[center][color=B09CE1][i][h2] Stephanie's House [/h2][/i][/color][/center] [color=B09CE1][i] "Anthony let me get inside the house please. I haven't even gotten in the door and you're all over me. I'm interested in what you want to show me but could you wait ten minutes please?" [/i][/color] Oddessa laughed tiredly as she walked up the stairs to the door. Anthony had seen her through the window and came rushing out, eager to show her something. She loved her cousin but sometimes he was so hyper, she didn't know what to do with him. She walked straight down the hallway that led to her room and tossed her backpack on her bed and sighed as it bounced off and landed on the floor with a thump. Anthony had followed her all the way to her room and was waiting for her to turn around and pay attention to him. [color=B09CE1][b] He's not gonna leave until I pay attention to him so. . . Might as well do it now. [/b][/color] she thought as she turned around and asked [color=B09CE1][i] "What did you wanna show me?" [/i][/color] Being the 12 year old he was, all he had wanted to show her was a new trick he had learned on his scooter. He gestured for her to watch outside her window and ran down the front steps in a frenzy. Oddessa tuned out after he had left her room and sat on her bed. Looking at her watch, she realized that it was almost time for her nightly walk. She walked every night to keep her anxiety down and have some alone time. She wasn't sure about the weather but she had walked in worse conditions. She grabbed her parka, gloves and rain boots and started off down the hallway. Just then, her Aunt came crashing through the door with a whole bunch of bags from the grocery store. [color=B09CE1][i] "Here Steph, let me help." [/i][/color] she said as she took three bags out of Stephanie's hands. As Stephanie set her purse down on the dining room table, Oddessa buttoned her jacket and said [color=B09CE1][i] "I'm going for my walk. I'll be back in about an hour. Call me if you need anything. I might stop by the convenience store." [/i][/color] Stephanie nodded her head in Oddessa's direction as permission for her to take off. She turned and stepped down from the rather elevated concrete slab. As she walked down the residential street and turned onto main, she realized that there was nobody else out on the street. It was still fairly early and she expected there to be younger teenagers out with their friends on their scooters. Who knew twelve year olds went home before 7 o' clock? She was almost to the 7/11 convenience store when she heard the sound of papers rustling in the wind. She looked around on the ground behind her and saw nothing rolling around so she kept walking. She didn't take more than three steps before she heard it again, this time a little louder. This time, she decided to look up. She was standing under the biggest tree in town and it was hard to see through all it's puffy leaves but she did see something that looked like the corner of a notebook stuck between two branches. Curious, she picked up a rock and hurled it at the corner of the notebook. It collided perfectly and the book fell to the ground at Oddessa's feet. Looking as best she could through the dark, she saw written on the front cover "DEATH NOTE." [color=B09CE1][i] "Well that's a little creepy. . ." [/i][/color] She picked it up and carried it with her as she walked in the door of the convenience store. Under her arm, she almost felt as if she was in danger.