[b]Beryl Harken- B- Crazy Old Guy With a Creepy Semblance[/b] Beryl was starting to get a handle on the old guy now. First of all, his semblance was of the more subtle type. Chances were that he had activated it when he first started staring at the otter faunus. Which meant that any of it's nastier effects would start kicking in soon. Secondly, his power required eye contact. Pretty intense eye contact too. He had yet to completely break off from her once so far. Third, judging from what she knew of his character there was a very good chance that his semblance would involve taking something from her. Not something that Beryl had any plans to allow. Plans to counter whatever Demetrei had cooking would have to wait another second or two though, as the old man attempted to sweep her feet out from under her. The teenage hunter lept up and back to avoid the attack, flicking [i]Stream[/i] off the knife currently blocking it and hopefully onto a path that would send it's segmented blades slicing across the offending leg as she did so. And then she activated the first dust charge in her weapon. Electricity usually did a good job of knocking out the man's goons. Hopefully it would work on the head honcho as well.