Alistar watched as a brunette witch exited the building behind the angel. [i]A grown witch, going up to a angel? Is he in danger?[/i] Being careful as to not cause any more attention to himself, Alistar pushed towards the two using the brim of the courtyard. [i]Silent as the wind, as swift as the stream.[/i] The air of the town was mixed with joy and disdain, both towards the blue eyed child of light. The apothecary touched the man's wing, with a gleam in her eye,[i] from curiosity?[/i] before speaking to him. Inching closer he barely made out the Angel's name. [color=0072bc]Angelo, huh?[/color] The named rolled of Alistar's lip like the thickest poison on the dark-side causing him to shiver with delight. Sure Angelo wasn't his type but, Alistar knew when to give props where they are due. Plopping down only inches away from the angel and the witch, he listened on to the tune setting his helmet in his lap. [@Jangel13][@Narcotic Dollie]