[h2][color=66CD00] Gratia Mindaro – An Old Friend[/color][/h2] Vitoria let out a vicious laugh and nodded. [color=#f76a84]”Suit yourself, mercs are all the same.”[/color] She said, placing a hand on her own shoulder and massaging it gently. The elevator went silent save for Bianca’s irregular breathing, it was seemingly difficult to inhale for the Faunus. Examining their surroundings, the elevator was approximately six and a half feet wide, and nearly ten feet tall. Vitoria, who was directly opposite the doors stood about four feet from them. The elevator made a noise that Vitoria seemed alerted by. It was a metallic choking noise as the elevator stopped. [color=#f76a84]“What the fuck is all this?”[/color] Vitoria said banging once on the door. [color=#f76a84] “God damn it.”[/color] She said rubbing the sweat from her forehead once more. Gratia could see that her hand was slightly red from where she had struck the elevator door. [color=#f76a84]“Shit, why the hell did that hurt so much?”[/color] She said pulling her phone from her pocket and immediately hitting a single number and holding the phone to her ear. It rang briefly. [color=#f76a84] “Elevator’s stopped, I think we’re here can you override this for me?”[/color] She said in a somewhat sweeter tone than expected. Silence filled the air once more as they waited, Vitoria impatiently tapping her foot, sweat pooling on her forehead. They sat there, in the elevator for four minutes until a ding from the elevator ended the silence as the doors screeched open and their surroundings became clear. Vitoria sighed in relief and closed her phone. They were in what appeared to be a parking garage. The ceiling was perhaps ten feet high and the floor, ceiling, and walls were all concrete. One other man awaited Gratia at the end of the parking garage beside a black S.U.V. Vitoria exited as soon as the doors opened, and turned back to Gratia. [color=#f76a84] “I’ll be coming with you for this ride we aren’t headed too far.”[/color] Vitoria said motioning for Gratia to begin walking towards the car. As she motioned she felt the lower portion of her back where she had kept her knife once more. As Gratia would go to step out of the elevator, Vitoria would step in front of her. [color=#f76a84] “Girl looks heavy, that turtleneck seems pretty warm.”[/color] She said wiping the sweat out of her eyes once more. [color=#f76a84] “Why the fuck am I sweating so much?”[/color] She asked Gratia meeting her steely gaze with a psychotic one. She seemed to be tightening the fist of the hand not brandishing her blade in an attempt to regain focus. [h2][color=fff79a][s]V[/s][/color][s][color=66CD00]G[/color][color=FADA5E]N[/color][/s][color=7fffd4]B[/color] – Shit Hits the Fan[/h2] Beryl’s swift movement elicited a strange reaction from the elder man. He winked at the girl as she lunged in towards him, his right eye performing the deed. He took two quick steps to the right in order to avoid the lunge, but was surprised by the quick slash that followed. It seemed the tables had been turned as he was barely able to get his own blade in the way of Beryl’s causing him to recoil slightly. However, he used the momentum of his recoil to spin around and attempt to sweep Beryl’s legs. She would notice as he spun he stared directly into her soul through her eyes, making eye contact with her while attempting to knock her down to his level. Should Beryl avoid his attack his leg would meet his other and propel him backwards, attempting to create some distance between the two. Moving towards the direction Napoli originally stood.