[b]Beryl Harken- B- A Crazy Old Guy[/b] Beryl was certain that Demetrius already knew her name. With the amount of times she had been in a tussle with his thugs she was probably on a hit list or something. Whether the guy had yet to recognize her or was playing some other game was yet to be seen. "Beryl." Was all she said. A small use of her semblance coated the ground in water. Enough to make it slick, but not much else. Then he kicked Vega. For a second Beryl did nothing, just standing there staring at her teammate. They had barely gotten to know each other but the faunus already called her a friend. With controlled even movements she settled into a combat stance. Sword arm back, blade held level at shoulder height and pointed directly at her opponent. Her weight was on her back foot and her body was at a slight angle to her opponent. Then she moved. One, two, three running strides that took her the majority of the distance to Demetrius. Her footing unimpeded by the liquid on the ground. Slightly out of range of a normal blade she struck, putting all of her momentum into a thrust with an impressive amount of power in it. The attack did not end there however. Partway through the thrust she flicked a switch and [i]Stream[/i] segmented, extending to gain the length needed to hit the mafia don and then some. If he dodged the thrust it would turn into a slash in whatever direction he fled.