[@Jangel13] Oh my goodness, I never thought you'd actually let her have them! ALL OF THE EXPERIMENTS! *Cue mad scientist cackle and ominous lightening* XD I'll give Atlas a chance to respond before I make another post. [quote=@Lord Zee] Now for the tricky part, he raised his voice, hoping to project it so that a certain angel could hear him. [color=gold]"Yes! As a matter of fact, I was really hoping that the person I was looking for would actually have made their way back to our home, while it was [i]relatively safe[/i] and free of getting[i] distracted![/i]"[/color] [/quote] I laughed so hard when I read this! Lucius is adorable. <3 [quote=@ArenaSnow] Caezel's going to have ruffled feathers of his own when he gets back. [/quote] Well, if he doesn’t manage to snag Octavia, Naya [i]might[/i] be persuaded to float you a feather...for the right price, of course. ;) ...but if he does catch her, you’ve gotta share the wealth. Just a smidge of angel blood. A thimble full will do, really. Us alchemists have to stick together, right?