[b]Name:[/b] Matsumoto Hantaru [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Arcana:[/b] Justice [b]Equipment:[/b] Brown leather sling bag, pocket diary, pen, wristwatch. Main weapon type is blunt clubs, but he starts off with an aluminium baseball bat. [b]Skills:[/b] Deduction, observation, sarcasm, wit, athletics. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxxwanHVvh1qhhz9so1_500.jpg[/img] Matsumoto stands about 1.69m tall, weighing a paltry 68 kilograms. With a head of short, scruffy brown hair and equally brown eyes, he isn't one that impresses many. His chin is sharp and his nose is long and thin, with pursed thin lips. He regularly dresses in a medium length, high collar black duster over his school uniform, and when he doesn't have his coat on he drapes it on his shoulders like a cape or over his forearm. When not in his uniform, he prefers to wear an untucked white collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up, watch on one wrist and a black-and-white striped wristband on the other, with black jeans and boots. [b]Personality:[/b] Matsumoto is headstrong and brave, loyal to a fault and unerringly blunt. He will often make very blunt jokes that usually don't hurt but are very cringe worthy or groan inducing. These include dad jokes and puns. He often doesn't hesitate to point out someone's flaws, but almost immediately follows those up with compliments or encouragement to get better. [b]Biography:[/b] Matsumoto isn't exactly what you'd call a good student, but he isn't a delinquent either. He just has problems studying. If he really puts his effort into it, he can lose himself in his textbooks, but the results just don't reflect how much he tries. He had a simple, normal childhood. Mom and dad managed a small ramen shop in the city while he studied and helped at the shop when he was free. From young, he'd built a good sense of independence, and it extended into his school life. But his studying problems ailed him no matter how much he tried. And he did try a lot. However, what he [i]could[/i] focus on were stories. Give him a detective novel and he'd lose himself in it for hours until the book was done. His parents noticed, of course, and together they helped him come up with a system. If he treated his textbooks like a mystery novel and his tests as mysteries, he found that he could focus better. Of course, all this rubbed off on his style of dress and personality, building who he is today. He is a member of the literature and soccer clubs and a budding academic in his class. [u]Persona[/u] [b]Name:[/b] Castiel [b]Appearance:[/b] The angel Castiel is one of the middle tier angels, and as such sports a similar appearance. In comparison to his summoner, he stands at least nine feet tall from head to toe. A pair of bright white wings extend from his back, and his eyes are bound by a blindfold. In addition, he sports a stark white shirt, black pants and boots. Two belts wrap around his waist and a pair of unused suspenders hang from his belt. A dark blue scarf is wrapped around his neck, concealing the lower half of his head. On his head sits a halo, broken at the front. His weapon is a long iron bar with a mace head at the end. [b]Abilities:[/b] - Hama - Dia - Cleave [b]Traits[/b] - Strong: Physical - Immune: Light (hama) - Weak: Darkness (mudo), Fire (agi)