[b][center][h2][color=f26522]Xavier[/color][/h2][/center][/b] [u][center][b]ROUTE 701[/b][/center][/u] Xavier took a few steps and stopped clutching his chest...To silence his stomach that was rumbling fiercely, sounding to him like it was coming straight out of the pits of hell. He had decided on skipping breakfast this morning to start his long hike to Vertigo City, finding New Amber Town incredibly dull and boring from the very first day he got there. Flown into the Viore International Airport from his village. No surprise why his grandparents decided to live there for their retirement. He certainly didn't want to stay there with his mother. Though he had planned on going to see Professor Maple as he was genuinely curious but he was apparently quite busy at that time and Xavier didn't want to wait around, but he did receive a mega charm when he got there. Supposedly the Professor wanted him to have it. So going there wasn't a complete loss. He figured he could always come back later if he had to, but he was quite eager to leave going right to bed as soon as they arrived at their grandparent's home. So he left first thing in the morning. Which for him was actually in the afternoon since he slept in so late. Causing him just to leave on what he slept in and doing nothing but hand brushing his hair down and grabbing his bag and saying goodbye and I love you to his mom before hurrying out the door. Wishing he had just fallen asleep on the plane, but he had to stay up for some reason. But it was clear to him that he couldn't waste anymore time, he had to go to Vertigo City. It wouldn't be too bad if he just waited to eat as soon as he got there right? That's what he thought, which at that moment he regretted his decision. Xavier put down his bright orange bag which had all his stuff, that set up last night. So he wouldn't forget anything when he went walking making sure he had his pokedex and his wallet and his cellphone and all the rest. Yet he somehow didn't pack a single bit of food. Sighing, Xavier looked up at Greed, his Gengar, who never really liked pokeballs. Usually staying beside him, floating slightly above Xavier's head. Greed just started to grin. [i][color=662d91]"I told you, didn't I? You'd get hungry if you didn't eat anything..."[/color][/i] Greed exclaimed using telepathy, which he would often use to communicate with him as Xavier could hear the words being said in his head. [i][color=662d91]"I was right wasn't I?" [/color][/i] Greed continues to tease him. As Xavier groaned some while rubbing his stomach some. [color=f26522]"Greed, I'm not in the mood. I'm starving and I'm already half an hour into walking there, it would be a waste to go back home now."[/color] Xavier complained. [i][color=662d91]"I know everyone else is probably hungry since they also haven't eaten, can't we just fly there?"[/color][/i] Greed asked as Xavier thought about it for a moment as he smiled a bit and reached into his pocket and grabbed his pokeball and sent out Skyline, his Dragonite. As soon as he appeared, spreading his wings out wide and opened his jaw wide as well letting out a big yawn. Xavier smiled at him. [color=f26522]"Hey Skyline. Think you could fly us to the next city? I'll buy you some those spicy berries you like and all of us some breakfest."[/color] Xavier said in a super polite and slightly pleading manner. Skyline simply smiled and nodded his head. Xavier smiled back and climbed on Skyline's back, and held onto him as Gengar sat on Xavier's shoulder. Skyline turned around and started get ready to take off, flapping his wings as he lifted off going upwards, flying in the air as he started to head straight for Vertigo City. Xavier looked down as he saw a couple people, most likely trainers as he smiled. [i][color=f26522]"Sucks being them right now. Maybe I'll come back after I get some food in my stomach, so I can battle some trainers."[/color][/i] Xavier thought to himself, as he felt a little bad for waking Skyline to make him fly without any food. But at the same time, it was a lot better than having to walk any more being as hungry as he was. As Skyline continued to fly he began to think maybe he should of ate some of the peanuts they gave him on the plane after all, despite the fact he hated eating nuts. Greed started to speak to Skyline. [color=662d91][/color] Greed asked speaking in a sarcastic tone. [color=00aeef][/color] Skyline replied. Greed just rolled his eyes as he just spoke telepathically to Xavier again. [color=662d91]"Skyline's complaining that he has to fly."[/color] Greed states as Skyline didn't hear what he said but just from the smirk on his face, he could fill in the blanks. Skyline glared at Greed. As Xavier just stroked the back of Skyline's head. [color=f26522]"I know you didn't say anything."[/color] Xavier assured warmly to Skyline. As Skyline quietly exhales and tries to ignore Greed focusing back on flying to their destination as he was getting hungry too. Xavier bonks Greed on the head as a nonverbal way to tell him to knock it off. Xavier was getting a little excited having never really been to a city before. Ready for some adventure and excitement, looking down as he saw a couple of trainers battling and another riding a bike and smiling figuring at the rate Skyline was flying, they'd be in Vertigo City in no time at least he and his stomach hoped...