Eira had backed down as asked. She still didn't trust the man. No matter, if he was a spy she would find out sooner or later. There was just something about him that did not sit right with her. Call it instinct or foolish, but she would keep a keen eye on the man from now on. The return to the camp a dull affair. Silence reigned with only the sounds of their boots. In the corner of her eye though she spotted what she had actually came out here for. She made her way off the track, leaving the others as she slowly stalked into the woods. She slowly followed the deer as it was grazing in the distance, making sure the wind was in her favour before she stalked to the side of it and notched an arrow. She aimed for where the heart would be and said a quick prayer before letting the arrow fly. As soon as the arrow left the bow she was already working on a second arrow which was let loose not too long after the first impacted and the deer had started to stagger away. Her second arrow hit near her first arrow, making the beast fall over. It was still not dead though she noticed as she came close to it. She bent down and gently stroked the deer before sinking her dagger into it, finishing it off. She slowly withdrew the arrows and made a quick carrier from some branches and a few strands of string that she had with her. It was too dangerous to skin the animal out here her gut was telling her and she started to drag the animal back to the camp. If anyone gave her any looks, she did not care and made her way over to where their encampment was. She started skinning the animal when Stein 'asked' her to make a fire. Grumpily she obliged and gathered some branches and a few logs before making her way back and dumped it into the fire pit. She would not set it on fire yet though as she went back to skinning the animal, cutting off some animal fat while she was at it. With the gathered fat she slowly started to grease the firewood and then started working on getting the flames going. It took a while but eventually they had a fire and she went back to skinning as she was listening in on the conversations around her. Once the deer was skinned, she started cooking it over the fire as Stein returned with some news apparently. As she heard that they had been picked for vanguard, she just sighed. [i]"They're all going to die, aren't they?"[/i] she thought to herself as she was slowly roasting the deer. [i]"Idiots all of them,"[/i] she looked around to take in the faces. Half would probably be gone by tomorrow she figured. Once the meat was done she would share it with the others, salting whatever was left. Would give her some provisions in case that they lost the battle and she would return home again. Home, to her children, and her husband. After the meal she made her way back up to her tree where she slept like a baby the entire night. As they marched towards the battle she was calm. She did not intend to die, nor to fight in the vanguard. She knew her task in this battle, no matter if Stein approved of it or not. She was going to target the commanders of the enemy. Victory was her only concern, not what anyone thought about it. As the question was asked she did not look up at him. "The north has been what the north always has been. The south however has been lacking after the loss of your father. A man which I respect more than any other, him, and his values," she said and walked further up the line, not waiting for an answer. Eira joined up with the other scouts in the front. Some were veterans of previous encounters, some were not. She found other northerners here as well, most of them seemed to be from her tribal federation and she greeted them in a fitting fashion. They greeted her back, acknowledging her noble status but she did not care for it. "Follow me after we report back, we have a special job to do," was her only words to them as they scouted the enemy lines. After reporting back and getting their equipment ready she noticed her fellow northmen slowly trickle in, following what she had said. She nodded approvingly at them as they stalked the treeline to the left of the army. They would fight like a norse did. As the main bulk started to charge and the archers rained down arrows into the camp the norse picked their targets based on Eira's commands. All of them at once would loose their arrows into a single commander, felling him as they did. Even if the commander did not die, he would be put out of action. They would shoot their arrows then fade back into the woods and circle the forces and take more potshots. Their goal was to sow confusion and fear, and take out any skilled commanders that they might have.