[Center] [URL=http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/110761/soft_machine.font][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=110761&s=55&t=Velvet%20Moon&c=FF9966[/IMG][/URL][/Center] She wasn't an athlete by any stretch of the imagination but Velvet was hardened after years of living in the shadows of society an because of it a feral creature. She would survive and if her survival depended on sacrificing others she was conditioned to do so without reservation or hesitation and it was that conditioning that had driven her to do what she'd done. She didn't run far instead going to ground in a well concealed hiding place where she could search the pack and do a full inventory about 200 meters from the ship. [Hider=Crash Pack] [b][u]TOOLS[/u][/b] 1-Axe [img] http://undeadgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/gerber_kick_axe.jpg[/img] 1-Trenching Tool [img] http://ep.yimg.com/ay/yhst-8927086896656/23-tri-fold-shovel-pick-fold-out-pick-design-w-case-1.gif[/img] 1-Multi Tool [img] http://images.knifecenter.com/knifecenter/gerber/images/01638.jpg[/img] 1-Survival Rifle [img] http://d1tl7eew7xldwu.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Henry-AR7-US-Survival-Rifle-300x168.jpg[/img] 14- Ration dehydrated 1-large rain poncho 1-survival blanket 1-water filter 24-water tablets 2-3 liter water bags 1-.5 liter canteen 1-waterproof note pad 30 pages 3x5 1-waterproof pen 1-compass 1-small first aid kit 1-box 150 rounds of 10mm caseless ammo[/hider] It wasn't much but it would have to do she thought as she repacked the bag and slung the compass around her neck. She could have assembled the rifle but instead left it in the pack knowing that it's presence visibly might be useful as a threat but it's report would attract attention she didn't want. Once she was ready Velvet took a compass sighting due north and headed off in Stealth in that direction till she was sure she'd covered about 1 kilometer where she went to ground in a secure hiding place near a stream at what appeared to be a shallow crossing. Her plan was a simple one and involved a bit of waiting, she was going to use her Stealth to trail and observe any who made it this far. She was no fool to trust the others simply because they all shared a common fate, they were all criminals and their various crimes made them potentially rabid. Some could be budding serial killers and others rapists the breath of their crimes deadly to her survival an she was going to survive no matter what it required. So while she waited she collected water in her canteen an treated it with one of the bitter purification tabs and munched on half a Ration bar.