[center][h1]Chaegon Empire[/h1][/center] [center]Tarania [/center] Emperor Giannelli had been rather distressed by the Duchy of Pozzouli declaring war and had appointed a new general to attend to the matter. However, he had also noticed that the people of Tarania mostly approved of joining the Empire. This gave him an idea. The nations of Kalpia and Pozzouli were acting against him because they supposedly wanted to protect democracy and liberty. However, what if Tarania wanted to join the Empire? Pozzouli would have a rather weakened Casus Belli. With this in mind, Emperor Giannelli arranged for an election in both Tarania and Chaegon. He then arranged for his underlings to begin producing media encouraging the people to approve of the annexation. However, he made sure that someone suitably loyal would count the votes. [center]The Trenches [/center] General Niniano Petroni walked among the defensive lines. He had done his best to stave off the Pozzouli soldiers but the navy's inability to halt the enemy fleet had allowed the ships to get too close and his men had to retreat to avoid being bombarded. No matter. Reinforcements would be here soon and he was in an excellent position. The Emperor was also doing some political strategy.