isn’t happening”[/color] Said Ilunabar, making the odd dream crumble around her. What a bizarre experience that was, everything was clearly not real, in fact many bizarre things were all around her, yet it felt real to the point it fooled her for a while. This world was phantasmagoric, it shaped itself for the dreamer just like the last one, but it tried to create a lie, to pretend all that was real. It was not a dream she would like to have, or would she? There was some charm in being able to live a story as an unknowing character or to be in a fantastic dream without knowing it was a dream. [color=ec008c]“O deceitful dream, who immerses us in a fake reality, where one can experience the world of dreams without realizing. You bring sweet lies, and sometimes that is fine. For that I give you a note. Solitude.[/color] She played the fifth string and took a step forward. ========= the paradoxical dream This was the hardest dream for the goddess to understand, it did not work properly for her until she started to feel it through the senses of a mortal. This was a word of illusions, but not the ones she had seen until now, these were created by the gaps and holes in the perception of the world. For most of the time the dream copied reality, but whenever sounds and vision worked on odd ways the dream turned those into reality despite the paradoxes and impossibilities such illusions could create. [color=ec008c]“O broken dream, who gives shapes even to the errors of our mind, where the most complex labyrinths of mirrors are formed. You are a reminder that our perception can play cruel tricks far beyond the simple mirage. For that, I give you a note. Labyrinth”[/color] She played the sixth string and took a step forward. ========= the dream that didn’t want to be dream Ilunabar suddenly saw herself back to Raka. Was that it? Had she finally crossed all of the possible dreams? There was this uncanny feeling that something was missing. It took her a while to notice, but all her magenta colored jewelry had turned grey. This was a dream that had created a fake sense of reality but there were still some things missing, the way this reality worked around the paradoxes of the last dream was to destroy any abnormality, not even the pink and magenta of her outfit survived, simply because those colors were not in the spectrum of light but were simply an illusion created by red and blue. There was something ugly about this fake world, but there was also something great, to think dreams could, even to a lesser extent, create a clone of reality gave Ilunabar a sense of power, she was like the Fate of her own little and short lived worlds. [color=ec008c]“O mirrored dream, who diligently create a familiar world, where the roads ignored by the crossroad of fate can tell their stories. You transform lost possibilities into dreams, giving the sight of realities that could be. For that I give you a note. Simulacrum”[/color] She played the seventh string and took a step forward ======== The crash Everything stopped. This world, much like the distant chaotic mass of potential, refused to exist, this one however was the total lack of potential. It couldn’t let anything else move, perfection had to be set on stone and its stories confined to a closed book. It was a world where the dual harmony of light and dark had blended into grey, where hope and despair, hot and cold, war and peace, empty and full, relaxing and stressful, everything and nothing were long lost concepts. This was the end line, the flux had been set, but it was ending in a rather boring note, the muse had to work around this so she left back to Raka, the true one. [hr] Back to her normal form the muse started to design something, it would be the key of the flow of dreams and the loop that would bring back the energy that ended up crusted on the end of the flow. It was the Arpeggio. A ray of blue light crossed Raka and slowly it took the form of a pillar made of living stone. On its very top a yellow crystal stood, not yet active. The muse clapped her hands and dreams started to flow again in the mind of the creatures. Soon Raka was yet again flooded with a tourbillon of colors, this time however there was a clear path and all of the energy spiralled around Arphegio. On the top it clustered and crystallized, as predicted by Ilunabar, but that would be no problem, because soon the crystal shined and all of the “roof” that formed started to form little spirals and towers in its direction. Once in the crystal those dreams would be put one against the other, their dense and complex rules and logic clashing and forming paradoxes until they exploded in a stream of raw potential dream that would go back to the flow. Once again creatures would dream, and this time they would go deeper. [b]MIGHT SUMARY[/b] ZERO EVERYTHING 8 MIGHT HOLY SITE CREATED I WANT TO SLEEP