[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/psnplatinum/images/9/93/Captain_America_SS_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20131129021953[/img][/center][right]Metropolis[/right] Steve arched an eyebrow at Hawkeye's parting words. The man was obvious in his dislike of the League, even if Superman had been cordial about the whole thing. "What was that about?" Zatanna asked curiously. Steve shook his head. "[color=7ea7d8]Just some unsolicited advice[/color]." He left the rest unsaid. There was a large part of him that wasn't okay with this world. Everything was strange, and it hadn't gotten any better in the ensuing years. If anything it had gotten [i]stranger[/i]. He didn't agree with the Bill about mutants. He still remembered hearing about the Jews in Europe. But he had never had the occasion to meet any mutant that wasn't a little [i]off[/i]. Which was a nice way to say villain. It didn't mean they weren't out there. Even if they were, what could be do? He couldn't voice his dissent, not while he was team leader. Especially not when he knew Carol had concerns of her own about the subject. He had to be strong for everyone else. Troubles just piled up. Like Creel. What had he been doing? Chances are it would come out in the ensuing days after the man reformed. And chances were it was something inane, like he was bored. Steve and Zatanna lapsed into silence as they waited for the government officials to climb out of their vehicles. They all knew their part in this song and dance and it went smoothly. Creel was passed over and vanished into one of the vehicles. Steve made sure they knew Creel's powers and they went on their way. The two watched the vehicles move off. The reporters lingered, waiting to see if there was anything else to film. "So." Zatanna said as the cars rounded the corner. "Still hungry?" Steve's traitorous stomach at that point chose to rumble and voice it's agreement. He had to chuckle. "[color=7ea7d8]What are the chances they held our food?[/color]" "Lets go find out." Zatanna practically beamed as they headed back to the restaurant. [right]Elsewhere in the world[/right] The room was dark. The only source of illumination was weak and flickering, a small TV set. On it was live footage showing Captain America and Zatanna smile at each other then walk off. The TV clicked off with a soft sound, plunging the room into darkness. An ominous chuckle sounded before a chair creaked. Nothing was visible in the darkness, but that apparently didn't impede the occupant. There was another sound then, "Is it ready?" No reply was audible. Yet the answer must have been an affirmative because there was a murmured "Good" and another click.