[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Charlie%20Arcadian&name=GraffitiPaintBrush.ttf&size=85&style_color=10A2E6[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/7b04df22b2e02f43264dadedf7628f3d/tumblr_myvj9lI9Kl1sw8xpso2_250.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Charlie had finally had hope that maybe they weren't all going to die. And then Athena came out of the ship. He knew her reputation well enough to know that she'd be trouble. And trouble she was. He clenched his fists as she waved the gun around. He was certain that she was unhinged or something, but before he could say anything, Rae, Tobi, and Genevieve got the first word in. Smirking as Rae dropped the knife at Athena's feet and as Tobi went off, he walked by the maniac on his way into the ship. [color=deepskyblue]"I think I'll take the nickname but as for your advice, I'm good. Huh, Brains. I think it suits me,"[/color] he said as he moved into the ship. He hadn't really noticed before, but the ship had gotten pretty dinged up in the crash. Pieces of the ship were lying everywhere across the floor, broken pipes and pieces of metal. He picked up a pipe and put it through his belt loop. With all that was going on today he figured having a weapon was a good bet. He moved throughout the room with pods, searching the linings for food. The smaller girl from before who'd about gotten shot by Athena was right. The pods were lined with rations, not a whole lot, but enough for a few days. As Charlie continued walking throughout the ship, he turned to an old habit of his from back on Port Hope. When he'd been leading the teen revolutionaries, he'd assigned them ratings from 1 to 10 on their danger to him and his group. Some kids were a little to radical. He began doing that with the rest of the Juvies. Tobi was a solid 1. Dangerous to everyone else but not him. Inquisitor's Daughter was a 3. She seemed feisty but he figured not enough people trusted her anymore for her to have any backing, although he figured she could probably still stab him in his sleep. Shirtless Dude was a 1 although the girl he'd seen running off in the distance seemed suspicious. The girl who'd found the food in the pods was a 3. She seemed like she could snap and do some damage, although it appeared that her anger was more focused on Athena. Oh, and Athena. Athena was a 10. [hr][hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Avery%20Alexander&name=Lucznik1303.ttf&size=85&style_color=62ED62[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/7bdc0c7e93cf04d87e520411ffbd7bd4/tumblr_mjs8qaLAG51qmohc9o3_250.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Avery listened as the battle for power was waged by some of the Juvies. While Rae tried to undermine the two boys' attempts at leading, Athena seemed to be lobbying for anarchy. Avery shook her head. She loved fun as much as the next girl but she figured it would have to wait. She spotted Violet through the crowd and made her way over after Tobi's rant had concluded. She figured Violet would have something to say about all this, maybe a decent idea as to how they should proceed even. Avery trusted Violet, and she didn't plan on surviving on this planet without her best friend. Wherever she went, Avery was sure to follow. [color=springgreen]"So Violet,"[/color] Avery said as she put her hair up into a bun, [color=springgreen]"Should we help your ex-boyfriend salvage supplies, or should we stay out here and get a bit of whatever Athena is on because I'm pretty sure it's really good."[/color] Avery smirked at her best friend and former cell mate as she took a deep breath of the new air that still seemed so sensational to the redhead. Well, everything seemed pretty sensational as of right now, what with seeing a real blue sky instead of the metal ceiling of her cell, and watching a girl who was probably clinically insane brandish a gun like it was nothing. [@PhunkyPhoebe]