Mira drops the phone, eyes in disbelief and body shaking with loss. She had only read the first part of the message, and she already regretted it deeper than anything else in her short life. Death. That was the thought that dropped itself at the forefront of her mind. Her own death. When she read over the words that sprawled across the small screen of the device, multiple images and sounds flashed in quick succession in her psyche. A large object moving quickly towards her. A loud screeching noise. A scream. Unbearable pain. Darkness. She couldn't fall any faster, her knees scraping on the cold hard concrete as her hands covered her eyes once more, droplets falling and creating a picture of pure despair. She was dead. She would never see her parents again, never get to play in the park again, never be able to finish school or, become a nurse like she dreamed of becoming when she grew up. Her cries were loud and hard, and she didn't care if anyone heard anymore. She was dead. All alone. No family. No friends. Lost and afraid. She. Was. Dead.