The brothel owner, Zam appeared before the vile man. Jondevo locked eyes with her, his impatience growing with every passing moment. The older woman let out a sigh, not exactly delighted to be dealing with such a horrible person, his reputation spoke for itself. But before she could say a word she felt her the brothel’s foundations shake, the air literally ignited in flames as the walls started to come down. An explosion had detonated within the neutral establishment. Some of the patrons were crushed by falling debris, others literally burnt alive by the fires as the bomb ignited. Jondevo was launched backwards, sent out the very door he had just come through, the force of the explosion being what saved him from certain death. His hands instantly went to cover his head as he saw debris falling towards him, by an ounce of godly luck death did not come to him this way. Twice now he had avoided it, his men not so lucky. They perished in the blast range of the bomb, the ones that set it not known, though it was certainly not the Blackened Stars. The explosion ended almostas quickly as it had come, the king of the Stars letting out a deep breath as he regained consciousness. He could feel the pain which was the only thing that let him know that he had survived. His body internally screaming, Jondevo pushed rubble which covered him awaywith broken fingers. He rolled into the open, barely alive, but indeed alive. Another scar now sat just below his hairline, blood slowly leaking from it. A few of his teeth were broken inside of his mouth, with a beaten mouth he let out another deep breath. The human tried to pull himself to his feet but he couldn’t even do that. His left leg was badly hurt, shattered up and down, his left arm was no better, four of the five fingers broken. Those were just some of the injuries he had come away from the explosion with. Jondevo gave a glance towards Zam’s brothel, or where it used to be. There was now only wreckage, indistinguishable from just a few minutes ago when it stood tall, a beacon of safety and neutrality within the unforgiving undercity. Now it was just another wreck. Broken, beaten and burnt corpses laid all over, many still in flames. He would not forget the scent of it as long as he lived. Human flesh burning was a smell no one should ever have to endure, it even disturbed the twisted crime lord. Then he felt two pairs of hands grasp him, Jondevo weakly looked up to find two of his subordinate Stars there. They had been told to wait outside for his return, neither expected to find their fearless leader like this. They had just saved the man they practically worshipped. Quickly, the trio moved away from the carnage, Jondevo literally being dragged to safety. They had transport back to their territory; the best medical care anyone could afford awaited the leader. As they disappeared from the scene, crowds arrived to it. Nearby civilians stared at the flames as they burnt, some cried as friends worked in the brothel, others just stared in awe. None of them thought they’d ever see the near hallowed establishment burn to the ground. Towards the back of the gathered crowd a hooded human male watched, a crooked smile formed on his face before he disappeared down a nearby alleyway like a ghost. [hr] The sound of the explosion had rocketed throughout the undercity, even in the darkest corners of the borders one would still have heard it. Those near enough to the brothel would have seen it go up In flames, the shaking from the ferocity of it comparable to a small earthquake. Talk of the event echoed through the radio, by the end of the day everyone would have known what had just occurred. The explosion could be heard over the booming music echoing within the Pit. Tables had shaken, glasses broke. Some of the patrons had sprinted outside to find out what happened. For a moment the DJ had stopped the music as he received word, then spoke into the microphone, his words with a somber, depressing tone to them. “Zam’s Brothel was just bombed, no known survivors…No idea who did it.” He then left his stand, resuming the music as he did so. A few of the intoxicated or drugged patrons resumed dancing, while others exited the bar. Some just stood in surprise, not sure what to do. Others joined the dancers, they were used to terrible things occurring, a bombing was not a shock to them.