[@Exit]AH! I'm glad you like it! My heart is all a'flutter right now! Seeing everyone slowly meandering back into the RP. I love how your calling it Season 2 Exit. Brilliant! We should totally add that to the title. The Day the Earth Fell: Season 2, or whatever. lol something clever. haha Btw your status, is the most adorable sweetest thing man. Thats EXACTLY how im feeling right now too. It's like coming back home from war to see your family whom you havent seen in years. This is such a euphoric feeling. So many ideas are running through my brain its crazy. I don't think ive ever been this excited to jump into an RP. But this feels...natural. Like we were meant to continue this story. Its so deep and rich. Theres so much more that needs to be explored in this massive world we have all helped to shape. Rose brought the concept, but we all helped mold it into what it is. Thats what makes this so beautiful. We all contributed. But I definitely agree. I'm incredibly excited to see some new faces in here to bring fresh ideas. __________________________________________________________ Now on a more serious note. As Rose has stated and Exit reiterated, trading will become an important aspect of Season 2. A political turn in the story for sure. Also, I love the idea of other cities having formed, but VERY SPREAD OUT. FEW and FAR Between. However, the idea that there are several very small communities in between these large ones(like the small community of half-dead) is a brilliant way to integrate other aspects into the storyline. The possibilities are endless. I'm sure with trading, comes betrayel, stealing, deciet, greed, etc. Now, in regard to the Woman that is with Cypher. Did he have her killed? Or was that the first woman he captured when Cypher was first introduced interrogating her? And your new trader character sounds very intriguing already. I imagine he's a bit cunning and sly and mischievous and crookedly charming as well. I still havent thought of what kind of new character im gonna create yet tho. I'm definitely leaning towards a type of character who is exact opposite of Sun. Not entirely sure tho. I'm gonna make a recap list what has happened to the characters that we know of so far. And I'm also gonna update the OOC and Character Sheet and send it to you guys again once its complete.