Playbook: The Bull Real Name: Mike Cove Mask Name: Argon Appearance: [img][/img] Looks: Man, White, Baggy Clothes, Simple Costume. Costume: A skin tight black body suit with a denim jacket worn over it, as well as a pair of combat boots. The only parts of his body left exposed are his hands, eyes, and nose. Despite looking like a single suit, it's actually split into three pieces (bottom, top, and head) that have to be put on one at a time. -Labels- +1 to Freak Freak: -2 -1 0 +1 [b]+2[/b] +3 Danger: -2 -1 0 +1 [b]+2[/b] +3 Savior: -2 [b]-1[/b] 0 +1 +2 +3 Superior: -2 -1 0 [b]+1[/b] +2 +3 Mundane: -2 [b]-1[/b] 0 +1 +2 +3 Moves [b]The Bull's Heart:[/b] You always have exactly one love and one rival. You can change your love or rival at any time; give the new subject of your affection or disdain Influence over you. Take +1 ongoing to any action that supports your love or frustrates your rival. Love: Memory Rival: Kiante [b]Punch Everyone:[/b] Whenever you charge into a fight without hedging your bets, you can raise your danger by one and drop any other label by one. [b]There When It Matters:[/b] When you leap to defend your love or rival, roll + Danger instead of + Savior to defend from an immediate threat. Backstory When Mike was eight years old, he was kidnapped by the organisation NOBLE. Brought to their secret base in Alaska, Mike was forced to undergo a procedure that gave him super powers. By changing his red and white blood cells into organic nano-machines, his body became stronger then ever. His new Noble cells (what replaced his red and white ones) did all the work of their predecessors and more, they upgraded his entire body; from creating super strong muscle, to making his bones tougher then steel, to shielding his internal organs with a stringy mucus that functioned like chain mail, and even assisting with repairs to his body. The only downside to these enhancements was his drastically increased metabolism, requiring him to eat much more food then before just to fuel his body. Mike was only one of the kids that NOBLE had taken from their homes. The others were also subjected to augmentations, although they weren't the same as Mike's. Mike was put through test after test. Some were simple but tedious, and some were much more unpleasant. His contact with the other children was extremely limited, and none of them were allowed to use their real names without being thoroughly punished. Each kid was given a code name, with Mike's being Argon. One day, NOBLE was finally able to get their hands on some brainwashing tech that they felt was of suitable strength. With that now in their possession, they were going to turn the kids into their loyal soldiers...starting with Mike. Before they brought him to the room, they heavily tranquilized Mike. However, they forgot to take into account his still growing body. His metabolism had gone up since the last time they had tested it, and so the dosage wasn't enough to keep him under for the whole procedure. Because of this he was able to break free right before the procedure began, destroying the machine in the process. Mike then began his very destructive escape from the facility. NOBLE tried to stop him, but the augmentations they gave him worked to well. Mike wasn't able to find any of the other kids, however the fact that someone triggered the self destruct sequence implied that they managed to escape in the chaos he caused. Now free from NOBLE, Mike began the painfully long walk home. Months later, he finally reached his destination. However his excitement quickly died when he made a horrible discovery; his parents were dead. Since neither of his parents had any living family, this meant that he was an orphan. Mike wandered around aimlessly after that for awhile...until he got involved with the team. Who, outside the team, looks out for you now? No one; he doesn't have any living relatives. Why do you care about the team? It's the closest thing to a family that he has now We defeated a dangerous enemy. Who or what was it? A demon that a group of wacko cultists summoned...they clearly had no idea just what they were messing with. Relationships Memory is your love. You've opened up to them about the worts parts of your past. Kiante is your rival. They tried to control you at a crucial moment Influence You're focused. Give your love (Memory) and rival (Kiante) influence over you, but that's it.