[center][h2]Calendar of Events for Saffra 301 DM[/h2][/center] Spring has come to Tessanis, and with it, new life now that winter has finally broken. Make sure to update your Ledgers with latest [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3237618]Pay Day[/url]. This post will also include signups for anything, and if new things are added, we shall update the OOC. Feel free to request things as well. OH! And if your character has a birthday in Saffra, update their age now :D * = Open Events - These are just general ideas that your character(s) can participate in without GM oversight/assistance. # = Prompts - These are special plots that you can run yourself after speaking with a GM. They will give you the details of this plot, and then you can run this as a solo, or with others. $ = Quests - These can only be run by GMs. [hider=Ebonfort Capital] The Capital is drenched in rain for most of the season, souring the moods of many of the inhabitants. Many have chosen to take this time to go on vacation to the outlying villages, bringing with them their money, their children, and their superior attitudes. 1st 12th* - After many straight days of rainfall, much of the populace leaves for the outlying villages. 25th-28th* - The Knights decide to use the mostly empty city for the Knights' Tournament, to see how participants fare in Urban Warfare. 36th$ - The Grand Armory in the Citadel is robbed of all of its weapons and armor, by an unknown group. Many Knight casualties are left. No civilian casualties. 42nd* - Word is sent to all villages to send weapons, armor, and raw materials to the capital (for higher profits) in order to fill the void after the theft. 61st [/hider] [hider=Azure Strand] Azure Strand has surprisingly clear weather this season, despite past Saffra being filled with storms and rain. Fisherman do abundantly well this season. The hidden war between the knights and the criminal groups of last season come to a head, with the Knights initiating martial law. Anyone found outside of their homes after sunset will be arrested. An additional company is sent to Azure Strand to enforce this law, forcing citizens to house knights. The unrest continues to grow. 1st 7th* - A large fishing boat managed to kill a Dire Whale and haul it back to the village. After harvesting as much blubber and oil as possible, the meat is given away for free to any who take it, as there is too much that would spoil. 12th* - Martial Law is initiated. 44th* - The Khefferu Company, Emerald Regiment, Corcillus Batallian arrives in Azure Strand to help enforce the Martial Law and ease unrest. 46th# - The aforementioned company turns out to not be knights at all, but those that robbed the Grand Armory, and they, with the other criminals in the city, slaughter every Knight in the village. 49th* - The village returns to peace, as the new "Knights" have removed the Martial Law and have reported to the capital that village has been cleansed of its criminals. 61st [/hider] [hider=Green Fall] Green Fall is riddled with a fog for nearly the entire season. It starts off light, but as the season progresses, gets thicker and thicker, making it hard for the knights and guards to protect the city, and making it very dangerous to leave. 1st 9th* - Many of the animalistic races begin getting uncharacteristically aggressive. 22nd* - All races that can shapeshift into animals are forced into their animal forms and cannot change back from this point forward. All animal races seem to be reduced to feral nature 38th* - The city and the surrounding fog areas are quarantined by knights from outside the fog. No one is allowed in or out. 52nd$ - Lyle Spikebush, Captain Iy'kayia, and an army of Treants arrive and force their way into the fog. 55th* - The Fog dissipates because of the aforementioned group. 61st [/hider] [hider=Ruby Banks] Ruby Banks is in full swing. It is planting season for the farms, and the entire village helps out with this, directly and indirectly. 1st 11th# - Sergeant Edoward and his squadron return after a very successful campaign into the Valley of the Screamers. They rescued many slaves, brought back many horses and goods and trophies. The Sergeant is promoted to Captain, and yet, still seems sad. 20th* - The village hosts its Spring Bounty Festival. This is held in the fields, is centered around giving thanks for the sun, the rain, the ground, the crops. Because of the Winter Moon festival raids last season, there is a very heavy presence of Knights. 33rd* - The River Festival takes place in the Ruby Rivers. It's a festival of renewal and rebirth, so clothes are entirely void. It is considered great luck to give birth on this day, as well as to be married. 52nd# - A foreign merchant comes into town with his caravan, and an incredibly surprising amount of slaves, mostly Kvaren, speaking of having met some peoples on the edge of a desert wasteland. 61st [/hider] [hider=Scream Watch] Scream Watch is in a state of surprising productivity. They are doing many repairs, building new walls and outposts across the region, providing lots of work for many people. The Screamers are surprisingly inactive on their favorite target, but that seems likely due to Sergeant, now Captain Edoward and his recent campaign. 1st 7th* - The Walls around the village are repaired, reinforced, and built thicker and stronger. 18th* - More Outposts are built and reinforced, to hold more knights and supply, all along the region's borders. 31st* - A Heket merchant arrives from an unknown land, bringing many new alcohols and drugs for sale. 49th - The Knights decide to hold a youth sparring training and tournament, offering weapons to keep for participants. 61st [/hider] [hider=Silent Rise] Silent Rise is quiet as normal. The hunters are fairly lazy during this season, as many creatures are mating or raising young, and are thus off limits for proper huntsmen. New hunters are trained in the stalking of prey during this season. 1st 6th# - The Silent Hunters hold their annual meeting to discuss matters anyone deems important, as well as initiating new Silent Hunters. 18th# - There are reports of a particularly large and mean Dire Boar causing havoc in the forest. 29th* - After the snows melted, a new lake is found, and is inhabited by several aquatic races that haven't seen other people in a long time. 37th* - Many Dire Squirrels appear in the village, the size of large dogs. No one knows why they are grouped, but they are mostly just annoying. 59th* - A Drow Merchant arrives with goods from the Underdark. Clothing made of spidersilk, new types of gemstones, and books from his people. 61st [/hider] [hider=Silvermist] It’s spring in Silvermist, and spring means flowers, and flowers means bees… and birds… Anyway, the point is that the residents of Silvermist are taking full advantage of the warmer weather. The schools are closed for planting season and for the Festival, and it seems like adventure is just waiting to happen. 1st* School lets out for all of Saffra, so that the young fairies can help tend the gardens. 8th* The first flowers are beginning to bloom in Silvermist, which means that it’s planting season! 14th* The Blossom Festival begins, to celebrate the beginning of another spring. It draws fairies from all around the area, seeking food, entertainment, and all manner of other things. 21st* The last day of the Blossom Festival, when the Equinox Ball is held from dusk to dawn. 32nd* Flower Fool’s Day, a day when children (and adults alike) play pranks on their friends and family. 34th* The residents of Silvermist start to notice strange sounds, almost like angry squirrels, in the night, and start finding scratch marks on tree trunks around the village. 61st [/hider] [hider=Stone Crest] Stone Crest is still quite cold but experiences no new snowfall. There seems to be a lot of travel in and out of the village lately, indicating a lot of activity beyond the region. 1st 8th# - A mass exodus of cold loving creatures is noticed, heading north into the mountains, speaking of a new god. 18th* - A particularly hideous flock of three breasted harpies arrive selling various hides, bones, and meatwares. Many men are reluctantly lured into impregnating them. 27th* - A trade expedition for the Underdark leaves. 39th$ - A Frost Troll woman arrives, telling a tale of a set of ruins uncovered by avalanches last season. 54th* - The Drow that are currently in power hold a Festival of the Night. This event is essentially a massive game of hide and seek, where those that are found copulate with those that found them. 61st [/hider] [hider=Pyresia] [i]Weather: Temperatures begin to rise slowly throughout the season to about 80F/26C, though as the breaks between frequent rain showers lengthen and there are more days of sunshine it begins to feel like springtime. An explosion of colour sweeps the jungle as tropical flowers begin to open, especially towards the end of the month. [/i] 1st #3rd: With the infant Shochra (lightning) wyrmling still missing, many have given up the search. A friend of the missing dragon's dead family manages to raise a large bounty for anyone who brings her back alive. *12th: Tensions between the drow and dwarves in the Gem Deeps finally force the Shadow Wing to step in and become directly involved in keeping peace between the two races. Many drow leave Pyresia and their departure is not peaceful. They venture across the Kerawac through underground pathways towards Ebonfort. $13th: A small earthquake from the mountain occurs just before dawn. Though lava flows from the mountain constantly, there hasn't been a tremor in nearly a decade. What little damage is caused is quickly addressed by the Dwarves Guilds of Builders and Masons. However, the shift opens a previously hidden tunnel in the Gem Deeps that appears to have been carved long ago. *17th: As the weather improves, the dry docks are crowded as shipwrights begin construction on new vessels, funded by the Merchant Guild. Demand for crew members begins to climb, bringing many new faces into the city. #19th: The imprisoned Kvaren/Screamers escape with help. Witness accounts of the rescuer vary wildly. *21st: The Week of the Apprentices begins. Artists, Musicians, and Entertainers of all kinds open their doors to those who would learn their craft. Competition to fill these limited spots is fierce, and the Art District grows crowded and cacophonous as young artists from all over the world seek skilled teachers. #25th: Two drakes duel to the death in front of the doors of the Jade Lady, a brothel renowned for the discretion of its Madame, who is injured during the fight but refuses to comment afterwards when questioned by the Wing Host. It is rumoured that one of the whores carries the half-blood offspring of a prominent dragon. *32nd: After so many Xarzi (frost) dragons made a pilgrimage to the northweast, the remaining members of their clan begin to squabble among themselves about who they want to elect as their Wyrmoot representative. #35th: Ilumírë is once again plagued by hazardous scaled beasts, though this time it is mating season for the faerie dragons. These small vibrant reptiles use their breath-weapons indiscriminately and procreate [i]en masse[/i], creating a strained atmosphere among even the most promiscuous faeries. This is an annual problem but this year many gravid female faerie dragons turn up missing. *44th: The annual migration of jellyfish begins. At night, the harbour and all along the coast are illuminated by swarms of bio-luminescent jellyfish and algae. These creatures are harmless and treks to the beach to skinny-dip at night are popular. #49th: Several Sky Talon patrols stationed in the direction of New Vircastoria are found slain, their bodies stripped almost beyond recognition. *53rd: The annual Petal Gala is held in Ilumírë, taking advantage of the various and plentiful tropical flowers in the surrounding jungle. This is one of the largest celebrations of the year. *58th: A monstrous sea serpent is spotted in the open ocean beyond the harbour. Extra patrols attempt to keep track of its movements. $60th: The ruined remains of the missing trading vessel the Wavecutter are spotted by fisherman many miles down the coast. A team of young harroks (dragon fighters) is dispatched alongside the dwarven Guild of Logistics to haul the wreck back to the city but attempts are hampered by a sudden storm. 61st [/hider] [hider=Kerawac] [i]Weather: The wind across the plains grows warmer and new grass begins to sprout, turning the sea of brown into one of lush green. Light showers roll across the grassland about once every three days, visible from many miles away. Towards the end of the month, many areas are lush with wildflowers. Many Eath Ponies leave their tribes suddenly to give birth to their young, returning only when the foals are a few days old.[/i] *5th: With the Gathering over, the various tribes separate across the Kerawac. Many tribes venture much further west and south than usual, pushed back by surprisingly aggressive Ebon Knights. *20th: Most tribes celebrate the spring equinox with rites of fertility, love, and kindness. It is traditional to exchange small gifts. Infants born on this day are considered lucky. *21st: Horse season begins. The wranglers enlist the help of most other tribe-members to breed horses owned by the tribe, and small parties venture into the grassland to round up wild and feral livestock. #34th: Runners from tribes near the southern coast report ships sailing from the southwest. A damaged vessel makes landfall and the Kvaren take the entire crew captive. #39th: The Clawhook Tribe, a small tribe known for riding only on trained scream-raptors is found dead to the last child, though the campsite is undisturbed and the cause of death undeterminate. $47th: An oxbow lake deep in the Kerawac becomes the center of a massive field of flowers. The fragance can be smelled for miles around. *55th: Some tribes have migrated back toward Ebonfort lands, gearing up for more attacks on the hated kingdom. 61st [/hider]