The Devil Incarnate's Profile Sheet for Starships -= [General Information] =- Name: Full Name: Nickname: Date of Creation: Place of Creation: Date of Decommissioned: Time of Service: Class of Starship: A.I On Board: (Yes or No) Number of AI: (1 - a lot) Name of AIs: (Name all the AIs you have for the Starship In question) AI Construct based on people: (This is for your AIs, aka what they look like when they are inside of the space ship's computer core or Holographic Projections. This means you have to give it in this order: Name of AI - Name of Construct it's based off of or this way Name of AI is based on the person's name it's based off of.) Alignment: (Only Applicable as an AI on board.) -= [General Miscellaneous Information] =- The Motto of the Ship: (The Motto of an Empire aka the Progenitor Empire's Motto is "We pledge we will protect and serve the people instead of oppressing the people in what we deserve is right.") The Tagline of the Ship: (Tagline is closely similar to the motto but it's more or less if this was sold on a black market what would it be?) Catch Phrase: (This is only applicable if the Starship in question has an AI.) -= [Appearance Information] =- Engine Name: Engine Height: Engine Length: Engine Width: Engine Trail Color: Hull Color: Hull Markings: Spaceship Height: Spaceship Length: Spaceship Width: Light Colors: (Aka like on Aircraft aka the Jetliners and etc) Other Distinctive Features: (Aka Battle Damage) Name of Mode: (#1 - 6 - Ancient One Only*) Mode AI Controller: (Mode AI Controller is what modes go with what AIs since there's six AIs and six modes that fits in perfectly for the Ancient One. This is an Ancient One Only option since it's the only one with six different AIs for six different modes since most starships have at least 1 primary AI that controls any number of modes.) Mode Height: (For #1 - 6 - Ancient One Only*) Mode Length: (For #1 - 6 - Ancient One Only*) Mode Width: (For #1 - 6 - Ancient One Only*) [spoiler]Leger for the Appearance Information: Ancient One Only* - You have to give me an good argument about why your starship should have an mode change but the maximum I am willing to give up in an argument with you is 2. So if you see this Leger and not argue with me than you are willing to give your starship 2 mode changes and they have to be realistic enough to be believable, and I sure you that the modes that the Ancient One has is believable it can turn in those since it's an MASSIVE Starship anyway.[/spoiler] -= [Relationship Information] =- Family Class of Starships: (Similar to the class of starship you are creating just have to create the names for each one and what they would be classified as aka this would be Known Family but in the Mechanical Sense.) Creator of the Starship: Aggressive Stance: (Like Enemies though this is what the Starship will instantly target and try to destroy it.) Neutral Stance: (Like Rivals/Friends a bit, won't go out of its way to annihilate the target but try to hurt it enough that it doesn't come back.) Passive Stance: (Ignores everything and does its task to the letter.) Offline Mode: (How long does the Starship just sits their like an derelict and gets ignored by all things that are looking for it.) -= [Equipment Information] =- Weapons On Board: (Yes or No) Hanger Bays On Board: (Yes or No) Number of Weapons: (1 - A lot) Number of Hanger Bays: (1 - A lot) Name of Weapons: (In the Classes of Short Ranged, Medium Ranged and Long Ranged Weaponry) Hanger Bay Load out: (The Size of Starships inside of the Hanger Bay, how many that launches from each hanger bay, and the weapon load out of the smallest ship in the Hanger Bay.) Class of Weapons: (In what ranges they can hit and also Special Weapons) Name of Special Weapon: Special Weapon Length: Special Weapon Height: Special Weapon Width: Power Generation Unit: (This is the Item of Note more or less for the Starship in question, it's the life blood of the starship aka the Warp Core.) -= [Strengths & Weaknesses Information] =- Special Features Names: Special Features Strengths: Special Features Weaknesses: -= [Personal Status] =- Theme Song: (The only one applicable since some ships have themes when they get into battle like any of those starfighter animes.) -= [General Information] =- Personality: (Only applicable if it has an AI.) Battle History: (The Battle History of every single battle the Starship's Been in since it's Date of Creation.) General History: (General History aka Non-War Time Battles or Wars.) -= [The Devil Incarnate's Guide] =- Through the mind of the thought patterns of the Spaceship Profile Sheet, since I was kinda desperate in making this profile sheet kinda of aka I really want to start on the Ancient One, the Omega Behemoth Titan Class Starship as soon as possible more or less. The Personal Information is important for all starships especially the ones who were created by very powerful beings. 1. The Name is simple since it's the name of the starship. The Example: Typhon, Ancient One or Renewed Freedom are the examples. 2. The Full Name is quite different is based off of the Ancient Civilization Name that the creator belongs to aka Emily S. Frostling created the Ancient One so the Full Name would be "Ancient Frost Warping Zeras One." 3. Nickname is quite easy since it's based off what the people around it aka the Legends of the Starship called it since it was FEARED or not. 4. Date of Creation - This is similar to Date of Birth but, it's slightly different since it's about creation with engineering instead of going into labor and giving birth to an child. 5. Place of Creation - Same as Place of Birth but different since most starships are created in extremely large factories or other type of places. 6. Date of Decommissioned - Same as Date of Death but different since it means the starship got decommissioned to be apart of an Moth Ball Fleet of Ships or Scrapped and rebuilt elsewhere. 7. Time of Service - How long its been in service from Date of Creation to Date of Decommissioned. 8. Class of Starship - This is what class of starship it is. The Examples are as follows Escort Carrier/Cruiser, Omega Behemoth Titan, Pirate Carrier and etc. 9. Artificial Intelligence On Board - Is an Yes or No Question. If it doesn't have any on board it's an No Question if it does it's an Yes. The only ones that would classify in this category to having an AI is the Ancient One and a starship in the Maria'Isis Universe. 10. Number of AIs - This is another simple one, the number of AIs that the Ancient One has is 6. So just put the number by the Number of AIs. 11. Name of AIs - All you have to do is name all the AIs in question aka in order from the first one to last one. 12. Alignment - Alignment only affects the Starships with AIs since most AIs can be like HAL 9000 or other dangerous AIs in other Movies and TV Shows. The General Miscellaneous Information is unique for Starships since it's slightly different to the Legendary Egoist's Character Sheet since those are for living breathing mortals aka like Lloyd or etc. 1. The Motto of the Ship - Any Empire's Motto can be the motto of the starship or if it is the Ancient One's the Motto is "Leave Us Alone and we won't blast you into space dust." 2. The Tagline to the Ship - The Tagline is what if it was sold on an auction or black market bid. Example: "Only the Greatest Finest Weapons are created from this beauty beware of its dangerous since it is highly impeccable in destruction." 3. Catch Phrases - AIs or Organic Starships can have Catch Phrases but AIs have an more toneless catch phrases than Organic Starships. The Appearance Information is quite important but most information is on it already aka you don't need to worry most of the time, though only certain things will be talked about in this portion. 1. Engine Name - The Name of the Engine the Starship is holding and if it is double or triple stacked is also in the name but at the end of the name in lower case. 2. Hull Markings - Hull Markings similar to these as an Example - PSA1-5FS1M-32D the Renewed Freedom's Hull Markings. That is all for this guide since I have to think on it more but I gave you an in depth look at the Personal Information, General Misc. Information and some of the Appearance Information since I don't really think there needs to be any more expanding on these things. Also I might update this later to give an much more prosperous look at my Profile right now I just whipped this up easily. This gives you all the chance to see the Starship Profile and its guide I use for any starship I create. I just need to work on