[color=ed1c24][h2]Liza[/h2][/color] [hr][@Light Lord][@Ninian][@Draconequis] [color=ed1c24]"Liza,"[/color] she said tersely, though softly, at the man's question. That's all she needed to provide for now; no need to go give out her "charming surname" (as coined by a passing Socialite when she was doing community service) just yet. She was already coming off as a little harsh, but smoothness sometimes helped the process go along faster. It couldn't hurt to try. [color=f7941d][center][i]"Do you plan to become the Champion, then?"[/i][/center][/color] [color=ed1c24]"...that's the only plan, really. Battling pays better and kills time faster than a job...not that I won't get a job later. Just not now."[/color] She glanced at Nana as she was being growled and barked at by an Arcanine, of all things, before darting her eyes towards the trainer. [color=ec008c]"Hi. I'm Sirina. Sorry about Nana.. the Arcanine, she's really protective. I told Pent and Devon this earlier, but she will warm up to you in time. Nana, [b]relax[/b]."[/color] And that's when she saw those eyes - the same eyes her disapproving teacher gave her, the same eyes the parents of her much wealthier, much more fortunate friends gave, those eyes of blatant disapproval. And like those eyes, Sirina's eyes might've had a hint of pity, or at least, that's how Liza perceived it. She hated making people and Pokemon ache like that when she went all business-like, and the last thing she needed was suspicion, especially that of a Pokemon. So she released her hands from Shinon, and patted him on the back before gently pushing him back to Pent. Slowly, she knelt down, and held out her closed fist to the Arcanine slowly. She would, on most other occasions, offer an open palm to offer complete surrender, but Nana was angry. Liza wasn't planning on gambling with her fingers, so the fist would have to stay. A sniff would do...but to really seal the deal... [color=ed1c24]"...your Arcanine's beautiful,"[/color] Liza pointed out, while maintaining eye contact with the massive Pokemon. Slowly, her indigo eyes sank to the floor as her head slightly tilted forwards, as though bowing to the Arcanine. She wasn't going to force Nana to like her, and she sure as hell didn't want to pose as a threat to the guardian of a disabled girl. This nanny of a dog would probably more protective than the average, as care goes for the disabled. Very slowly, her eyes drooped until she could see no longer; the only thing she wanted to focus on were the inevitable words of Sirina and her own heartbeat. [color=ed1c24]"...my grandma used to own an Arcanine, once. Even when I came around, she was already old...so this is my first, really, to see an Arcanine in its prime."[/color]