[center][color=yellow][h3] Exit Of The Stalker Van Part II![/h3][/color][/center] Regus shrugged his shoulders at Serephina's explanation of the cat. Still a piss-poor reason to carry a pet around on something like this but it was a reason and Regus didn't feel like attempting to correct her lifestyle right now. He silently listened to Seth as he alternated between explaining something to a person on his comms and giving direction to the driver. Apparently they were being dropped off. Regus turned his head slightly at the twin sounds of Blackout's- no, it was Ryan's - voice and the rain [i]tinking[/i] against the roof. Embarassed that he hadn't thought of it himself Regus shucked off his black hoodie and the sweats, [color=yellow]"Yeah, here you go."[/color] He said simply as he tossed the black clothing to Ryan, revealing the red t-shirt and blue jeans he'd walked into the bank with. Had he put those on only this morning? It felt strange to be wearing his normal clothes again. Like he was suddenly another normal person, going about his day. Like he hadn't just robbed a bank successfully, again. Regus took off his mask as well, carefully placing it in a pocket. He wondered where they were being dropped off. It didn't really matter, he doubted it could be much worse than that seedy apartment.