[centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/KtaFYg7.png[/img] [colour=black][i][b]The Timeless One, The Celestial Above, Vicegerent of Fate, Guardian of the Timeline, Master of Creation, Lord of Time[/b][/i] Level 3 God of Creation (Time) 10 Might 4 Freepoint ***===***===***===***===***[/colour] [hider=Summary] Vowzra emerges and watches Ull’Yang and Teknall do their thing He goes to Galbar and gazes upon the works of Slough, Toun and Jvan He is angered by Jvan’s work and instils within creation an abiding dislike for her beings, particularly Sculptors and Fibrelings Ants and hain, in particular, will be hostile towards Jvanian beings The One By Immortals Altered sets out from the Deepwood to cleanse the world of Jvan’s creatures Vowzra creates a personal plane and creates therein a holy site[/hider] [hider=Might Expenditure]1 Freepoint to instill within hain and most other natural creatures a dislike for all things Jvanian, particularly Sculptors and Fibrelings 1 Might spent on creating a Personal Plane 9 Might spent on The Divine Annalist; Hexahedron Historicus Creato, a Holy Site[/hider] [/centre] The Fabric of existence rippled ever so gently, as a lake on a warm Spring eve when the lightest, most tender breeze caresses the fluid, sleeping face of the waters. The ripples let out reluctant sighs as they parted for the oaken body of the long-dormant divine being. The fabric clung to him as he lifted himself from it, each droplet hanging on for as long as it could before its dejected return to its Fabric of origin. The ripples and satiny folds of the Fabric of Existence let out one final sigh before the Timeless One was fully released from their velvety depths. It was as though the Fabric had a will of its own, and the god of Time could almost feel its pull and its siren voice calling him back to lay in the deepest depths of the Universe and be as one with it. But a god as he had many duties, he could not leave them and forever slumber and idly watch. Here he was, the Guardian of the Timeline, and he would remain – so long as suns and stars, so long as winds whispered and breezes blew. And now was his moment of action, now he came. He came to kill fear and plant summer within the heart of the Timeline. He emerged before the Ancient Sun who had not so long ago been the Radiant One. Even now he could see that critical, Fated moment when this Ancient Sun had drawn Life back from the Gates of Death with a cosmic arm, a light and sundering breath. Here he was! The unknowing Lifter of the First Strife. Vowzra opened his wooden mouth and spoke words he had thought long ago but never uttered, words which had come into existence aforetime, before this Universe was even a passing thought in the minds of those who think and contemplate or a vision in the Eye of those who See. He had not spoken the words then, but now he said them to him for whom they were meant. [colour=black][i]‘Glory is yours, bearer of Fated scars, whose sacrifice will bring forth nights and stars. Weep not to lose that which is transitory, a mighty Fate does lie in store for thee. Have patience and let not the distant chest deceive you into thinking, “I am by Fate oppressed.”’[/i][/colour] He floated in that space for a long Time, orbiting the Ancient Sun and watching as The Mason arrived and a Fated Creation took place. He had known that the creation would occur without disturbance from the others, but the Timelines were many, and Time itself the ficklest thing. Against its fickleness, he was the one solid all the spaces leant upon, the one who carried the burden upon his shoulders. Be it ever so heavy, his will was greater. Who else could bear it? Who else could be trusted? As The Mason departed, the Timeless One too made his move. Like a mighty whale who had risen from the deeps for a much-needed breath of air, he submerged himself into the Fabric of Existence once more, and the ripples sighed and hugged him and consumed him, and the folds of the Fabric engulfed him. [colour=black][i]‘It is for loved ones that I sing my silent song and they sigh, this song of endurance and glory and hope for final victory. From far do I journey, holding between my limbs for you a growing yearning and longing. Do not take my silence for hatred, how can he speak whom love renders deaf, dumb and blind? Yet I, though I love, See clearly, Hear with certainty and can Speak nought but truth, and so greatest is my pain.’[/i][/colour] When he re-emerged from the ripples and folds of the sighing Fabric, it was Galbar that swam before him. It swam in its perpetual orbit around its star just as its moons swam around it, and just as fifteen other planets swam around that same star in the Galbarian Planetary System. With a steady gaze, the Timeless One surveyed the planet. He could See that Life had journeyed long and filled the planet with its essence. It did not do so with any will of its own, but rather acted as Fated dictated and commanded. Vowzra knew that this was as it should be, but he also knew that there would come a Time – and it would most certainly come, for he Saw – when he and Life would have to take a great journey and return to Life that which had been torn from it. The Lifter may have lifted the First Strife, but he had not returned to Life what had been taken. Life would be returned to Life; the Sleeper would awaken. But it was not yet Time, Fate had not yet demanded it. She would come to him when the Time was right, she would know where to find him, and he would patiently await her Fated arrival just as he had patiently waited for her brother before. The creations of the Crippled One received great approval from Vowzra, for he saw in them much of what was Fated to be. It was, however, apparent that the Crippled One himself did not see – though he had his one eye, he was blind. When the Time was right, he too will be given what had been withheld aforetime. It was the Deformed Flesh which received Vowzra’s greatest attention, however. This ugly [i]thing[/i] was tirelessly, incessantly, without pause, filling the planet with its taint and unnatural works. It caused great ire to grow within the expansive chest of the Timeless One and he sent out his essence in search of the essence of the Deformed Flesh. When he found it, he spoke more words which had come into existence in the times before Time. He was not certain if this creature had a mind so as to understand what it was that he sent to it, or whether it had a heart that it may feel his great anger and sadness at that which it did. [color=black][i]Though the pain cause all to scream and thresh, your taint will be cleansed, oh Deformed Flesh.[/i][/color] With that, he looked into the minds of the hain and ingrained therein a lasting, inherent dislike and aversion to all beings created by the Deformed Flesh, and he instilled therein an abiding desire to destroy all the Sculptors created. As the hain were yet beings of mediocre means, all they could truly do was pelt the works of the Sculptors with mud so as to cover the designs, or rocks so as to damage the designs and thus rid the world of their strange and destructive effects. This aversion also meant that Sculptors who were still in the process of transforming became a target rather than a thing feared. The hain gained an understanding that they were most vulnerable at this stage before the Sculptors attained their complete form, and so targeted them and tried to destroy them if ever they found such vulnerable Sculptors. Their primary weapons were stones with which they pelted the Sculptors en masse or wooden branches with which they struck them. White Giants needed no such thing to be done, for they were already hostile towards all things unnatural, neither Fibreling nor Sculptor would be safe from a White Giant’s wrath. Along with the hain, Vowzra instilled many other natural creatures with an abiding dislike and hostility towards the creations of the Deformed Flesh, particularly Sculptors and Fibrelings. Wherever these creatures went, they would find themselves attacked by various creatures. Most notable among these were ants, who would put aside all inter-colonial conflicts in their greater war against Sculptors and Fibrelings alike. The One By Immortals Altered heard the call of his divine master and finally set out from the Deepwoods to hunt and cleanse the taint. With that complete, the Timeless One turned away from Galbar and opened a cleft in the Fabric of Existence. The droplets screeched at the wound he inflicted and the previously gentle ripples became roaring, raging waves which spat accusingly at him for injuring and hurting them so. Sometimes, those whom one loved and worked tirelessly for perceived his actions – all for their sake – as an injury and attack against them. With Time, they would come to See, and he would be most forgiving when they finally did. Vowzra disappeared into the cleft, and it closed behind him, the Fabric writhing and sobbing and moaning around the scar left behind and wailing against the great betrayal. In the darkness beyond the veil, Vowzra set about creating a world all his own. Its spaces were measured, its dimensions dictated and its laws were written, and Time was set to pass as the Timeless One willed, and he willed that for each day on Galbar, there pass here one thousand Galbarian years. Vowzra looked into his empty plane and knew that its dimensions and spaces were set, its laws fixed and Time set a-going, and that with Time he would bring more into being. It began with the coming of the clouds. Within the small dimension created by the Lord of Time, there came dark clouds which spread out far and wide. Those on top were different colourations of red and orange while those below ranged from light to darkest grey. And so in the beginning, there was nought but [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/21/03/2d/21032de2cb70542e020364d5c15abb53.jpg]clouds[/url]. Then, there emerged from within the clouds an enormous, barren [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/6b/59/ba/6b59ba1fa66181e80c10eb234c45c644.jpg]landmass[/url]. It floated upon the clouds and was stable, and the laws of the dimension worked upon it and Time passed and a seed of Life was placed thereon and it grew lush and green with grass. And rivers flowed therethrough and lakes were formed and great mountains rose up, and at the edges, where land gave way to clouds, there floated [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/29/88/fe/2988fecd78dae394210987180fb21359.jpg]large rocks[/url]. And over the edges rivers let fall their waters, which travelled down from the [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a9/95/5d/a9955d835b46f6484e05159b65fb76c5.jpg]mountains further inland[/url], and the clouds took them up and rained them back on to the great, floating continent in due time. And there grew [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/69/68/e5/6968e58c2bed91793bb0008d6f2f4433.jpg]trees on the mountains[/url], and trees on the plains, and there grew trees even in the rivers, and here in the outer hinterlands, all things flourished and grew. But beyond the great circle of mountains, though there were lakes, there grew nothing, and though the soil was rich and arable, no seeds took root. And here the clay grew in [url=https://cdn1.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/279/077/large/labndscape2.jpg?1414781652]strange shapes as though it were alive[/url]. And beyond this, the clay and soil and waters gave way to hard, grey rock and mist, and in the very centre of the great landmass, there stood a great [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d3/95/ba/d395ba8fa13f045bf09a00193b26dd3a.jpg]cube on one of its corners[/url]. There was inscribed upon the cube words in a language unknown – designs, plans, laws, shapes, records and words. And with that, he left it as it was and departed to lay with and comfort the Fabric which even now wept at his perceived betrayal.