[@VioletRose] [color=bdbdbd] [color=ffffff][b]FRAZ[/b][/color] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/1718745][Actual Post][/url] [quote=@Exit] [color=ffffff]"Boy!"[/color] Cypher squinted at the child through heavy lids and weary eyes. He was barely nine, about his height when he was the same age and probably just as frightened too. He'd been given the odd nick of [color=ffffff]"Fraz..."[/color], a result of his rather peculiar ability. [color=ffffff]"...What the hell are you doing busting into my tent like an idiot?"[/color] He dropped his arm, placing the gun down to rest in between them, the muzzle still pointed at the kid.[/quote] Would probably be around 14 or 15 now. Lives in PL. [color=ffffff][b]SKYLAR[/b][/color] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/1767676][Actual Post][/url] [quote=@Exit] Next there was the woman Skylar put in charge of those who were not able to fight but placed their skills to use elsewhere. In a way she had the most to organize having to consider individual jobs to hand out to those who couldn't find their own work, distribution of supplies when Cypher was too busy to handle the task himself and other things. She along with Doc kept tabs on everyone's health and made sure people were well fed. She worked with the triplets to keep up to date with threats and was sure to keep her people informed and as always, she organized lessons for the children with Cypher. [/quote] Would have survived the war and now lives in PL. [color=ffffff][b]CLIFF, BRAND and SHEA[/b][/color] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/1723850][Actual Post][/url] [quote=@Exit] [color=ffffff]"It's not.... it's not just her."[/color] His eyes moved from the girl on the ground to the three standing behind her: Cliff, Brand and Shea. Triplets... most likely the last on Earth. Blonde with blue eyes and fit bodies to match. Together they would have been poster models back in the day, all beautiful creatures cursed with being born in the wrong time. While Shea was the easiest to pick out being female, Cliff and Brand had been nearly impossible to distinguish until Brand grew his hair out into a pony tail. Now, Cypher hadn't any problem at all calling the brothers by their proper name. He stared at each of them waiting for an answer. They each exchanged a few glances before Cliff opened his mouth. [/quote] Triplets who were actually quadruplets. Their names were hints to their powers. Each of them had complete control over one element. Cliff had Earth, Brand had fire and Shea had water. Their unnamed fourth brother (or maybe sister just to keep the girl to boy ratio even) had power over air. All of them are dead. [color=ffffff][b]DOC[/b][/color] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/1728348][Actual Post][/url] [quote=@Exit] Their doctor, aptly named Doc, had the impressive ability to multiply living cells assisting in anything from healing organic tissue to growing foods at an incredible rate. It only took him an hour or so with the girl to get her body back to a healthy state. However there was also a downside to this ability, a rather dark use that well suited a specific purpose. Information was the greatest weapon a man could have and at times, it took... pressure to get that information. Normally the human body could only take so much but with the Doc at Cypher's disposal, new meaning was added to the word "endure". People always tried to hold out but in the end they broke... every time. [/quote] Doc's particular ability also allowed him to crank up any one person's sensitivity to pain as explained later in the same post. He dies during the war. [color=ffffff][b]THIRD GROUP[/b][/color] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/1766062][Actual Post][/url] [quote=@Metronome] The sun began to drift out of the sky to end another day. Long shadows were cast upon a lonesome town, a couple miles outside of the decimated city. It had chain link fence all around it, barb wire on top. An old military base. A lone man walked down the street, until he reached a house that sat on the corner. He let himself in, not bothering to knock. The man slunk through the dark home until he found another man, who sat on the old couch in the living room, listening to an old radio full of static. The first man cleared his throat. "Sir, we sent a couple scouts to check on the group's progress. Sasha was taken." The man on the couch was silent for a moment before he spoke. "It doesn't matter," He finally said, "Trojan Horse will work. We will wait for the first report." "And what about the others?" "I don't think they'll be a threat to us. We will keep our eyes on the prize, William. The city." [/quote] [color=ffffff][b]THE TWO KIDS[/b][/color] [The following snippet is taken from a PM between myself and Metronome] [quote=@Metronome] So Russian guy was part of another group of survivors. It was a large group with numbers in the hundreds, all ruled under a leader who's more like a tyrant. The leader found out about the city and decided that he wanted to go take it over, and got his loyal followers behind him to make an army, but he needed a way to get information on the city before he could attack. So he got a couple of the kids together and coached them on what to do: go into the city, get a look at the place, take notes, find weaknesses, ect. And who is gonna turn away a couple kids in need? The zombies were part of the plan as well. The tyrant's guys ran around making all kinds of noise to attract them, which was why is was such a large herd. The russian guy found out about this plan and decided that he couldn't let it happen. So he stole a map to the city and headed out to warn him. But tyrant's lackeys found out about it and ganged up on him to beat him half to death. They left him there in the desert thinking he was dead and that their plan would still work. [/quote] [color=ffffff]Think that's everything.[/color] [/color]