[b]Beryl Harken- B- Crazy Old Guy With Knives[/b] Has this been some other baddie in need of a thrashing Beryl would have been fine with the banter that normally accompanied such an encounter. In this particular instance though she had the seeking suspicion that she would live longer the less she engaged with him. As such she said nothing. Besides she was a liiiitle weirded out by the fact that he had just shrugged off enough electricity to put a fully grown thug on the ground. All this seventy something old guy showed was some hand cramps. Aura or not, that was just plain abnormal. She acted before he could move into knife range. Spinning low with [i]Stream[/i] extended and scrapping the ground she activated the second dust charge in the weapon. Ice spread out from where the blades hit the wet ground, turning the layer of water into one of ice. Then just for good measure she continued to spin as she rose. The move sending her blade on a course to swing around and impact with Demetrius' side. If he used his knife to block it would simply whip around and hit the arm holding the knife. Maybe even wrap around the man himself, considering how close he was and the length of her weapon.