Kal woke late the next morning, luxuriating in the softness of his bed, as opposed to the hard packed dirt he had slept on during his travels. Reindolus had already woken, but had for once left him sleeping. Odd. But, given the recent events, welcome. A quick glance out of his chambers windows revealed that it was midmorning. Excellent; Kal didn't need to make an appearance until afternoon, which was when he would start to organize the Wind Dragons. Until then, Kal could do whatever he pleased. And right now, he wanted to take a bath. He hadn't properly bathed in a long while, excluding those short excursions into an icy river alongside his men. No, right now, Kal wanted to [i]bathe[/i]. Pulling on some trousers and a spun shirt, Kal tugged on the bell that would call for a servant to his chambers. Shortly after, a man dressed formally appeared at his chamber door. [color=f7941d]"I would like to have a bath drawn up for me in my quarters." [/color] [color=fdc68a]"Yes, your Royal Highness."[/color] The servant bowed, and left the room, leaving Kal alone again. A few minutes after this, and then two serving girls carrying large buckets of steaming water entered his chamber, made their way to where his tub was kept, and poured the water into it, returning several times until it was filled completely. During this, Kal sat patiently, writing his formal report on the Turnips and the measures he took to rectify the situation. When the bath was ready, Kal dismissed the servants, and then bathed, scrubbing viciously at his skin until it shone a raw, almost painful pink. After that, Kal dressed himself more carefully, deciding to wear something that would be fitting for the warm summer day. Settling on a light cotton shirt and breeches, Kal then put on a short leather jacket and tan riding boots. Studying himself in the mirror, Kal craned his head to the side, attempting to better see his outfit, when Kal caught a glimpse of the tattoo upon the nape of his neck. Hmmmm. It certainly wouldn't do to let anyone see that. Scrounging around, Kal settled upon a vibrant blue silk scarf. It was light, covered his neck, and seemed deliberate. It was at this point that Reindolus burst through the door, dressed in his sweat stained training leathers taking a moment to study Kal preening himself, [color=f26522]"Ay, you're plenty pretty, lad. Now, if you're done dressing for the ball, it's high time for us to get around to setting the Wind Dragons into form."[/color]