[h3]South Bay Hangar[/h3][hr] [i]The melee was fierce and quick, but ultimately ended in favor of the mercenaries. Two dead Port Soldiers lay at Azir and Erek's feet, and the emergency alarm was still blaring. Izzy and Glitch were entering the ship while Captain Erek and Azir were on the ground level nearly 200 feet away from a stairway that led to the bottom hatch of the Sweet Anne.[/i] [center][h3][color=mediumpurple]Captain Erek[/color][/h3][/center] [indent][color=mediumpurple]"Nice shooting! Time to go friend!"[/color] said Erek, clapping Azir on the back. Erek plucked one of the dead guards heavy-bolters off of the ground. [color=mediumpurple]"No charges left! Let's get to the ship Azir!"[/color]. Erek pointed to the metal stairs about 200 feet away that led to the hull airlock of the [i]Sweet Anne[/i]. Erek began running towards the stairs.[/indent]