[center][color=f7976a][h2]Violet Blume[/h2][/color][/center] [center][URL=http://s87.photobucket.com/user/mary_anne_shipp_yo/media/Daria%202_zpsoczys5oc.gif.html][IMG]http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k133/mary_anne_shipp_yo/Daria%202_zpsoczys5oc.gif[/IMG][/URL][/center] [hr][hr] Athena was a lunatic, that much Violet already knew for sure. Violet had worked for her in what Athena referred to as her "drug empire" and had spent enough time around her to determine that she was at least a little mentally disturbed. Yet she was intelligent, she wasn't as crazy as she wanted everyone to think. Athena was manipulative and she liked things to go her way, but she also liked to get reactions from others. Which is why, when she sauntered out of the ship with that insane smile and a gun in her hand, Violet had to guess that it was either to gain power or to get a rise out of everyone. She watched as Athena shoved the gun into the kind girl's stomach, her heart momentarily stopping but quickly returning to normal as Athena moved on. It was then that she went off on a rant about power and how to gain it. It was [i]crazy[/i] but it was also sort of charming. As soon as her speech concluded, Tobi went off on her, as well as the girl Athena had pointed her gun at. The Inquisitor's daughter seemed to almost threaten her but nothing actually happened. It was as if this crazy girl had knocked some sense into everyone. Violet turned to Avery, [color=f7976a]"I don't think we want anything she's on, we might get put down due to insanity."[/color] She smiled at her best friend, but inside she was a little frightened. Violet heard that after she got busted, everyone else went down after her. Before she was thrown in prison, Violet was questioned about the people she got her stuff from and who all she supplied and sold to, but she didn't say a word. The authorities had probably tracked Athena down through Violet and then shut everything down, but it [i]wasn't[/i] her fault. Violet's eyes slid over to where Tobi stood again. Maybe she could explain what had happened. Let Athena know that [i]someone else[/i] ratted her out for reasons she still didn't know. Violet grinned. [i]And then we can both get our revenge on that bastard.[/i] [color=f7976a]"C'mon,"[/color] she said to Avery. [color=f7976a]"Let's go see what we can get from the ship before a bunch of crazies try to ransack it. Besides, we need to leave quickly. Who knows what kind of creatures are on this planet."[/color] The thought of what lay ahead of them plagued her mind for a moment. There had to be some sort of life here, some sort of animals. Violet had never been on another planet before but she knew of the Capital Worlds, she knew people lived on them. So who was to say there weren't other humans here, too? [@smarty0114]