[quote=@Metronome] Sasha was just a plain, boring human. Just a really big one. I think his face claim was Kevin Durand. And I may or may not make a new character. I kinda want to, but I don't have any fresh ideas right now. And I'm also toying with Isam stepping into a leader role again. My idea is that the section of PL that housed his people is getting a little too crowded. The vast majority of them still don't speak English, mostly due to them not doing much intermixing with the others, so they feel as though they are a separate community of their own. As the threat of starvation and disease slowly backs off, babies start being had, and the Arab migrants feel as though it's time to go out and make their own little civilization. Since Isam was their leader last time, it's only natural that his name would come up on the leader ballot, whether he likes it or not. [/quote] Nothing wrong with being a plain boring big human. Sasha will definitely be useful I'm sure. And you don't have to make a new character. No pressure. I'm sure an idea will come to you if u do decide to make a new one. Also perhaps during the 5 year skip, Isam became a leader again, survived the battle, and he and the Arab's formed their own small community outside(but near) PL. And maybe Isam is the leader of that small community. So eventhough he and the Arabs no longer reside in PL, they still have relations with them. I can imagine Isam going to Ravenia when he is in need of help and vice versa. Aiding eachother since they are still on good terms. Just an idea though. But it could be interesting. You could even have a name for Isam's small community/village. Also, I should think of a name for the Half-Dead community. Any ideas people? Also, what name did u have for the third group? was there one? I think i already asked this, but I dont remember seeing ur answer if u did answer it. lol