[center][b]As the title suggests, we're currently looking for more people to join the RP and generate some new blood and interest. A time-skip will be in order so new people won't have to read up on too much to jump right in. Link to the OOC is posted right below.[/b][/center] [hr] [u][center][h3][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/88818-gods-shattering/ooc]OOC[/url][/h3][/center][/u] [hr] [u][center][h1][color=ed1c24]God's Shattering[/color][/h1][/center][/u] [u][center][b]Co-GMs: [color=yellow][@Lucius Cypher][/color], [color=blue][@KoL][/color][/b][/center][/u] [center][img]http://images.alphacoders.com/434/434664.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [u][center][h2][color=1a7b30]The Story So Far...[/color][/h2][/center][/u] [hider=Really Long Backstory][color=Cadetblue]Since as far back as anyone can remember, the world has always been splintered. Broken. Divided. Shattered beyond all recognition. There was a time though, before the cataclysmic Shattering, when this world was whole. Legends of the ancient times speak of this world being much greater than its current state, a place of everlasting peace…and boredom. In ancient times, it is said that mankind faced its greatest threat yet. A creature from another world, another dimension, one that became lost in space and time. Having landed on Earth, in this plane of reality, the massive creature displayed hostility against mankind and so caused destruction and chaos wherever it went. At that time, humanity was well adept in the use of technology, and so relied on their mechanisms to defeat the otherworldly creature. Unfortunately it proved to be insufficient in killing what would become known as the Great Beast. And so began a long and bloody campaign against the ethereal beast, a conflict that many predicted would only end with the extinction of the human race. But hope was still present in the hearts of man, and soon their prayers were answered by the divine. On one dark day, a young girl was visited by an almighty and unseen force. This alien presence saw sympathy within the human race, as even the Great Beast was naught but a child stemming from the cosmos. And so the gift of the arcane was trusted to the young girl. The elaborate combination of both science and the arts, to utilize and craft with magic and technology side by side into transcending force. Using this pure blessing, the young girl gathered forth six others who paved the way for mankind's victory and defeated the Great Beast. Rejoicing at last, the world became one with peace and the warring had rightfully closed to an end. That is, until the world was shattered once more. Enter the present day. Since those dark times eons ago, bids for power have risen and fallen. Through it all, one force has forced its way to the top, becoming a government to unite the world as one: the Imperium. Things are much different these days. The majority of people live out their lives either serving the Imperium or exploring the territories of their broken world. The Imperium holds simple goals: to protect the civilizations of humanity as well as store any and all information regarding the human race as the world's largest library. The gift of magic and science has been shared with all humans, and are now mass produced through devices called Tomes. Literal manifestations of the blend between magic and technology, Tomes allow the user to summon forth the inner confines of one's soul and materialize it into solid shape. From weapons and tools, to just being a literary safe keep, each Tome is specific to each person's soul. But this so called “peace” is only so fragile. An extremist calling themselves the Librarian is reeking mayhem and disrupting the peace, all in the name of "liberation". Petty riot groups have been put down before, but this being has eluded the Imperium for months now, claiming that the world's protectors are nothing more but oppressing frauds. Furthermore, this Librarian seeks one end goal: Legend Relics. Seven powerful amulets said to contain the legacy and mementos of each hero that stopped the Great Beast long ago. Once held, the powers and abilities of the past heroes are said to manifest themselves as complete wholes once more through their holder. The Imperium has proclaimed an order to all for the request of these objects, placing the highest price conceivable for their return. But what are their true purpose? As the fires of a rebellion begin to ignite, you find yourself caught in the midst in all this ongoing chaos. Will you fight for the order of Imperium? Or do you choose to rebel for "freedom"? The choice is yours.[/color][/hider] [hr] [u][center][h2][color=1a7b30]Information[/color][/h2][/center][/u] [hider=Roles][color=Cadetblue]There are three roles which players can take: a rebel of the Imperium under the service of the enigmatic Librarian, one who serves the Imperator through the four branches of the Imperium, or a neutral student at Academy training to use their Tome. Regardless of moral alignment, even the smallest action can influence the grand scheme of the story…[/color][/hider] [hider=Map][center][img]http://media.idownloadblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Dungeon-Hunter-4-Map-1.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [hr] [u][h2][center][color=1a7b30]Locations[/color][/center][/h2][/u] [hider=Infinitum][center][img] http://static.planetminecraft.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1328/asgard_5891764.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=Cadetblue]The Imperium is the single governmental system that reigns supreme over the broken world. Although many bases are established around the globe, the central hub of activity lies within its capitol city, Infinitum. Located in the exact center of the world, this massive metropolis is noticeably larger than the other cities, holding the massive golden castle that overlooks all. Within lie the armies under command, several knights, assassins, and mages in service to the Imperium, and finally the Imperator herself along with her elite Four Guardians. It is said though, that the Imperator has under her a cult of advisors ready to console her every whim and decision.[/color][/center][/hider] [hider=Rivenwood][center][img]http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/BDJ_mP_ktW0/maxresdefault.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=Cadetblue]A massive forest often explored by travelers of all characters and backgrounds. The entire area is inhabited by many magical creatures…and many horrendous abominations. Those that wander into Rivenwood must come prepared, lest they lose their way. Worst case scenario involves spending a night in the forest, and who knows what sort of things roam around in the dark. However, the woods are considered to be fair game for many precious artifacts, including Legend Relics. One just has to know where to look.[/color][/center][/hider] [hider=Exilia][center][img]http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/32085950/images/1399944998475.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=Cadetblue]An expansive desert that often ends up as the grave of many, innocent and corrupt alike. The scorching winds and endless sand are said to continuously bear on one’s soul until utter collapse. Only the brave and few dare to travel to these barren lands in search of….something. Exilia is often used as a place of exile and banishment for criminals and accused by the Imperium. However, if one does choose to bear these hardships, a reward lies in wait at the end of the endless hell. Or so the rumors proclaim.[/color][/center][/hider] [hider=Rexicorg][center][img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/5aef/f/2012/175/8/a/ancient_temple_by_arkeis_pokemon-d54qs9z.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=Cadetblue]A labyrinth of secrets and untold wonders. Magical affinity runs high within this place, though the danger lies in being trapped forever in Rexicorg’s endless amount of mazes. It is said that this place holds highest connection to the Thirteen Heroes, and so is speculated to contain the most amount of Legend Relics. Nocturnal creatures and nomads roam this place routinely, and frankly, none of them like to be bothered.[/color][/center][/hider] [hider=Arcadia][center][img]http://www.netbian.com/d/file/20110628/e71f792b9dee971d772b039f1b24261a.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=Cadetblue]A region of floating islands the watch over the Shattered world from above. Like the ruins of Rexicorg, the majority of land is mostly left unexplored though it is not uncommon to hear news of the Imperium building yet another sky base onto the levitating structures. So high are these islands that is the air currents surrounding them are near-lethal to those with no air transportation or Tomes allowing flight.[/color][/center][/hider] [hr] [u][h2][center][color=1a7b30]The Imperium[/color][/center][/h2][/u] [hider=The Imperator][color=Cadetblue]To be revealed.[/color][/hider] [hider=The Jester][color=Cadetblue]To be revealed.[/color][/hider] [hider=The Platinum Guardian][color=Cadetblue]To be revealed.[/color][/hider] [hider=The Golden Guardian][color=Cadetblue]To be revealed.[/color][/hider] [hider=The Crimson Guardian][color=Cadetblue]To be revealed.[/color][/hider] [hider=The Sapphire Guardian][center][color=Cadetblue]To be revealed.[/color][/center][/hider] [hr] [u][h2][center][color=1a7b30]The Legend Relics[/color][/center][/h2][/u] [hider=Blue Relic][color=Cadetblue]To be revealed[/color][/hider] [hider=Red Relic][color=Cadetblue]To be revealed[/color][/hider] [hider=Yellow Relic][color=Cadetblue]To be revealed[/color][/hider] [hider=Green Relic][color=Cadetblue]To be revealed[/color][/hider] [hider=Purple Relic][color=Cadetblue]To be revealed[/color][/hider] [hider=Black Relic][color=Cadetblue]To be revealed[/color][/hider] [hider=White Relic][color=Cadetblue]To be revealed[/color][/hider] [u][h2][center][color=1a7b30]Regulations[/color][/center][/h2][/u] [hider=Rules] [color=Cadetblue]1. No Godmodding. 2. Although there is no posting order, I strongly recommend that you wait at least two turns before posting again. 3. Although you all start out relatively alone, relationships between characters are strongly encouraged. Makes it more amusing to both me and my Co-GMs. 4. Discussion in the OOC is nice, but if there is prolonged heated argument, take it in the PMs. Otherwise, I will solve the problem....quickly. 5. RPers who suddenly lose interest or leave without saying anything are discouraged. I strongly suggest you either inform me or the Co-GM of your leave of absence. If it’s an emergency, then at least tell us it is. We're reasonable people. 6. I would prefer if all characters were humanoid. Please use images for all appearances in your CS. 7. When using a Legend Relic, the powers and weapons of that specific Hero will be channeled into your character. That means, for a time, they will be able to fight as if they are one of the Seven Heroes; think of it as your character being possessed by the Hero's soul until after combat. Your character [b]must[/b] use the fighting style that comes with each Relic, and your character's current weapon will be adjusted to fit that Hero's style with the help of the Relic. 8. Magic can be pretty much any element as long as it's not Godmod. 9. If you have any problems, questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to either let me or the Co-GMs know. 10. Have fun. Or I will make you have fun 0)_(0[/color][/hider] [hider=CS] [color=Cadetblue]Appearance: Name: Age: History (Optional): Personality: Tome (Color and Abilities): Other:[/color][/hider]