Tacitus observed the party stood around him, insolent, and poorly disciplined for the most part, save for the Redguard and maybe the Dunmer. Although from the remarks a few of them had made it seemed they were much more familiar with the dragonborn than he was, than again that was quite the triviality in the grand scheme of things as the man was dead. [color=0054a6]'Then let us get a move on instead of sitting here,'[/color] he said calmly but authoritatively [color=0054a6]'those of you without horses follow me, those with horses fetch them and meet us on the road to Dragonsbridge, half way between here and there. From there we can venture on together and deal with this pathetic cabal.'[/color] With that Tacitus made for the castle door intending to head straight for the stables. He didn't stop for the others nor did he turn to check whether or not they followed him. He was on a mission now, he would complete it with or without them. They'd either follow him and fight alongside him or stay in violation of their own intentions, he didn't really care, the end result would be the same after all.