[center][b]Age of Imperialism 2.0: TURN 1 | Fall 1920[/b] ([i]November[/i]) (Turn 3, Part 2 of 3)[/center] [b]November 1st[/b]: The Pozzouli submarine [i]P-13[/i] sinks a Poseidon-class Destroyer as the [b]The Chaegon Armada[/b] returns to Liren for refueling. Torpedoed as she was heading into the harbor slit, two other Chaegonian destroyers immediately begin dropping depth charges in an attempt to locate the submarine, but it slips away undetected. [b]November 2nd[/b]: The [b]Imperial Guard[/b] digs in and are joined by 5,000 Taranian Volunteers, though most of them are without weapons; as is the case for much of the Chaegonian Army. The journal of Paul Conrath, Imperial Guard, 15th Rifles: [hr][hr] [center][img]http://media.iwm.org.uk/iwm/mediaLib/365/media-365219/large.jpg[/img] [i]Chaegonian Trenches, November, 1920[/i][/center] [i]Emperor Giannelli has forgotten us. We have not yet met the enemy and already we are defeated. There is but one rifle for every four men, and I am not among the lucky ones. We have machine guns and mortars set up, watched over by a dozen men who have nothing else to bide their time with. Even the Taranians who join us are appalled by the poor conditions here. Alfredo says the ships passing the coast are not Chaegonian, but Pozzoulian. We sleep to pass the time, or play hide and seek with the enemy. Judging by the number of shots they take at us daily, they are not for lack of rifles. I have seen General Petroni march through the trenches and inspect our positions, but he has said little and I wonder if he believes that we can win. New men are being trained, more rifles are being produced. But the Emperor has lost his mind. He sends orders commanding many thousands of men. Eighty thousand men to hold the line! There are less than forty-thousand of us. Perhaps with the annexation of Tarania, the emperor has thought himself all powerful.[/i] [hr][hr] [b]November 8th[/b]: The [b][color=yellow]Imperial Republic of Fuso[/color][/b] begins building a factory in Najin. [b]November 9th[/b]: The [b][color=maroon]Grand Survaekom Empire[/color][/b] reveals the SV-11 Triple Turret, sporting three 12" guns in a single mount. This is the first ever seen, and would allow dreadnoughts to inflict terrible casualties on opposing navies. [b]November 21st[/b]: The [b]Pozzoulian 1st Army[/b] begins [i]Operation Jester[/i], a push from the [b]17th Infantry Division[/b] and the [b]33rd Artillery Regiment[/b], a total of 13,000 men and 10 Cannone-75 artillery guns. The battery opened up for fifteen minutes, then the men went over the top of the trenches and surged forward. The [b]Battle of Izzi[/b] (1920) had begun [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Ic1LJf0.png[/img] [i]Operation Jester, 1920[/i][/center] [b][color=red]Battle of Izzi[/color][/b] [list][*][b]Forces[/b] [b][color=orange]Empire of Chaegon[/color][/b] -- 11,000 Regulars (4,000 Rifle I ([i]Chekov[/i]/11,000 Equipment I) -- 66 Artillery I ([i]Hellraisers[/i]) [b][color=brown]Grand Duchy of Pozzouli[/color][/b] -- 13,000 Men (13,000 Rifle I ([i]Gazzari-98[/i]/13,000 Equipment) -- 10 Artillery I ([i]Cannone-75[/i]) -- 10 Armored Car I ([i]Athihk K.18[/i]) [*][b]Battle[/b] Operaton Jester materialized out of a desire to keep Chaegonian industry out of the war. With an under equipped enemy, General Corrado Gabriele knew that with a quick push up the coastal road, he could potentially smash the Imperial Guard and break free for a march straight to Liren. Planning began in late October for a push, though such a maneuver was risky due to the already thinly spread line across the Taranian highlands. General Gabriele would use ten of the Kalpian based Athihk K.18 armored cars to push up the coastal road and break through the trench line there. The only defenses the Chaegonians had were their Hellraiser artillery batteries. Used defensively however was a sporadic stop gap. Through early November, Gabriele began shifting elements of the [b]33rd Artillery Regiment[/b] to the left flank and stockpiling shells for a barrage. The men were ready. [center][img]http://media.iwm.org.uk/iwm/mediaLib/35/media-35060/large.jpg[/img] [i]Pozzoulian riflemen hours before the commencement of Operation Jester, November, 1920[/i][/center] After a fifteen minute barrage, Gabriele ordered [i]Light Force Coronado[/i], named after Lieutenant General Petra Coronado to take the Coastal Road. He rode in one of the Athihk K.18's, renamed [i]Po-4[/i] toward the enemy trench line, with elements of the [b]17th Infantry Division[/b] falling in on foot after. The morning of the 21st, the 10 Po-4's took off with infantry jogging behind. One of the Po-4's had a radiator leak and stopped the offensive. The Chaegonians met the Po-4 advance with return rifle fire, and several artillery guns were fired with their barrels dropped but failed to score any hits. [center][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zi008qA2XOY/VBOdDQp-rbI/AAAAAAAAA4M/q_VQofAYh18/s1600/Armoured%2Brolls%2Broyce%2Bcars%2Bduring%2Bthe%2BFirst%2BWorld%2BWar%2Bin%2Bthe%2BMiddle%2BEast%2B19141918.jpg[/img] [i]Two Po-4's refueling before the push up the Coast Road to Izzi[/i][/center] While crossing a trench, one Po-4 blew it's front tire. Chaegonian soldiers clambered on top and pulled the crew out, taking them hostage. The line however was broken after only thirty minutes of fighting. The Po-4's loitered, killing scores of Chaegonian's until the infantry caught up to storm the trenches. The trenches were assaulted and after three days of fierce fighting, taken by the Pozzouli's. A third of the Chaegonians, men without any weapons fled from the battle immediately to secondary lines that had been taken beyond Izzi. By November 25th, Pozzouli soldiers had marched into Izzi, which was neither joyous nor sympathetic. [*][b]Losses[/b] [b][color=orange]Empire of Chaegon[/color][/b] -- 1,197 Regulars (-357 Rifle I, -1,217 Equipment I) -- 4 Artillery I ([i]Hellraisers[/i]) [b][color=brown]Grand Duchy of Pozzouli[/color][/b] -- 3,530 Regulars (-3,520 Rifle I, -3,641 Equipment I) -- 1 Artillery I ([i]Cannone-75[/i]) -- 3 Armored Car I ([i]Athihk K.18[/i]) [*][b]Aftermath[/b] The [b]Imperial Armada[/b] took less casualties than the Pozzoulians, who were forced to bear the brunt of a frontal assault for a fifty kilometer stretch of land and the city of Izzi, which now provided a small port for larger operations. Chaegonian regulars, being trained, will be available at the beginning of the new year, and the new rifles being produced were being boxed and shipped toward the front. The [b]Chaegonian Army[/b], which had [b]zero[/b] trucks to transport, were forced to use borrowed vehicles from the Chaegonian population.[/list] [b]November 26th[/b]: The [b][color=red]Empire of Mille-Sessau[/color][/b] reaffirms territorial claims over the [b]Republic of Samovia[/b], which declared independence from Sessau in a brutal war with Soroyan support ten years ago. "It has come to the attention of this Parliament, that the time may yet come Sessau sees her lands returned to her," Deputy of the Parliament Clement Savier said on the senate floor. Empress Alexandra de Vaille had no comment on the matter. [hr] [b]Month's Losses[/b] ([i]November, 1920[/i]) [list][*][b][color=blue]Second Boletarian Republic[/color][/b] [list][*][b]Pilots[/b]: 1 [*][b]Light Trainer[/b] ([i]Widok-1[/i]): 2[/list][/list][list][*][b][color=brown]Grand Duchy of Pozzoulli[/color][/b] [list][*]3,530 Regulars (-3,520 Rifle I, -3,641 Equipment I) [*]1 Artillery I ([i]Cannone-75[/i]) [*]3 Armored Car I ([i]Athihk K.18[/i])[/list][/list][list][*][b][color=orange]Empire of Chaegon[/color][/b] [list][*]1 [b]Destroyer I[/b] ([i]Poseidon-class[/i]) [*]1,197 Regulars (-357 Rifle I, -1,217 Equipment I) [*]4 Artillery I ([i]Hellraisers[/i])[/list][/list]