[center][img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PmgxYBuD_mI/hqdefault.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [right][b]Austin Train Station, Austin, Texas. 23:40HRS Local Time[/b][/right] Piotr was beyond the disgruntled look of people as he walked past, had he not been as tired he would have cared. He had always cared, ever since Anya. It was strange that she had still remained in his heart, perhaps what some of the others said at the mansion was true, perhaps he was too soft. It did not matter anyway, he had hidden away from her. In the time before registration, he had saved her life. Twice in fact, the first time as strangers and the second after they had inexplicably fallen in love so fast. When he saved her life for the second time she saw him change himself into who he truly was, and the look on her face was one of pure horror. Before he could truly react she was gone, and he never saw her again. Occasionally he would hear of her exploits on the stage, but he wouldn't venture to see her. It would hurt too much, the look on her face would always haunt him. No matter how much running he did. So he didn't hide who he was anymore, after all. If he didn't hide nobody could accuse him of deceiving them. He held up his arms as he walked through the metal detector. Sighing slightly as they approached with the smaller rod detectors. [color=00a99d][b]"I am afraid that won't work."[/b][/color] They both looked at him with a slightly confused look. It was Ruth who had to intervene. [color=fff200]"He's made of organic [i]steel[/i]."[/color] They just nodded to eachother and continued to pat him down, he didn't bother to point out to them that if he really wanted to cause some damage he didn't need a weapon. Though they'd likely perceive that as a threat and then they wouldn't be getting the train to New York, which would probably annoy the Professor who already had to pay for the train tickets due to the jet being required elsewhere. He didn't know exactly where of course though he saw the news, word of Brotherhood activity probably meant that the X-Men were in the field. It did mean that they needed to spend over a day on a train, but at least the journey would allow him some time to write a letter back home and even get some sketching done. He had fallen behind on his promise to draw everything he saw, so that one day he could show all of his adventures with the X-Men to Illyana. They were the reason he had left after all, it wasn't only to escape those who wanted to make him into a weapon. It was to try and make the world a safer place for his little sister and everyone else out there. Part of him just wished it wasn't at such a cost, the way he was made into a soldier parading around in armour. It wasn't him, was he an artist or a weapon? That was the real question that plagued his mind, his entire existence seemed to be a contradiction to itself, maybe one day everything would be resolved and he could spend time discovering who he really was and what he was really meant to do. As he hoped that a life of punching people was all that awaited him in the [i]land of the free[/i]. Though the name itself seemed to be wearing a little thin, [i]especially[/i] after the passing of the Mutant Registration Act. [color=fff200]"You alright big guy?"[/color] He turned to face Ruth, shaking himself out of his reverie. He hadn't even noticed that they had boarded the train. He had just been running on autopilot through the station, it was as they say 'one of those days'. [color=00a99d][b]"Apologies Comrade, I am just tired. It has been a long couple of days, at least now we shall get some good rest on the train back home."[/b][/color] Piotr stepped through the doors onto the train before leading them to the carriage. One bunk sat waiting above another one, he just raised an eyebrow as he viewed them. [b][color=00a99d]"Perhaps it would be better if I were to take the bottom bunk."[/color][/b] [color=fff200]"Yeah I'd rather not be a pancake."[/color]