[b]Name[/b]: Donovan Adams [b]Age[/b]: 38 [b]Ethnicity[/b]: American [b]Occupation/Place in the Combination[/b]: Officially: Street thug Within the machine: Akin to a Precinct Captain [b]Personal History[/b]: Born to a family who moved west out of New Jersey, Donovan was born and raised in the rough and dangerous back-streets of Central City's working poor; his father having failed to find fortune in the west and settled to dirty work in a slaughter house. As a youth, Donovan attended the local public schools, but was a notorious bad actor ending in him ultimately dropping out of the education system completely. He found work in the thriving mid-western railroad industry helping to load incoming trains with coal and water. But Donovan being a temperamental young man and disapproving of authority he was fired after a year of labor for punching his boss across the cheek, and dislocating his nose. Charged with assault, he was locked away. But as political fortunes would have it the former Precinct Captain caught word of his lockup and seeking favors, endeavored to pay Donovan's bail and ultimately had the charges dropped. This, at the age of nineteen was Donovan's first taste and introduction to the larger machine. Although an intelligent young man his education was sparse at best and heavily effected by the waves of immigrant communities migrating into America's mid-west seeking fortune and a place to call home in America's expanding mid-west. The trickling communities of foreign persons only emboldened Donovan's since of American pride and marshaled together a gang of misfits and thugs into an organization called the Number 45 Gang. To the Precinct Captain, the Number 45 Gang became a simple asset to be used in neighborhoods and street corners were the local police were themselves unwelcome. Treating Donovan as a protege, he directed the young thug in the direction he wanted offering as a reward: permanent protection. Under the old ward's protection, Donovan could execute whatever manner of justice he had in mind, including keeping the "Jews and the Italians" in check. And when it came to election day, he became the muscle to get them to vote and to vote the right way. The local captain made sure to educate Donovan, but sensing a great deal of ambition he kept hidden from him the mechanization of the machine above him. So much so that when he came to be promoted, he was secure in the belief Donovan - when he was made Precinct Captain himself at 31 - would not be a violent threat against him. As before, Donovan's duties to his former boss remained the same but on a larger scale. But with greater power and influence he came to be a much more heavy handed and notorious name in the neighborhood politics of south-western Central City. To those he deems as "Naturally American blooded individuals" he is considered a saint of a man. But to all those not termed as such, it is terror that keeps them in check. Still commanding the Number 45 Gang, Donovan rules over his small kingdom from the saloon he owns but does not manage, the Yellow Belly Inn. Serving as both defacto police in the area he commands the regional crime and ultimately all things are to be dealt with through him, for the distribution of the vote and the influence.