[CENTER][hr][hr][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][h3]T H E U N C A N N Y X - M E N:[/H3][/COLOR][SUP][COLOR=SILVER][I][B]T H E N E X T E V O L U T I O N[/B][/I][/COLOR][/SUP] [hr][hr][SUP][B][color=silver]| GMs: [URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/lord-wraith][i][color=slategray]Lord Wraith[/color][/i][/url] [color=slategray]&[/color] [URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/hillan][i][color=slategray]Hillan[/color][/i][/URL] | Genre: [i][color=slategray]Fandom, Superhuman, Modern Fantasy[/color][/i] | Type: [i][color=slategray]Sandbox with Linear Elements[/color][/i] |[/color][/B][/SUP][/CENTER] [INDENT]In 1972, a man by the name [b]Charles Xavier[/b] brought together a group of gifted individuals in order to share a dream with the world. This group would become known to the general populace as the [B]X-Men[/B]. While their gifts are varied, the one thing that ties the X-Men together is that they are all mutants. A subspecies of humans who are born with superhuman abilities, the X-Men fight for peace and equality between normal humans and mutants in a world where antimutant bigotry is fierce and widespread. Realizing his dream would take years to accomplish, Xavier or [B]Professor X[/B] founded the [B]Xavier Institute for Higher Learning[/B]. Located in Westchester County, New York, the Institute or as its commonly referred to, the [B]X-Mansion[/B] is the home and training site of the X-Men. The X-Men are recruited from around the world and any mutant in need of asylum is welcomed through its doors. Dozens of mutants from various countries and diverse backgrounds have held membership as X-Men through the years since Xavier's founding with the original five. In recent years the X-Men have fell upon hard times, losing numerous members and being involved in near world wide cataclysmic events. Among these losses was Charles Xavier himself, the vision and guiding light of the school. However, the Institute still continues to operate as Xavier's students have stepped up to continue their mentor's dream, rescuing and recruiting new mutants such as yourself as often as they can.[/INDENT] [hr][hr][INDENT][H3][SUP][B][color=slategray][i]B A C K G R O U N D I N F O R M A T I O N :[/i][/color][/B][/SUP][/H3][/INDENT][hr][hr] [INDENT]The world of the X-Men has fallen apart in the last couple decades. With both Apocalypse and the Dark Phoenix keeping mutants fresh in the minds of the public, the X-Men and mutants as a whole have a very negative press image. Even among the superhuman community, the X-Men are regarded as pariahs having no contact with S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avengers or even the Fantastic Four. As such, the X-Men are forced to work covertly in their day to day operations. Any rescue mission or removal of rogue mutant has to happen under the radar or else they could end up in direct conflict with Captain America himself. In order to accomplish their goals, the X-Men have two active teams. The X-Force is the covert strike team used to take out rogue mutants or oppose the numerous Brotherhood sects that have popped up in the wake of Magneto's death. Led by Alexander Summers (Havok), the team consists of Betsy Braddock (Psylocke), Lorna Dane (Polaris), Shiro Yoshida (Sunfire), Arthur Centino (Longshot) and Laura Kinney (X-23). The other team is simply known as the X-Men, the official representation for the school. This team is sent out to recruit newly emerging mutants and rescue those who are oppressed in their lives because of their mutation. Led by Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), the current X-Men team is made up of Samuel Guthrie (Cannonball), Jean-Paul Beaubier (Northstar), Roberto Da Costa (Sunspot), Hope Spalding (Hope), Clarice Ferguson (Blink), Theresa Rourke Cassidy (Siryn) and James Proudstar (Warpath). Once rescued by the X-Men, new recruits and students are delivered to the Xavier Institute of Higher Learning. Since the passing of Charles Xavier, the school has elected a new headmaster. Robert Drake (Iceman), one of Charles' first students has taken over as Headmaster of the Institute. Like Drake himself, the faculty is made of former X-Men who have all dedicated their lives to teaching and guiding new students. This faculty consists of the following: [INDENT]■ [B]Alison Blaire [I](Dazzler)[/I][/B] | [I]Music, Art, Life Sciences, and Drama[/I] ■ [B]Sean Cassidy [I](Banshee)[/I][/B] | [I]Mathematics, Finance, and Accounting.[/I] ■ [B]Emma Frost [I](White Queen)[/I][/B] | [I]Recruiter/Admissions, English, Business, and Ethics[/I] ■ [B]Anne Marie LeBeau [I](Rogue)[/I][/B] | [I]English, Linguistics, Business, and Psychic Defense[/I] ■ [B]Rémy LeBeau [I](Gambit)[/I][/B] | [I]Training/Danger Room Monitor, Target Practice/Projectile Practice, Sex-Ed[/I] ■ [B]Hank McCoy [I](Beast)[/I][/B] | [I]Guidance Counselor, Science, Mathematics, Philosophy[/I] ■ [B]Katherine Pryde [I](Shadowcat)[/I][/B] | [I]Computer Science Classes, Ethics, Student Advisor[/I] ■ [B]Piotr Rasputin [I](Colossus)[/I][/B] | [I]Close Quarter Combat, Elective Leadership and Tactics[/I] ■ [B]Warren Worthington [I](Archangel)[/I][/B] | [I]Recruiter, Business, Consumer Law Classes, as well as a flying class for those students with flight powers.[/I][/INDENT] Aside from those still active, there are several other former X-Men still alive and scattered around the world. The most notable of these is Ororo Munroe T'Challa, formerly Storm of the X-Men and currently queen of Wakanda, living in Africa with her husband T'Challa, the former Avenger, Black Panther. Both James Howlett, or Logan the Wolverine and Scott Summers left the Institute after the death of Jean Grey. Logan began to suffer a mental break down and fled to the Canadian North West Territories, reverting to his feral state. Scott on the other hand began to sink into depression, finding solace in the bottom of a bottle. While he returns to the Institute every now and then, Scott is a shell of the man he used to be, seldom sober and often losing most of his money to sleazy shapeshifters. Elsewhere, Raven Darkhölme and Pietro Maximoff have decided to continue what they believe is Magneto's Legacy and unite the Brotherhood sects. While most of the Brotherhood's associates are unknown to the X-Men, several notable foes still the ranks. These known associates include Victor Creed (Sabertooth), Angel Salvatore (Angel) and Akhiro (Daken). One notably missing member however is the daughter of Magneto, the Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff who is currently missing. Wanda disappeared after the Apocalypse crisis and hadn't been seen since her time as a horseman.[/INDENT] [hr][hr][INDENT][H3][SUP][B][color=slategray][i]T I M E L I N E:[/i][/color][/B][/SUP][/H3][/INDENT][hr][hr] [indent]■ [B]1939[/B] | A twelve year old Erik Eisenhardt discovers his mutant abilities during the German Invasion of Poland. He is delivered into the hands of eager Nazi scientists. ■ [B]1941[/B] | A young boy by the name of Charles Xavier discovers his mutant abilities. ■ [B]1944[/B] | During the last year of WWII, Steven Rogers volunteers for the Super Soldier Experiment which leads to him becoming Captain America. ■ [B]1945[/B] | During his final battle, Captain America is lost somewhere over the North Sea. ■ [B]1953[/B] | Completing his Ph.D.s in Genetics, Biophysics, Psychology, and Anthropology with a two-year residence at Pembroke College, Oxford University. ■ [B]1955[/B] | Xavier goes on to also receive an M.D. in Psychiatry while spending several years in London. ■ [B]1956[/B] | Travelling to South America, Xavier volunteers at a local hostel where he provides aid for an injured man by the name of Erik Lehnsherr. Unfortunately for Xavier, Erik turns out to be a Nazi Hunter on the run. The hostel is eventually attacked as Erik's pursuers catch up to him forcing both Erik and Xavier to reveal their mutant abilities to one another. In the aftermath of the event, Xavier and Erik form a strong friendship and join together in an idealistic pursuit to unite the world's mutant population. ■ [B]1969[/B] | After over a decade of friendship, Erik and Xavier have a falling out due to a growing difference in opinions regarding mutant and human-relationships. Xavier beliefs fell firmly in promoting unity between man and mutant, while Erik believed in Mutant Supremacy. Their difference of opinion eventually escalated to a confrontation that ends with Xavier being paralyzed from the waist down. ■ [B]1970[/B] | Xavier finishes construction on a device originally conceived by Erik and himself. Dubbed 'Cerebro', the machine allowed Xavier to boost his abilities in order to find and locate mutants across the globe. The first of these is the mutant born Hank McCoy but better known as Beast. ■ [B]1972[/B] | The X-Men are founded by Dr. Charles Xavier. The founding five members of the X-Men are Warren Worthington (Archangel), Hank McCoy (Beast), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Bobby Drake (Iceman), and Jean Grey. ■ [B]1976[/B] | With awareness of mutants growing, several private military contracts are developed in order to combat the perceived 'Mutant Threat'. William Stryker is put in front of a government funded operation known as 'Weapon X' which was aimed to resurrect the Super Soldier Project. The program bears three successful candidates, among them the man known only as the Wolverine. ■ [B]1979[/B] | Erik Lehnsherr, now going by the name 'Magneto', founds a Brotherhood of Mutants in response to Xavier's growing X-Men. Among his recruits are a shapeshifter by the name of Mystique, Toad, Sabertooth, the Vanisher, Astra and the man known as the Wolverine. ■ [B]1980[/B] | Following an attack on the Whitehouse, the Brotherhood and X-Men come to blows for the first time. Realizing the X-Men are better trained and prepared than his Brotherhood, Magneto forces the X-Men onto the defensive by endangering bystanders allowing the Brotherhood to escape capture. ■ [B]1982[/B] | A man by the name of Bolivar Trask is contracted by the U.S. Government in the creation of Anti-Mutant weapons. This 'Anti-Mutant Initiative', begins with prototypes for the weapon that would become known as the Sentinel. ■ [B]1983[/B] | Realizing that the Wolverine's mind is a shattered mess due to the experiments performed on him by the 'Weapon X Program', Magneto sends Wolverine to infiltrate the X-Men. While originally treated with distrust, Wolverine, or Logan as he introduces himself. Training with the X-Men, Logan becomes infatuated with Jean Grey. ■ [B]1987[/B] | The government agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D. is given charge of the 'Sentinel Program'. Focusing assets into development, S.H.I.E.L.D. designed a towering humanoid assault unit. Programmed to seek out and destroy mutants, the Sentinels were mounted on S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarriers for mobile deployment. ■ [B]1993[/B] | The Sentinel program is discontinued due to drastic collateral damage in the war against mutants. After a very public battle in downtown New York, the public opinion of the Sentinel Program drastically dropped with most people feeling more afraid of the Sentinels than the mutant next door. ■ [B]1998[/B] | Captain America's body is found off the North-East Coast of Newfoundland. Retrieved by S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain America is thawed out in a controlled space before being rehabilitated to the modern world. ■ [B]2000[/B] | The Fantastic Four are promoted as New York's first superhero family. ■ [B]2002[/B] | The 'Avengers Initiative' is unveiled to the world as a replacement for the Sentinel program. In order to win the public's approval, Captain America is unveiled as the leader of the team. Unlike the Sentinel program which was focused on hunting and destroying mutants, the new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Colonel Nicholas Fury promises that the Avengers are sworn to protect the public from threats against them. While mutants are still regarded with a degree of prejudice and fear, their acceptance in society moves forward. ■ [B]2004[/B] | The first mutant, Apocalypse unleashes his wrath upon the world. Nearly enslaving mankind and mutants alike. Numerous X-Men are killed in the struggle against Apocalypse with the Avengers abandoning them after Apocalypse turned several of their allies into his horsemen. Managing to defeat Apocalypse, the X-Men suffer great losses including teammate Elixir who gives his life reverting Apocalypse's changes. ■ [B]2006[/B] | A sixteen year old Spider-Man is first spotted swinging through Queens in New York City. ■ [B]2008[/B] | Bringing a massive meteor to Earth, Magneto sought to display mutant supremacy once again over mankind. An uneasy alliance between the X-Men and the Avengers leads to Magneto's defeat and unfortunately his death. ■ [B]2009[/B] | The covert strike team known as the X-Force is developed by the former X-Men Havok as a retaliation to numerous mutant sects popping up around the world to continue Magneto's work. ■ [B]2012[/B] | Jean Grey finds herself transformed as the sleeping Phoenix Force within her wakes up causing Jean to turn on her former allies and lovers. After a long hard battle, the X-Men manage to defeat the Dark Phoenix when Cyclops unleashes the full power of his optic blast on Jean while Logan manages to stab her from behind. The event takes a toll on both men, causing them to leave the X-Men soon after. ■ [B]2014[/B] | At the age of 85, Dr. Charles Xavier passes away in his sleep. His loss is felt throughout the superhuman community but especially by his mourning X-Men. ■ [B]2015[/B] | After the events of the Dark Phoenix led to mass destruction that even the Avengers failed to stop, S.H.I.E.L.D. decided to reboot he Sentinel Program. Pardoning Boliver Trask for his previous crimes, Director Fury sets Trask up with all the necessary assets he needs to create a better Sentinel. ■ [B]2016[/B] | The present year, the Xavier Institute has suffered a loss in enrollment due to the events of both Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix still present in the minds of man and mutant alike. Further contributing to the decline in recruitment is the loss of Xavier two years prior.[/indent] [hr][hr][INDENT][H3][SUP][B][color=slategray][i]T H E X A V I E R I N S T I T U T E F O R H I G H E R L E A R N I N G:[/i][/color][/B][/SUP][/H3][/INDENT][hr][hr] [CENTER][IMG]http://i0.wp.com/www.sportsalcohol.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/XMansionX3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [INDENT][hider=Map of Campus] [CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/dqavbER.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/NK95ewk.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/2RlfFph.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/4fL1HtH.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jg2x1xo.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/JnmwwNj.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/au5IKte.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PWH3TNf.png[/img][/CENTER][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][B][I][COLOR=SILVER][SUP]*Professor Xavier's office is now Robert Drake's office. *Classes are held in the library on a regular basis.[/SUP][/COLOR][/I][/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/nbJxQwN.png[/img][/CENTER][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][B][I][COLOR=SILVER][SUP]*Professor Xavier's bedroom is now Robert Drake's bedroom. *Study halls are used as rotating classrooms.[/SUP][/COLOR][/I][/B][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/hider][/INDENT] [hr][hr][INDENT][H3][SUP][B][color=slategray][i]R U L E S & R E G U L A T I O N S :[/i][/color][/B][/SUP][/H3][/INDENT][hr][hr] [INDENT][HIDER=1. In Character Rules] [B]1. IN CHARACTER RULES:[/B] [INDENT][b][1.01][/b]You are your character, so act like them. Create or portray their mannerisms, powers, and ideals to how they have been established in the game. BE the character, not just yourself with the character's powers. The notes section of your CS has been provided for such a reason, use it to help yourself remain consistent in character portrayals. [b][1.02][/b] Writing expectations for this roleplay are at least a two (2) paragraph minimum per post. Three (3) to five (5) paragraph posts however would be awesome so long as you're not simply chewing the scenery. Proper spelling and grammar is also expected but small mistakes here and there are understandable. Blatant offenses will be called out. [B][1.03][/B] You are encouraged to post at least once per week. If there are any outside factors as to why you aren't able to post, please let the GMs know. If you find yourself in a plot with another player and they disappear, do your best to move on without them and quickly finish the arc to the best of your ability, or ask for the help of a GM. If you stop posting for two (2) weeks without a message in the OOC, your character will be listed as 'inactive', and after a further week of inactivity, your characters will be expelled, and dealt with as necessary in the IC, whether killed or used as needed and then discarded. Please if you know you’re going to be absent or simply have lost interest in the RP, just let the GM know. [B][1.04][/B] No God-Modding or metagaming. This refers to controlling or manipulating another player's character in way that is completely self-beneficial and not pre-approved by the other player. This also includes being untouchable against NPC characters as well as being all knowing. Keep your character humanized or risk being expelled from the RP. [B][1.05][/B] PC's are not to be killed without permission. Nameless NPC's are fine, but PC's or important NPC's will require authorization by their creator. [B][1.06][/B] This is a Character Driven RP, and as such you are encouraged and expected to take charge of your character's sub-plots and storylines. That said, there will be a heavy emphasis on collaborative activities and team building as well. The GMs will be leading the RP in the traditional sense with a driving plot and will ensure the RP keeps moving however we do want to see you develop your characters and produce your own plots. However we don't want to see you lock your character out of interaction and focus solely on your character and their 'world'. No one enjoys watching you play with yourself, it's always better to let someone else join in on the fun. [B][1.07][/B] Absolutely no 'OOC' chatter in the In Character Thread. If you have a question or anything to explain there is an Out Of Character Thread provided. You have no excuse to make an 'OOC' comment in the IC and if done it will be heavily frowned upon. [B][1.08][/B] Plots should not be completed in one or two posts. Your character should not be able to stop an entire robbery by themselves or put out a city block on fire with relative ease. That said obviously different power levels do apply so if you do manage to put out the fire, solve the cause of it. If you stop the robbery find out who hired the gang or what their motives were. If all else fails do some character development or show us some ‘Slice of Life’ moments for you character if you do solve a plot quickly.[/INDENT][/HIDER] [HIDER=2. Out Of Character Rules:] [B]2. OUT OF CHARACTER RULES:[/B] [INDENT][b][2.01][/b] Respect the Game Masters. The GMs' words are to be adhered, please don't argue or disregard them unnecessarily. If a GM asks you to stop doing something please do it. Likewise if a GM asks you to change something in your post please do it. Failure to adhere to any GM or Moderator requests will result in expulsion from the game. [b][2.02][/b] Respect the other players. Constructive criticism is fine, but flaming or trying to run players off just because you don't like the way they do things is not okay. Remember, it's the GM's job, not yours, to point out if there's a problem. If you feel that there is a problem, then contact a GM directly. [b][2.03][/b] Likewise any quarrels will be dealt with by the GMs. Don't take them out in the OOC, arguments should be dealt with between the two parties through private messaging. If the involved parties truly can't solve their issues a GM can act as an arbiter upon request. [b][2.04][/b] No GIF Wars. This is a thread for discussion of the roleplay, its characters and plots. This is not a Spam Thread. Chat is allowed and encouraged but within reason, please try not to fill the OOC with numerous pages that have little to nothing to do with the roleplay itself. An active OOC generally means an active roleplay so feel free to chat up your fellow players about characters and events in the RP.[/INDENT][/HIDER] [HIDER=3. Character Creation Rules:] [B]3. CHARACTER CREATION RULES:[/B] [INDENT][b][3.01][/b] You can create any superhuman mold you want with tact. All invincible superhumans or obvious imitations of DC or Marvel titles will be judged harshly. Note that you an be inspired by another DC character and/or related but I don't want to see a carbon copy. Remember that the world is not accepting of mutants and no matter what abilities you have, you will be consider a freak. [b][3.02][/b] In line with above rule, do not make your character well rounded, give them weaknesses and flaws. Limitations in their skills and abilities, reasons to make them need a team to support them. Additionally, give your character room to grow and develop. It's always fun to have a new power show up down the line, just give the GM a heads up first so it doesn't look like you're godmodding. Powers should fall into a specific niche, look at Shadowcat, Cyclops and Jean Grey. All their abilities are limited to a specific spectrum, we want you to do the same. [b][3.03][/b] While 'legacy' characters are allowed, you'll need to ensure they don't contradict any of the above mentioned lore. Furthermore we ask that not everyone apply as a legacy character, original characters are encouraged. Legacy characters will be under harsher scrutiny than original characters. [b][3.04][/b] Character sheets will not be accepted until the GMs have had time to look over the CS thoroughly. This not only ensures that we the GMs have time to read through Character Sheets appropriately but also that you the Player are receiving proper critique as well as a solid community to interact with in the In Character Threads. We appreciate your patience with this. Character sheets will also not be accepted based on a first come basis, but rather on who the GM feels will be best for the RP. That said, there will be a window for applicants, after this window, character acceptance will be closed until such a time as the RP requires new players. [b][3.05][/b] All Character Sheets must be submitted to the GMs in the provided or similarly laid out format. Character Sheets which do not use an organized skeleton will be rejected and asked to comply with a standard. Displays of impatience towards acceptance will result in an immediate denial. The GMs have lives outside of RPG and may have their time restricted during the week and/or weekend. Have patience and a positive attitude and you will receive a response. [b][3.06][/b] Character Sheets are to be posted in the OOC Thread for review and once accepted posted in the Character Thread. At the end of your sheet, please write your (not your character's) favourite beverage. Failure to comply with these rules will delay your acceptance as you obviously did not read through the rules and therefore can not be trusted to adhere to those laid out for the OOC and IC threads. Additionally, do not announce this rule or hint towards it within the OOC. If someone can't read the rules for themselves, they likely can't read the IC and we don't want their kind here. [b][3.07][/b] Forbidden abilities include the following: Blood Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Time Manipulation and any Reality Altering ability. As a safe guard, any ability that requires you to mod/get permission from another player would also be rejected. Abilities will be reviewed on a case by case basis of course but please think before applying. I'm all for being unique but don't choose abilities solely for that reason. [b][3.08][/b] Failure to adhere to any of the character creation rules will lead to rejection of the application with a citation of the broken rule(s). Permission to re-apply will be given on a case by case basis depending on the rule(s) broken and the quality of the application. Critique will be given on Character Sheets which don't break any rules but aren't quite up to an acceptable standard. Please be willing to work with the GM in the event of this.[/INDENT][/HIDER] [HIDER=Sexual Conduct:] [B]SEXUAL CONDUCT:[/B] [INDENT]This is an open world RP and I realize that relationships are a part of this. While I have no problem with this I do want it kept a specific way to avoid breaking any rules. As part of RPG's rule, mature content is forbidden on the forums. You may however use the standard fade-to-black technique if you desire and that will be fine, just keep it PG-13/14A (May contain: violence, coarse language and/or sexually suggestive scenes.) both leading and following up. I implore you to keep within the age restrictions set up already by administration. As such, let’s keep it simple, ages 14-17 can have relationships with each other and likewise for 18-22. Obviously there's some grey area in there and I'd understand 16-18 should also be a range but please just use your common sense if you're going to seek a relationship within the RP. You have been warned of my expectations on this matter and should you fail to follow through you will be asked to leave the roleplay and reported for breaking site rules.[/INDENT][/HIDER] [HIDER=Commitment And Consistency:] [B]COMMITMENT AND CONSISTENCY:[/B] [INDENT]If you join this RP, if you take the time to submit an application, I'm putting my faith in you that you'll be committed to it and that the character you play will be consistent with the one in the agreed upon CS. Personally, I have a hard time with this sometimes and I understand that things just happen. That said I’m referring to suddenly giving a character new powers with no explanation or completely changing their backstory in order to add new skills. I’m okay with changes but I’d like a heads-up first so perhaps we can work a more natural way towards these things happening. In terms of commitment, dropping out of the RP randomly for whatever reason is a pain or a GM. Simply put, it wastes my time along with the other players. If you do not think you can join and you're sure something will come up, do not join. Tendency to not care about an RP after a while? Don't join. Simple as that. I will work with you when it comes to bumps in the road. If you think you're going to be out for a couple of days, that's fine. I'll find a way to excuse you from the story or play your character. However, please let the group known as far in advance as possible. If you're going on a trip, tell me something. Do not leave me wondering where you are. Let me know so I can keep things going. I will work around you if you work with me when you can.[/INDENT][/HIDER][/INDENT] [hr][hr][INDENT][H3][SUP][B][color=slategray][i]C H A R A C T E R S K E L E T O N:[/i][/color][/B][/SUP][/H3][/INDENT][hr][hr] [INDENT][pre][B]| BIRTHNAME: |[/B] [INDENT]The name given to you by your parents that appears on your birth certificate.[/INDENT] [B]| NICKNAME(S): |[/B] [INDENT]Any name you commonly go by or are called by your friends.[/INDENT] [B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/B] [INDENT]The name corresponding with your abilities, used in the Danger Room.[/INDENT] [B]| SEX: |[/B] [INDENT]Are you male, female, transgender etc?[/INDENT] [B]| AGE: |[/B] [INDENT]How old are you? (Please don't go any lower than 14 or any higher than 19.)[/INDENT] [B]| APPEARANCE: |[/B] [INDENT]What do you look like? This can be described or you can use a visual reference. Please do not use 'Anime/Manga' images. Photorealistic images are preferred but we understand they don't always work depending on the character's mutation.[/INDENT] [B]| ABILITIES: |[/B] [INDENT]What can your character do? Please remember to make these abilities specific and limited. Do not under any circumstance make a well-rounded character. This is the X-Men, not the Avengers.[/INDENT] [B]| BIOGRAPHY: |[/B] [INDENT]A short biography describing where you came from, how your life has been and how long you've been at the school. There's no need to write a novel here as we're all students barely into adulthood. [/INDENT] [B]| MISC. NOTES: |[/B] [INDENT]Anything else you want to add or note for yourself.[/INDENT][/pre][/INDENT] [hr][hr][INDENT][H3][SUP][B][color=slategray][i]R E L A T I O N S H I P S H E E T T E M P L A T E:[/i][/color][/B][/SUP][/H3][/INDENT][hr][hr] [INDENT][pre] [CENTER][hr][h3]'S RELATIONSHIP SHEET[/H3][hr][SUB][B][I]// [color=0072bc]Friend[/color] // [color=00a99d]Acquaintance[/color] // [color=f26522]Frenemy[/color] // [color=fff200]Rival[/color] // [color=ed1c24]Enemy[/color] // [color=ed145b]Crush[/color] //[/I][/B][/SUB][/CENTER] [INDENT][LIST] [*][B]:[/B] [INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT] [*][B]:[/B] [INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT] [*][B]:[/B] [INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT] [*][B]:[/B] [INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT] [*][B]:[/B] [INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT] [*][B]:[/B] [INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT] [*][B]:[/B] [INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT] [*][B]:[/B] [INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT] [*][B]:[/B] [INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT] [*][B]:[/B] [INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT][/LIST][/INDENT][/pre][/INDENT] [hr][hr][INDENT][H3][SUP][B][color=slategray][i]F . A . Q . :[/i][/color][/B][/SUP][/H3][/INDENT][hr][hr] [INDENT][HIDER=Frequently Asked Questions] [B]Is this based on the X-Men movies or the comics?[/B] [INDENT][I]Technically neither, Hillan and I combined events from both plus a few of our own ideas to create an 'original' timeline.[/I][/INDENT] [B]Can I make an original character?[/B] [INDENT][I]Yes you may.[/I][/INDENT] [B]How many players are you looking for?[/B] [INDENT][I]The aim is to have an active roster of 5 to 8 players. As players tend to come and go, if our numbers are lacking we will recruit as needed. I'd like to keep a decent sized but close-knit group.[/I][/INDENT] [B]What kind of powers am I allowed to use?[/B] [INDENT][I]Hillan and I are looking for 'niche' powers. That is to say, in a team dynamic we want the characters to fill out specific roles on the team. Support, assault, ranged etc. As mentioned previously, look at the canon characters of Cyclops, Jean Grey and Shadowcat.[/I][/INDENT] [B]Can my character use magic, be a vampire/werewolf/god/alien etc?[/B] [INDENT][I]Unless it's caused via a mutation, then the answer would be no.[/I][/INDENT] [B]Can I have more than one character?[/B] [INDENT][I]Hillan and I are aiming to keep the cast smaller so the answer to this is no. If a need comes this can be revisited. Alternatively you may have an opportunity to kill your character off and submit a new one down the road.​[/I][/INDENT] [B]Can my character be bad/evil?[/B] [INDENT][I]At this point it is asked that all characters be X-Men.​​[/I][/INDENT] [B]What's the plot going to be like?[/B] [INDENT][I]The plot will follow the disappearance of the X-Men resulting in our characters having to step up to fulfill their roles. Activities in the game will alternate between regular school events and missions to help mutants in distress. Eventually an antagonist will be revealed in the IC for our characters to focus on.[/I][/INDENT][/HIDER][/INDENT]